Name — that, in fact, magic maybe may be wrought on a man just as easily — КиберПедия 

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Name — that, in fact, magic maybe may be wrought on a man just as easily

2020-01-13 164
Name — that, in fact, magic maybe may be wrought on a man just as easily 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Through his name as through the possession of his hair or nails. Among the

Ancient Celts there was universal believe not only that the name was a part

Of the man, but that it was that part of him which is termed the «soul».

We find the use of these «names of power» extremely common all over

The East, also Australia, Abyssinia, Chile, North America. To return to

Egypt, we find that many Egyptians received two names — the «great» name

And the «little» name, or the «true» name and the «good» name; the latter

Was that made public, but the «true» name was most carefully concealed. A

Good illustration of the power possible to the wielder of the name is found in

The legend of the manner in which Isis succeeded in procuring his secret

Name from Ra.

Isis, weary of the world of mortals, determined to enter that of the Gods,

And to this end made up her mind to worm his secret name from the almighty

Ra. This name was known to no mortal, and no even to any God but himself.

By this name Ra grown old, and, like many others venerable persona, he often

Permitted the saliva to flow from the corners of his mouth. Some of his

Николай Левашов «Россия в кривых зеркалах». Том 1


Fell to the earth, and Isis, mixing it with the soil, kneaded it into the shape of

A serpent, and cunningly laid it in the path traversed by the great god every

Day. Bursting upon the world in his effulgence, and attended by the entire

Pantheon, he was astounded when the serpent, rising from its coil, stung him.

He cried aloud with pain, and, in answer to the agitated questions of his inferior

Divinities, was silent. The poison swiftly overcame him, and a great

Ague seized him.

He called all the gods come that their healing words might make him

Well, and with them came Isis, who cunningly inquired what ailed him. He

Related the incident of the serpent to her, and added that he was suffering the

Greatest agony. «Then», said Isis, «tell me thy name, Divine Father, for the

Man shall live who is called by his name». Ra attempted a compromise by

Stating that he was «Khepera» in the morning, «Ra» at noon, and «Atem» in

The evening; but the poison worked more fearfully within him than before,

And he could no longer walk. Isis conjured him to tell her his name in order

That he might live; so, hid-ing himself from all the other gods, he acquainted

Her with his hidden title.

When it was revealed Isis immediately banished the poison from his

Veins, and he became whole again. The speech of Ra, «I consent that Isis

Shall search into me and that my name shall pass from my breast into

Hears», would seem to show that not only was the power of the god inextricably

Bound up with his real name, but that it was suppose to be lodged in an

Almost physical sense, somewhere in his breast, whence it could be extricated

And transferred with all its supernatural powers to the breast of another.

What Isis was able to do was aspired to by every Egyptian magician,

Who left no stone unturned to accomplish this end. Because the man who

Knows the most great name of God can, by the mere utterance of it, kill the

Living, raise the dead, and perform most marvelous miracles». 95

«Одно из самых удивительных явлений в магии (волшебстве) Егип -

Та относится к, так называемому, понятию сакрального имени (точ -

Нее, власти над человеком, которую даёт знание сакрального или ис -

Тинного имени этого человека) или, по другому, понятие «власти име -

Ни». Древние верили, что существует непосредственная связь между

Человеком и его сакральным (истинным) именем, в то, что, фактиче -

Ски, магическое воздействие на конкретного человека может быть

Произведено через посредство его сакрального имени так же, как и че -

95 «The Myth of Ancient Egypt» by Lewis Spence. George G. Harrap&CO.LTD. London 1915.

Николай Левашов «Россия в кривых зеркалах». Том 1


Рез его волосы или ногти (генетический код). Среди древних кельтов

Существовало поверие, что сакральное имя имеет прямую связь не

Только с самим человеком, но является и частью его души.

Подобные представления о сакральном имени были широко распро -

Странены на Востоке, а также в Австралии, Абиссинии, Чили и в Се -

Верной Америке. Исследование египетских папирусов показали, что

Многие египтяне имели по два имени — одно «большое» имя и одно

«маленькое» или имя «истинное» и имя «хорошее»; первое предназна -

Чалось для публичного «пользования», в то время как «истинное» имя

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