To discuss – to have discussed — КиберПедия 

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To discuss – to have discussed

2020-01-13 133
To discuss – to have discussed 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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to discuss; to occupy; to take; to base; to examine; to announce; to carry out; to complete; to maintain; to devote; to engage in; to display; to appropriate; to support; to formulate a plan of study; to provide; to re-examine; to mention; to suggest; to recount; to point; to clarify.



Exercise 5. Complete the box.




Simple Continuous Prefect


1. is being explained;                         1. is being derived from;

2. is explained;                                   2. is derived from;

3. was explained;                               3. was derived from;

4. was being explained;                     4. was being derived;

5. had been explained;                       5. had been derived;

6. will have been explained;               6. will have been derived;

7. will be explained;                            7. will be derived;

8. have been explained;                      8. have been derived;


Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences.

Active: They speak much about his thesis (Они много говорят о его диссертации.)

Passive: His thesis is much spoken about. (О его диссертации много говорят.)

1. He wrote the article. The article was written by him.2. He listened to the lecture

 with great interest. The lecture was listened to with great interest. 3. They will look through the analysis of the experiment tomorrow. The analysis of the experiment will be looked through tomorrow. 4. The information on the subject will be provided to the readers. The readers will be provided with the information on the subject. 5. The present book aims at the investigation of modern science. The present book is aimed at the investigation of modern science.

Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences.

1. The work must be finished on time. 2.The conventional approach to this problem

is based on the conception of Danilov. 3. This method can be applied to the study of history. 3. Much has been said and written about her last research. 4. Much has been done in the field of philology but undoubtedly much still remains to be done in it. 5. Whom was this thesis written by? 6. Despite vast literature, this problem has never been studied from this point of view.

Exercise 8. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. The questions (to settle) as soon as the conference began. 2. Your report must (to

divide) into two chapters. 3. Soon he (to send) to a conference. 4. The book (to discuss) at the next conference. 5. The book (to become) a standard work in the field of philosophy. 6. Yesterday he (to tell) to prepare a speech. 7. The article (to publish) last week. 8. The lectures (to attend) by all of us. 9. The young man (to introduce) to me only a couple of hours ago, but it seems to me that I’ve known him for years. 10. The rule explained by the teacher at the lesson (to understand) by all of us.


Exercise 9. Translate from Russian into English.

(A) 1.Проводится эксперимент. Не входите в лабораторию. 2. Студентов

экзаменуют два раза в год. 3. Статью аспиранта Петрова напечатали вчера. 4. Научную статью профессора уже напечатали. 5. Статью напечатали вчера. 6. Статью печатали вчера в это время. 7. План эксперимента напишут завтра. 8. Заявку на конференцию отправят завтра к 7 часам. 

(B) 1. Когда была разработана дидактическая теория развивающего обучения

Л.В. Занкова? – Дидактическая система развивающего обучения Л.В. Занкова была разработана во второй половине прошлого века. 2. Дидактическую систему Л.В. Занкова разрабатывали, когда я пошел в школу. 3.Дидактическую систему Л.В. Занкова уже разработали, когда я учился в школе. 4. Будет ли разработана новая теория развивающего обучения в ближайшем будущем? 5. Система Эльконина-Давыдова была разработана параллельно с системой Л.В. Занкова. 6. Ряд теорий развивающего обучения разработан за последнее время. 7. Ежегодно в России проводится конкурс «Учитель года».

      (С) 1. Все авторефераты отправлены? – Нет еще, часть авторефератов отправят позже. 2. Три страницы заключения диссертации напечатаны. Последние страницы печатают. Их напечатают минут через двадцать. 3.На эту монографию сейчас большой спрос. Но если вы хотите ее прочитать, идите в научную библиотеку. Она сейчас туда поступила. 4. Не входите на кафедру. Сейчас обсуждают диссертацию Петрова. Обсуждение идет уже 30 минут. 5. Что происходит на кафедре? – Там рассматривают итоги исследовательской работы аспирантов. Их обсуждают уже час.

Practice your speech.

Now use the interviews at the beginning of Part 2 as an example and try to answer the same questions about your research:

1. In what sphere do your scientific interests lie? In what field do you do your research?

2. What is the subject of your research (study)? What is the theme of your scientific paper? What subject is (will be) your paper devoted to?

3. What range of theoretical and experimental problems do you plan to cover? What theoretical and practical aspects of your subject will you focus on?

4. What is (are) the theoretical basis (grounds) for your research?

5. What are the general ideas your study rests on?

6. Can you say some words about the purpose (aim) of your research (study, scientific work)?

7. What problems are you going to consider? What questions (points, problems) do you plan (think, suppose, want) to consider in your paper? What main problems (issues) does your study (work) deal with? What main problems (issues) is your research concerned with?

8. What books (sources of information, articles, papers) have you already learnt (got acquainted with)?

    9. Are you going to deal with both theoretical and experimental problems?Do you use experiments in your study? Do you do experimental work?Have you done the experimental work?

  10. What has already been achieved (done) in your domain?What are the most notable recent achievements and discoveries?

11.   What still remains not clear? What requires further investigation?What problems still remains (unresolved, vague, obscure)?

12. Is your research work interdisciplinary?

13. What recent data do you use in your paper?

14. What methods do you plan to use in your work?

15. What will be the contribution of your study to your sphere of knowledge? What is the practical importance of your study?

16. Can you briefly outline me structure of your future paper?

17. Can you briefly review the state of affairs in your scientific sphere (area)?

18. What can you say about the current state of things in your field? What are the most recent developments in your field?

19. Who are the leading specialists in your scientific field? What countries are they from?

20. Who is your scientific supervisor? What is she (he) famous for?

21. Are you a post-graduate (research) student? Do you take post-graduate courses? Are you just a competitor for a candidate degree?

22. What in your study is of special interest for you?

23. What are the basic principles of your research work?

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