What types of crime are described in these situations? — КиберПедия 

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What types of crime are described in these situations?

2020-02-15 472
What types of crime are described in these situations? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. He threatened to send the love letters to her husband unless she gave him £500.

2. The telephone box had been smashed and there was graffiti all over the walls.

3. An old man has been attacked and robbed in a city street. Now he is recovering in hospital.

4. Department stores lose millions of pounds each year through goods being stolen off the shelves.

5. Thieves broke into the house while the family was away on holiday.

6. The young woman was sexually attacked as she walked across the dark park late at night.

7. He watched with satisfaction as the fire he lit burnt down the factory. “That’ll make them wish they’d never given me the sack (увольнять с работы),” he thought.

8. It was a perfect copy. It was so good, in fact, that it could even fool an expert.

9. The bank believed her to be trustworthy. They had no reason to suspect that she had transferred thousands of pounds to false accounts.

10. “If you want to see your child again, put £50,000 in an old suitcase and wait for further instructions.

11. George gave the man £50 in return for a small packet of heroin.[ʹhero(u)in]

12. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and people were sitting outside the café enjoying the sunshine. Then the bomb went off.

13. “If only I hadn’t brought these watches through customs,” she thought as she sat crying in the police station.


1. A gang took a rich man’s son and asked the family for money.

2. She went to her ex-husband’s house and shot him dead.

3. A passenger on a flight made the pilot land in a desert.

4. After the party the man made the woman have sex against her will.

5. We came home from holiday and found that our TV had gone.

6. Someone tried to sell me some marijuana [͵ma:riʹ(h)wa:nə] during a concert.

7. When the border police searched his car, it was full of cigarettes.

8. Someone threw paint on the statue in the park

9. He said he’d send photos to a newspaper if the actress didn’t pay him a lot of money.

10. An armed man walked into a bank and shouted, “Hands up!”

11. A man transferred company money into his own bank account.

12. A builder offered a mayor (мэр) a free flat in return for a favour.

13. Two men left a bomb in the supermarket car park.

14. Someone stole my car last night from outside my house.

15. A man held out a knife and made me give him my wallet.


Complete 1-9 in the dialogue using these phrases.

would be enough              prison sentence                  I think it’s

do you think would be      I’m not sure                       does it mean

much more serious            don’t you                          first offence


Ted You see this word “fraud”? What (1) ……?

Sally (2) …… getting money illegally.

Ted Actually, I think robbery’s a very serious crime, (3) ……?

Sally (4) ……. Surely fraud is (5) …… than robbery.

Ted Well, what (6) …… a suitable punishment for robbery?

Sally Perhaps a long (7) ……..

Ted Don’t you think a short one (8) ……?

Sally Well, maybe for the …….


Use one of the words in the correct form to complete these sentences.

Sentence theft offence robbery  witness   to rob  to mug  punishment offender   to steal burglary


1. The …… he received was for five years.

2. The police say they have found a …… to the crime.

3. Community service is believed to be the most suitable …… for young ……

who have committed minor …….

4. The bank …… took place at 1 o’clock in the afternoon.

5. Someone …… Mark in the street. His watch and wallet were …….

6. The man was charged with the …… of a valuable painting.

7. Someone …… my bike last week. Since then I’ve had to walk to school.

8. While we were on holiday, there was a …… at the house next door.

9. When the thieves …… the jewellery shop, they …… over £50,000.

Use one of these words to complete the paragraph.

Sentence criminal offence judge suspect jury arrest ransom kidnapping reward trial


There are many different kinds of crimes. (1) ……, taking somebody away and demanding a (2) …… for their return, is a particularly serious (3) ……. The police often offer a (4) ……, which is sometimes quite a substantial sum of money, for information leading to the (5) …… of a (6) ……. It is not always easy for a (7) …… to decide whether a (8) …… is guilty or not. The (9) …… of a suspect often takes days, or even weeks. Having decided on their verdict, the jury do not, however, have to decide how long a (10) ….. to give. That is the job of a (11) …….


8. Fill in the table. Put a tick √ in the column which shows what kind of object can follow the verb. It may be possible to tick more than one column.

verb Direct object possible things people buildings vehicles
steal ü ü     ü
Break in          
Break into          

Which words and phrases can you use to complete these sentences?

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