Nina Petrova, a researcher from Tula, Russia: — КиберПедия 

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Nina Petrova, a researcher from Tula, Russia:

2020-01-13 193
Nina Petrova, a researcher from Tula, Russia: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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My scientific interests lie in the sphere of economics. Economics is a science in which there are many points of view on the same problem. In my scientific research I try to find solutions to the problems which interest many economists of the world.

Russia is a specific country, the development of the economy of our country goes in its own way. The last few decades have witnessed an increase of importance of economy. That’s why I do research in the theoretical problems of innovative structure in Russian economy.

Nowadays, this field of study has not been enough researched.

There is much interest in the problem of innovation in Russian economy today due to the importance of economic life for our country.

The sphere of my research covers not only theoretical problems of development in Russia’s economy, but I also plan to examine the role of emerging market in general historical development.

       My research is based on the concepts of Bell, Shummiter, Toffer, and other conduct researchers in technological innovations.

       The subject of my paper is “Management of technological innovations at the enterprises of Russia”.

       The problem of innovation is interesting from many points of view so the tasks of our paper are:

- to give the economic appreciation of the Tula region;

- to give proofs of the conception of innovation usage.

I am going to deal with both theoretical and experimental problems. I have just obtained

some original experimental results. I hope they will help me to make final conclusions.

The structure of my thesis includes introduction, three chapters, list of used literature and appendix.

In the introduction the scientific apparatus will be presented.

In chapter one I examine the problems of management of technological innovations in different countries of the world. In this part of the work I pay a lot of attention to the historical aspects.

Chapter two gives a general survey of the economic situation in the world on the problem of transformation of economic systems by technological innovation.

Now it is necessary to conduct economic, sociological and other research. It is necessary to find the way out of the present economic situation and economic crisis.

So, chapter three will describe our experimental work.

The aim of our study is the development of complex management system while using technological innovations.

Scientific novelty of the work consists in the development of original decisions in the national economy.

The subject of our work is the effective management of scientific and technical organization of industry in the sphere of market economy.

The object of our paper is scientific and technical improvements of industry and innovation process.

I hope my investigation will make a contribution to the development of our economy and industry.

    My scientific supervisor is Dr. Pereversev. He is Doctor of Economics. He researches the problems of investment, financial management, etc. in this part of the world. He is a qualified expert in this field.

Practice your vocabulary.

Exercise 1. Find the Russian equivalents for the following English words and word combinations.

To be ready; participants; conference hall; to be interviewed; youth journal; in the sphere of Jurisprudence; the subject of the study; to be connected with; the topic of a scientific paper; would-be thesis; a wide range of problems; the correlation between; to focus on some theoretical aspects of; the aim of the work; the theoretical basis for; to investigate the existing theoretical and practical approaches to; it is impossible to disregard the fact; the main issue my study deals with; to be deeply convinced.

Exercise 2. Find the English equivalents for the following Russian words and word combinations.

Источники информации; принять участие в научной конференции; список использованной литературы; широкий спектр источников; проводить эксперименты в тюрьмах для подростков; содержать подробный отчет о результатах экспериментов; механизм влияния; наиболее заметное последнее достижение; может объяснить многие вещи; дальнейшее исследование; делать выводы; специальные меры, чтобы предотвратить; последние данные.

Exercise 3. Find synonyms of the following words and word combinations.

Sphere; problems; to complete; study (n.); the most important; results; not clear; further research; to be grounded in/on; the theoretical grounds for; practical contribution; in short; dealing with this serious problem; well-known for; research student; scientific papers; to have consultation with the scientific supervisor; to be especially interesting; quite necessary; effort; in other words.

Exercise 4. Find antonyms of the following words and word combinations.

Altogether; enter a university; the exact topic; with difficulty; earlier; exclude; displeasure; on weekdays; discourage; in conclusion; to be bad at something; by day; decrease (reduction), unimportance (insignificance), traditional (customary), theoretical.

Exercise 5. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

1. He studies … the faculty … marketing and commerce. 2. She is interested … the scientific research work. 3. As … me, I am full … ideas and very happy to have all … the necessary facilities … scientific work. 4. We have a lot … material to make generalization …. 5. She works … assistant lecturer. 6. He continues to work … his dissertation. 7. My thesis will consist … two chapters. 8. His paper will include … many tables, diagrams, and schemes. 9. I deeply believe … scientific values and I am quite sure that economic research can benefit … our nation. 10. I completed my schooling … a law degree. 11. … weekends I read lectures … a Law school and do my postdoctoral research … patent law. 12. He supervises … some undergraduate law students. 13. I feel that it is important to focus … science … its own sake while working …my PhD. 14. I excelled … mathematics … an undergraduate … Florida University. 15. My goals were to use math … a practical way, to work … the real world, and to earn … a good income.

Exercise 6. Fill in articles where necessary.

1. I was planning … career in … civil engineering when my … calculus professor took me aside. 2. As … result, I was offered … job by … National Council on … Compensation Insurance. 3. At … same time, I am approaching … end of my … studies. 4. …Company gives me … 120 hours, … rest I do at … night and on … weekends. 5. …Aim of my work is to investigate … theoretical and practical approaches to … process of … teachers’ professional activity from … psychological point of … view. 6. I do … postgraduate studies and at … same time I work at … college combining my work with … research. 7. One of … objectives is attracting more young scientists to … careers in … science, which is vital for … future of … European research. 8. There is … teamwork on … one hand. There is … competition on … other. 9. … Contest is therefore not merely … competition that marks … completion of … excellent project. 10. He is … born scholar who solves … complicated problems with … ease. 11. I was educated as … biologist, but now I enjoy … rewarding career as … patent attorney specializing in … biotechnology.

Exercise 7. Match the word and its definition.

1) To discuss           a) something important that you succeed in doing by your own efforts;

2) Question             b) to pay special attention to a particular person or thing instead of others;

3) Experimental       c) a sentence or phrase that asks for information;

4) Achievement      d) to talk or write about something in detail and consider different ideas or

                                   opinions about it;

5) Interdisciplinary  e) for a short time, or in as few words as possible;

6) Data                     f) used for, connected with, or resulting from experiments;

7) Contribution        g) including two or more subjects;

8) To focus on          h) the thing that an event, process, or activity is supposed to achieve;

9) Purpose                 i) information or facts;

10) Briefly                 j) something that you give or do in order to help something be



Exercise 8. Match the beginning of the sentence to its ending.     

1) Here are some of the interviews      a) presents a wide variety of sources.                      

2) I am quite sure the nature of social  b) of freedom and self-development as pedagogical

phenomena                                           categories. 

3)What sources of information            c)pedagogical experiment, psychological observation,

                                                                 and some statistical data.

4) The list of used literature                 d) in which young scientists answer the questions about

                                                                   their research.

5) I haven’t yet analyzed the results     e) what freedom is.

6) My paper will be devoted                 f) cannot be understood and explained through

                                                                  biological categories.

7) I am sure freedom can greatly help  g) of my experimental work.

8) I am going to consider the problem  h) have you already got acquainted with?

9) Many specialists tried to understand i) in raising a truly independent and active personality.

10) I use various methods such as        j) to the subject of freedom and how to raise an

                                                                 independent and free personality. 


Practice your grammar.

Exercise 1. Decide what tenses can be used in the following sentences.


1.Он напишет статью завтра. 2.Он напишет статью завтра к 2 часам. 3.Он будет

 писать статью завтра, когда ты придешь. 4.Он будет писать статью завтра уже три часа, когда ты придешь.

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the verb in the correct form.

А) 1. Он будет проводить эксперимент         в следующем году.

                                                                            уже 2 года, когда он обсудит диссертацию.                                                                                         

2. Он будет составлять                               план выступления, когда ты придешь.                                                                                                                                                      

3. Он напишет статью                               к тому времени, когда его научный   

                                                                           руководитель вернется из командировки.


4. Он закончит свое исследование            скоро.

                                                                   в мае 2006 года.

                                                                   к тому времени, когда вернется научный


                                                                   на следующей неделе.

5. Мы будем работать в библиотеке      с 14.ОО до 19.ОО часов.


6. Мы начнем анализ анкет                         через час.

                                                                     когда придет научный руководитель.                                                                                        

7. Мы проведем анализ анкет                       к трем часам дня.


                                                                  завтра к этому времени. 


В) 1. Я буду очень занят (be busy) в начале сентября. Я буду сдавать (take exams)

кандидатские экзамены. 2. Я составлю отчет и выступлю на кафедре. 3. К семи часам я закончу наблюдение и опишу его результаты.4. К 1 декабря будет уже 15 лет, как я работаю в педагогическом университете. 5. Наша лаборатория выполнит (fulfill) план исследовательской работы к 1декабря. 6. Я все еще буду работать над тезисами доклада, когда ты вернешься. 7. Ты составишь библиографию к диссертации к концу января? 8. Через год эксперимент пройдет апробацию.9. Не приходите ко мне в 5 часов. У меня будет консультация у научного руководителя. 10. Что ты будешь делать завтра в это время? – Я буду просматривать (look through) научные журналы. 11. Защита диссертации будет закончена, когда мы приедем в университет. 12. Мы проведем математическую обработку анкет к трем часам, а потом все вместе обсудим полученные результаты. 13. На следующей неделе мы к вам приедем (come to see you) и обсудим проект внедрения исследования в практику работы школы. 14. Когда ты поступишь в аспирантуру, ты будешь изучать английский язык (уже) восемь лет. 15.Он закончит выступление через несколько минут. 16. К 15 мая мы сдадим (pass our credit-tests) все зачеты. 17. Аспиранты сдадут все экзамены к 1 октября. 18. Я напишу проект приказа о зачислении в аспирантуру к тому времени, как закончатся вступительные экзамены.


С) Он закончит диссертацию,        если вы поможете ему провести эксперимент.

                                                                  когда он будет иметь весь материал.

после того, как проведет анализ

 экспериментальной работы.

        до того, как ты вернешься с конференции.


D) 1. Если профессор Бондаренко приедет на конференцию, я покажу ему первую

главу диссертации. 2. Мы обсудим план вашего исследования на ученом совете факультета, когда вернется наш декан. 3. Если вы поедете в Москву в диссертационный зал, я присоединюсь (join) к вам. 4. Она не будет с вами разговаривать до тех пор, пока вы не представите план диссертации. 5. Мы приедем (come on practice) на практику, как только сдадим наши экзамены 6. Профессор Александрова даст вам диссертацию после того, как прочитает ее сама. 7. Мы позвоним вам, когда получим отзыв оппонента на вашу работу. 8. Он выпишет (write out) все новые слова, когда будет переводить этот текст.


Exercise 3. Write the verbs in the way shown.

To attend – to be attended

 to attend; to observe; to find; to have; to go; to write; to take; to do; to make; to read; to leave; to speak; to translate; to study; to collect; to arrange; to consult; to educate; to check; to join; to graduate; to elaborate; to advance; to apply; to base on; to reflect; explain; to support; to accept; to recognize; to know; to analyze; to describe; to show.

Exercise 4. Write verbs in the way shown.

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