III . Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова и выражения: — КиберПедия 

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III . Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова и выражения:

2019-12-27 392
III . Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова и выражения: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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enforce laws; separate and distinct; to ensure fairness and equal justice; the guardians of the Constitution; a federal judge; legislative, executive and judicial; rights and liberties; to resolve disputes; judicial independence; for life; makes laws


1. There are three … branches of the federal government: ….

2. The federal courts are … because their rulings protect … guaranteed by the Constitution.

3. The federal courts interpret and apply the law ….

4. The Congress …, the President and the executive branch departments and agencies ….

5. An independent federal judiciary is essential … for all citizens of the United States.

6. The US Constitution promotes … in two major ways.

7. Nobody can reduce the salary of … during his continuance in office.

8. Federal judges are appointed ….

IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

1. статья III Конституции Соединенных Штатов

2. судебная власть

3. законодательная власть

4. исполнительная власть

5. гарант Конституции

6.федеральный суд

7. защищать права и свободы

8. с помощью справедливых и беспристрастных решений

9. интерпретировать и применять законы

10. структуры и подразделения исполнительной власти

11. обеспечить справедливость и равное правосудие

12. обеспечить независимость судопроизводства

13. отцы-основатели американской нации

14. назначать пожизненно

15. снять с должности

16. уменьшить заработную плату

17. принять решение по делу

18. независимо от общественного мнения и политического давления


V. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова и выражения:

1. There, three, are, legislative, branches, federal, the, government, of, executive, judicial, and.

2. Federal, the, courts, the, guardians, the Constitution, are, of.

3. Protect, liberties, the federal courts, the rulings, rights, and, guaranteed by the Constitution, of.

4. Through, and, impartial, the federal courts, judgments, fair, interpret, apply, and, the law.

5. The courts, to enforce, do not, the power, have, the laws.

6. Тhe President, enforce, departments, the laws, and, the, branch, and, agencies, executive.

7. The US Constitution, independence, judicial, promotes, in two major ways.


VI. Найдите в тексте “А” и переведите на русский язык глаголы в форме 3л.ед.ч. в Present Simple.


VII. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы, данные в скобках:

1. The US Constitution … (to establish) the judicial branch as one of the three separate and distinct branches of the federal government.

2. The rulings of the federal courts … (to protect) rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution.

3. The federal courts … (to interpret) and … (to apply) the law through fair and impartial judgments.

4. The Congress … (to make) the laws, and the President and the executive branch departments and agencies … (to have) the power to enforce the laws.

5. An independent federal judiciary … (to ensure) fairness and equal justice for all citizens of the United States.

6. The US Constitution … (to promote) judicial independence in two major ways.

7. The US Constitution … (to provide) that neither the President nor the Congress can reduce the salary of a federal judge during his continuance in office.

8. The society … (to remove) a federal judge from office only through impeachment and conviction by Congress of “Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and Misdemeanors.”

9. The judicial independence … (to help) to decide cases free from popular passions and political influence.


VIII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What are the branches of the federal government?

2. How does Article III of the US Constitution establish the judicial branch of the federal government?

3. Why are the federal courts the guardians of the US Constitution?

4. What are the functions of the federal courts in the USA?

5. Do the federal courts have the power to enforce the laws?

6. Did the Founding Fathers of the American nation consider an independent federal judiciary essential to ensure fairness and equal justice for all citizens of the United States?

7. How does the US Constitution promote judicial independence?

8. Can the society remove a federal judge from office?

9. Who can reduce the salary of a federal judge during his continuance in office?


IX. Подготовьте пересказ текста “А” на английском языке.

X. Прочтите и переведите текст “В”.

Text B

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