Can you say some words about the purpose of your research? — КиберПедия 

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Can you say some words about the purpose of your research?

2020-01-13 133
Can you say some words about the purpose of your research? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The aim of my work is to investigate the theoretical and practical approaches to the process of personality formation in freedom.

   What problems are you going to consider?

I am going to consider the problem of freedom and self-development as pedagogical categories.

   What points do you suppose to consider in your paper?

I’d like to combine philosophical and cultural approaches for systematic basing freedom principles in Pedagogy, to investigate the country’s own culture and various obstacles to learning process which interfere with an individual’s development.

    What main problems does your work deal with?

The main problem my study deals with is the problem of the formation of personality in freedom.

What books (sources of information, articles, and papers) have you already studied?

I have already studied many useful sources of information in my field including some interesting dissertations.

The list of used literature for my own thesis presents a wide variety of sources.

Are you going to deal with both theoretical and experimental problems?

Yes, I am going to deal with both theoretical and experimental problems.

Do you use experiments in your study?

Yes, I do. I use rather many experiments in my study.

   Have you done any experimental work yet?

Yes, I have done some of my experimental work.

The third part of my thesis will present a detailed account of the experimental results.

10. What has already been achieved in your domain?

Many specialists have tried to understand what freedom is. Their conclusions are very helpful for my research. Some scientists have analyzed the process of developing personality. And it is now quite evident that freedom greatly assists in forming an active and successful personality.

What are the most notable recent achievements and discoveries?

The conception written by Dr. Gazman is the most notable recent achievement in my field.

  What still remains not clear?

A lot of things still remain not clear, mainly the notion of “personality formation”. What really forms a person? And can he be formed? It is my task to answer these questions in my thesis.

What problems still remain (unresolved, vague, obscure)?

As I’ve already mentioned, many issues concerned with the subject of my research are still rather vague, for example, the role of obstacles and difficulties in learning process in personal development.

11. Is your research work interdisciplinary?

Yes, it is. My work is interdisciplinary. My work is connected with political science, psychology, cultural studies, and management.

12. What recent data do you use in your paper?

I use a lot of latest data in my research taken from recent articles and theses published in many countries. I try to be as objective as it is only possible.

13. What methods do you plan to use in your work?

I use various methods such as pedagogical experiment, psychological observation, and some statistical data.

14. What will be the contribution of your study to your sphere of knowledge?

The investigation of the theoretical and practical approaches to the process of personality formation is the contribution of my study to Pedagogy.

What is the practical importance of your study?

The practical importance of my study consists in working out new approaches for understanding the process of personality formation.

I’d like to consider freedom and self-development as pedagogical categories.

15. Can you briefly outline the structure of your future paper?

The structure of my thesis includes introduction, three chapters, list of used literature, some diagrams and appendices.

16. Who is your scientific supervisor?

My scientific supervisor is Dr. Ramazan.

What is he famous for?

My supervisor is well-known for his research in the field of education, culture, and political science. He is a famous lecturer who reads lectures all over the world. His scientific papers are published in many countries.

17. Are you a research student?

Yes, I am.

Do you take post-graduate courses?

Yes, I do. I’m a second-year part-time student.

I do postgraduate studies under Dr. Ramazan.

My supervisor is the best specialist in the field of Pedagogy in my country.

He is one of the most interesting interpreters of modern education system.

He is the author of many articles, scientific works, and textbooks for students.

Dr. Ramazan gives lectures at many higher educational establishments all over Uzbekistan, and trains postgraduate students in many towns.

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