From Russian Planetarium Asscoiation (30.06.2012) — КиберПедия 

Механическое удерживание земляных масс: Механическое удерживание земляных масс на склоне обеспечивают контрфорсными сооружениями различных конструкций...

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From Russian Planetarium Asscoiation (30.06.2012)

2019-12-27 104
From Russian Planetarium Asscoiation (30.06.2012) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Weather conditions favored observing Venus transit over the solar disk at about half of Russian planetariums.

Yaroslavl.   Theinternationalconference “Planetarium of the 21st century” has been held on April 6-7 at the Tereshkova Center for Culture and Education.  The conference was dedicated to the first year of operation of the center which includes planetarium,  museum,  and observatory. Over 100 conference attendees included planetarians from Russia,  Ukraine,  Kazakhstan,  and Germany,  as well as honored guests such as Academician Anatoly M.  Cherepashchuk,  Director of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University and RPA President; Sigmund Jahn,  German pilot-cosmonaut;  Thomas Kraupe,  IPS President-Elect;  Wilfried Lang,   Vice President of “Carl Zeiss” company; et al.

The major part of the conference schedule has been devoted to the concept of modern planetarium including overview of Russian and worldwide activities,  architecture and technological features of planetarium design and construction.  “Carl Zeiss” company demonstrated the capabilities of modern projection equipment and some fulldome media.

The conference adopted a resolution on the development of planetarium network in Russia in order to support growing up new intellectual generation capable of promote progress of the country and mankind.

Moscow. Vladimir Putin,  the President of the Russian Federation,  visited Big Moscow Planetarium on April 12 together with Sergey Sobyanin,  the Mayor of Moscow,  Dmitry Rogozin,  the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation,  and Vladimir Popovkin,  the Head of ROSKOSMOS.  They saw showpieces of the exhibition and the show “Under the Planetarium Stellar Heaven.”  V.Putin presented awards to a few veteran cosmonauts.  D. Rogozin emphasized the of constructing planetariums in other large Russian cities.  For details,   visit

New digital fulldome equipment of the Planetarium of Cultural Center of the Russian Army has been presented to public on June 9 beforehand the official opening (June 20) of the Year of Germany in Russia 2012/2013 held under the motto “Germany and Russia:  Building the Future Together.”  Hence,  “Carl Zeiss” in cooperation with “Svensons – Design Company” (Moscow) made technological upgrade of this planetarium where annual schools of planetarium lecturers are traditionally organized.  The presentation has been attended by a number of Moscow scientists participated in the traditional “Science Tribune” lecture cycle,  regular visitors,  and pupils of the Nakhimov Marine School (St.Petersburg).  Now the techniques for efficient use of the new capabilities will be developed.

  Nizhny Novgorod. The final run of “Znatoki+” contest has been held at Nizhny Novgorod Planetarium on April 3-4. Winners among the best fifth- and nineth/tenth-form schoolchildren teams from regional and city districts were determined. In total, over 124 such teams (over 1200 children and 167 teachers) from Nizhny Novgorod and nearby towns Bor,  Dzerzhinsk, and Kstovo participated in different stages of the contest since November,  2011. The contest has been held since November,  2011.  Knowledge of natural sciences such as physics,  astronomy,   chemistry,  and biology demonstrated by team members has been monitored and evaluated by strict and competent jury comprising school teachers in physics and,  supervisors from local-district administrations for education,  and educators from the Chair for Natural Sciences of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute For the Development of Education.

  An extended program has been offered to public at Nizhny Novgorod Planetarium on April 12,  the International Day of Human Space Flight.  Victor D.Blagov,  Head of Flight Control Department of the S.P.Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation «Energia» (Moscow),  delivered a talk on the current status of the field and prospects of space exploration for veterans of Baikonur launch site.  The guest participated in the jury of a blitz quiz delivered in the Big Dome and participate by teams from Nizny Novgorod lyceum No. 87 and school No. 70,  Nizhny Novgorod Medical College,  School No. 8 of Bor town,  and retired people from “Friendship” Club.  The team members were to quickly answer quite difficult questions having only 1 minute to find each answer. As a result,  “Friendship” proved to be the best.

Novokuznetsk.  A conference devoted to the International Day of Human Space Flight has been held at the Novokuznetsk Planetarium on April 12.  A contest for secondary-school children has been organized within the framework of the conference.

    Pyatigorsk.   Pyatigorsk Planetarium at this Northern Caucasus city has been closed for 22 years.  Mrs. Anna Platonova,  a venturer,  purchased the building for a café and decided to reopen planetarium.  She has got a 5-projector fulldome facility by “Planeta” company (St.-Petersburg) and a few fulldome shows.

  Welcome to the new RPA website



        Н О В О С Т И ИЗ Д А Л Ь Н Е Г О З А Р У Б Е Ж Ь Я


  Зарубежные коллеги съезжаются на конференцию Международного общества Планетариев в Баттон Руж, Луизиана, США, которую принимает Юго-Восточная ассоциация планетариев 21-22 июля. Ожидаются до 620 участников. Никого из АПР или «Содружества» там не ожидается, к сожалению. 

  Знакомим вас с календарем событий в планетарском сообществе на 2012-2014 гг. Он открыт для дополнений и в упомянутых конференциях вы можете принять участие при желании. 

Planetarians’ Calender of Events



    11-15 July.  ESOF 2012,  Euroscience Open Forum,  Dublin city of science 2012,

  21-22 July.  Southeastern Planetarium Association (SEPA),  2012 conference,  Baton Rouge,   Louisiana,  USA.

  21 July,  International Planetarium Society Council Meeting,  Baton Rouge,  Louisiana.

  22-26 July.  21st International Planetarium Society Conference, Irene Pennington Planetarium,  Baton Rouge,  Louisiana,  USA  IPS conference will U-Stream the opening ceremony,  keynote speaker,  business meeting,  and paper sessions each day.

  27-28 July.  DomeFest,  Baton Rouge,  Louisiana,  USA.

  4-8 August.  Communicating Science:  A National Conference on Education and Public Outreach,  annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific,  Hilton Hotel,  Tucson,   Arizona,  USA. Contact:  Andrew Fraknoi,  [email protected]  

  6-10 August.  Spitz Summer Institute,  Spitz,  Inc.  Chadds Ford (near Philadelphia),   Pennsylvania,  USA,  annual event focusing on planetarium education.  Includes instruction in Starry Night real time software,  curriculum and live lessons/teaching with SciDome digital planetariums.  Beginner,  intermediate and advanced sessions.

  7-9 August.  Live Interactive Planetarium Symposium,  University of Notre Dame's,  Jordan Hall of Science and Digital Visualization Theater,  Notre Dame,  Indiana,  USA. Contact:  Keith Davis,  Director the Digital Visualization Theater. [email protected],  or call at (574) 631-3952,
  31 August.  Deadline for the applicants of "An experience in Italy for a French Speaking Planetarium Operator",  in collaboration with APLF.

   7-8 September.  British Association of Planetaria (BAP),  annual meeting,  National Space Centre,  Leicester,  United Kigdom.  Contact: Dr Jenny Shipway,  [email protected];

  15 September.  Deadline for the applicants of "A Week in Italy for an American Planetarium Operator",  in collaboration with IPS Portable Planetarium Committee.

  18-20 September.  Giant Screen Cinema Association (GSCA),  International Conference and Trade Show,  Esquire IMAX Theatre,  Sacramento,  California,  USA.

  21 September.  Dome Day,  The Tech Museum,  San Jose,  California,  USA.

  2-5 October.  Workshop in Immersive Cinema (WIC),  Espinho,  Portugal.

Organization Navegar Foundation.  Contact:  Lina Canas,  [email protected]

  5-7 October.  Immersive Film Festival (IFF),  Espinho,  Portugal.

Organization Navegar Foundation.  Contact:  Lina Canas,  [email protected]

 13-16 October.  Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC),  “Advancing the field of informal science education”,  Annual Conference,  COSI,  Center of Science and Industry,  Columbus,  Ohio,  USA.

  24-27 October.  Great Lakes Planetarium Association (GLPA),  Annual conference,  North Hills High School Planetarium,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania,  USA.  Contact:  Susan Batson. 

  13 November.  Total solar eclipse (n Australia, s Pacific).


  17 March.  International Day of Planetaria.

April.  Italian Association of Planetaria (PLANIT),  XXVIII National Conference,  Italy,  and 3rd Full-Dome Italian Festival.  During the conference Skype session for planetarians from other countries.  Contact:  [email protected]

  10 May. Annular solar eclipse (n Australia,  Solomon is,  c Pacific).

  6-8 September.  Nordic Planetarium Association Biennial Conference,  AHHAA Science Center,  Tartu,  Estonia.  Conference language English.  Contact:  Margus Aru,   [email protected]

  16-19 October.  Great Lakes Planetarium Association (GLPA),  Annual conference,  Peoria Riverfront Museum,  Peoria,  Illinois,  USA.  Contact:  Sheldon Shafer. 

  19-22 October.  Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) Annual Conference,   Explora,  NM Museum of Natural History & Science,  National Museum of Nuclear Science & History,  Albuquerque,  New Mexico,  USA.

  3 November.  Hybrid solar eclipse (Atlantic,  c Africa).


    16-20 March.  Science Center World Summit,  Technopolis,  Mechelen and Brussels,  Belgium.  Partners:  Technopolis,  Flemish science center,  Mechelen,  Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences,  Brussels.

  31 March.  Deadline for application for scholarship funds (IPS support Beijing Conference attendance by individuals).

  29 April.  Annular solar eclipse (Antarctica).

  June.  International Planetarium Society Council Meeting,  Beijing,  China.

  23-27 June.  22nd International Planetarium Society Conference,  Beijing Planetarium, China.,  contact mail Dr. Zhu Jin,   [email protected]

  18-21 October.  Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) Annual Conference,  North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences,  Raleigh,  North Carolina,  USA.


     П О С Л А Н И Е В О В С Е Л Е Н Н У Ю                                              

Астроном по небу шарит,                                                      Черной Дыре

Вороша кромешный мрак.

Кто там карты мне мешает?

Может,  черная дыра?

            Безразмерная утроба, 

            Мир,  закрытый на учет, 

         Или ты - мусорпровод, 

          Для вселенских нечистот?

                           Ты – распахнутая настежь

                           Всё глотающая пасть.

                           Нет опаснее напасти

                              В этой пропасти пропасть!

                                          Даже свет и тот не в силах

                                          Из неволи улизнуть,

                                          И самой невыносимо:

                                          Никому не подмигнуть.

                                                         Ты скажи,  о чем тоскуешь, 

                                                         Коротая вечера, 

                                                        Для чего ты существуешь

Просим угадать автора.                   И куда ведёшь,  Дыра?                              




Редколлегия выражает благодарность Н.Павловой (Барнаул) и Е.А.Луговской (Новосибирск) за содержательные статьи, а также Ю.Иващенко (Астрахань),                                                  А.Икуртинова (Пятигорск),  И.Масленкова (Ульяновск) и В.В.Чумакова (Ижевск)

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