National/cultural/social etc. identity — КиберПедия 

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National/cultural/social etc. identity

2019-12-19 113
National/cultural/social etc. identity 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Unit 1.1


  Achieve (v.) – 1. to successfully complete something or get a good result, especially by working hard. 2. to be successful in a particular kind of job or activity.

Attend (v.)- 1. to go to an event such as a meeting or a class. well-attended - 2. Pay attention to

Credentials (n.)- 1. someone’s education, achievements, experience etc. that prove they have the ability to do something. credentials for/as- 2. a letter or other document which proves your good character or your right to have a particular position.-

  Distribution (n.)- the act of sharing things among a large group of people in a planned way. language/population/resources distribution; distribution of -

Facilitate (v.) – to make it easier for a process or activity to happen.

Identity (n.) - 1. someone’s identity is their name or who they are.

National/cultural/social etc. identity

Somebody’s real/true identity

find out/discover somebody’s identity

Hide/conceal somebody’s identity

Identity card/papers/documents

Language (n.)- a system of communication by written or spoken words, which is used by the people of a particular country or area.

Language of-

Legal/medical/technical etc.

Spoken/written language

Ordinary/ everyday language

Literary/poetic language

Speak a language-

use a language-.

Learn a language-

master a language (=succeed in learning a language well)

the English/Japanese/Spanish etc. language-.

somebody’s first/native language (=the language someone first learned as a child)-

a second language (=a language you speak that is not your first language)-

modern languages (=languages that are spoken now)-

a dead language (=a language that is no longer spoken)-

an official language (=the language used for official business in a country)-

a common language (=a language that more than one person or group speaks, so that they can understand each other) –

an appealing language - привлекательный язык

to brush up a language -to practise and improve your skills or your knowledge of a language that you learned in the past.

Mode (n.)- 1. A way or manner in which something occurs or is experienced, expressed, or done.

Mode of-

2. to be in work mode/holiday mode etc.-( informal) to have a particular feeling or way of thinking or behaving, because of the situation you are in.

3. be the mode -( formal)to be fashionable at a particular time.

Repository (n.) – 1. a place or container in which large quantities of something are stored.

repository of/for- 2. a person or book that has a lot of information

Say (v.) – to express an idea, feeling, thought etc using words. –

say (that) -

Say how/why/who etc-

Say something to somebody-

say a few words -

A terrible/silly/strange etc thing to say-

Have anything/nothing/something to say-

say to do something (=tell someone to do something)

Share (v.)- 1. to have or use something with other people.

share something with somebody-

2. to divide something between two or more people.

share something between/among somebody -

3. to have equal responsibility for doing something, paying for something etc.

4. to have the same opinion, quality, or experience as someone else.

share somebody’s view/concern/belief etc.-

Share something with somebody-

Speak (v.)- to talk to someone about something.

speak to somebody

speak to somebody about something -

speak with somebody especially American English-

Speak of something-

speak at-

Speak to-

speak in favour of/against -

Generally speaking-

Roughly/broadly speaking-

be fluent in something to be very good at speaking and understanding a foreign language, so that you can speak

it almost as well as your own language-

To speak fluent any language-

to get by -to speak enough of a language to be able to buy things, ask for help etc. -

to have/pick up a smattering of something -to speak or learn to speak a small but useful amount of a language-

Talk (v.) - to say things to someone as part of a conversation. -

talk about-

Talk to-

talk with-.

Talk together-

talk in a low voice/a whisper etc -

talk of-.

Talk sport/politics/business etc-

Talk (in) French/German etc-

talk on/about

Tell (v.) – if someone tells you something, they communicate information, a story, their feelings etc to you.

Tell somebody (that)-

Tell somebody what/how/where/who etc-

Tell somebody about something-

Tell somebody something-

tell somebody straight (=tell someone the truth, even though it might upset them)-

to tell (you) the truth -

Tell a lie/lies-

Tolerance (n.) – 1. willingness to allow people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing

or punishing them.

Tolerance of/towards/for-

2. the degree to which someone can suffer pain, difficulty etc. without being harmed or damaged.

Tolerance to-

Achieve (v.) добиваться, достигать

to achieve one’s aim - добиваться своей цели

to achieve success - добиватьс успеха

outstanding, remarkable achievement - выдающиеся достижения, потрясающий успех

achievement in smth.- достижение в чем-либо

to win great achievements - добиваться больших успехов

Attend (v.) посещать, присутствовать (на лекциях/семинарах/собрания и т.п.), следить

to attend a lecture/a seminar/a meeting - посещать лекцию/ семинар/ собрание

to attend to the conversation - следить за беседой

Credentials (n.) опыт или успехи в какой-либо деятельности

to examine credentials - проверять полномочия

foreign policy credentials - опыт или успехи внешнеполитической деятельности (политического деятеля)

Distribution ( n.) искоренять, истреблять

wide distribution - широкое распространение

geographical distribution - географическое распространение

Identity (n.) личность, подлинность

national identity - национальные особенности

cultural identity - национально-культурная специфика

to establish smb’s identity - установить чью-либо личность

to cover one’s real / true identity - скрывать свою личность

Language (n.) язык как способ и средство общения, речь

to murder a language- искажать язык

to enrich a language- ообогащать язык

to learn/master a language- учить язык

to speak (in) a/ to use a language - говорить на языке

dead/ extinct language - мертвый язык

language maintenance - поддержание (знания) языка

living language –живой язык

finger language - язык жестов (язык глухонемых)

bad, coarse, dirty, nasty, offensive language - грубый, неприличный оскорбительный язык

everyday, plain, simple language - простой повседневный язык

colloquial, informal language - язык неофициального общения

literary, standard language - литературный язык

diplomatic language - дипломатический язык

state language - государственный язык

official language - официальный язык

language policy -языковая политика

an appealing language - привлекательный язык

Say (v.) говорить, сказать, произносить

say over - повторять

have a say - иметь право высказать свое мнение при обсуждении какой-либо проблемы

have no say - не иметь голоса при решении какого-либо вопроса

say a word -замолвить словечко

say for a minority - выразить мнение меньшинства

have sole say - иметь право самостоятельно принимать решение

Share (v.) делить, распределять, разделять, делиться

to share one’s problem with smb. - поделиться с кем-либо своими проблемами

to share smb’s opinion - разделять чье-либо мнение

to bear one’s share in smth. - принимать участие в чем-либо

to share ideas -обменяться идеями

Speak (v.) говорить, разговаривать, изъясняться

to speak frankly/ frankly speaking- говорить откровенно

to speak coherently- говорить связно, логично

to speak responsibly- говорить со всей ответственностью

to speak rudely- говорить грубо

to speak quickly/ rapidly - говорить быстро

to speak slowly- говорить медленно

to speak quietly, softly -говорить спокойно

to speak well for - говорить в пользу

so to speak - так сказать

to ask to speak - просить слова

to speak for smb./ to speak on behalf of smb. - говорить от имени кого-либо

to speak in support (of) –защищать/ выступать в защиту кого-либо

to speak through an interpreter - говорить через переводчика

speak under correction - говорить, допуская возможность ошибки; говорить заранее, попросив исправить

возможные неточности

Talk (v.) состоять в коммуникации (обычно устной), разговаривать, вести беседу

to talk loud,loudly,openly - во весь голос, открыто, громогласно заявлять о чем-либо

to talk on a topic/subject - говорить, вести беседу на какую-либо тему

to talk politics/ literature - говорить о политике/ литературе

to talk sense/ business= to mean business - говорить дело

to talk on - читать, вести лекцию

to talk French/German/slang - говорить по-французски/по-немецки/на сленге

to talk in broken English (any language) -говорить на ломаном английском (любом языке)

to talk small - вести пустой разговор

to talk against time - говорить с целью выиграть время; стараться уложиться в установленное время

to talk around - обсуждать, не доходя до существа дела

to talk back- дерзить, огрызаться

to talk down to - говорить о ком-либо свысока

to talk into - убеждать

to talk out - выяснять

to talk over - обсуждать, дискутировать

to talk through - тщательно обсуждать

to talk up -не скрывать свое мнение, говорить прямо

to talk to the point - говорить по существу

to talk at smb.- отпускать замечания

talks are deadlocked - переговоры зашли в тупик

to be at the heart of talks - быть в центре внимания

to conduct in talks - вести переговоры

to talk about smth.- вести переговоры о чем-либо

to talk for oneself - высказать свою личную точку зрения

Tell (v.) говорить, сказать

to tell the truth - говорить правду

to tell a lie -говорить неправду

to tell apart - понимать разницу, различать

to tell about - рассказывать, сообщать

tell against – свидетельствовать (против) -

to tell of- рассказать, докладывать

to tell off- бранить, журить

to tell on- жаловаться на кого-либо

telling argument - убедительный аргумент

Tolerance (n.) терпимость

to practice/show tolerance - проявлять терпимость

political tolerance - политическая терпимость

racial/religious tolerance - расовая/ религиозная терпимость

tolerance to/ towards smth.- терпимость по отношению к чему-либо

to talk at cross-purposes - if two people are at cross-purposes, they do not understand each other because they

are talking about different things but fail to realize this.

to be all talk (and no action)- used to describe someone who talks about doing something but never does it.

on the tip of one's tongue - on the verge of saying but unable to remember

it goes without saying - should be clear without words

from the word go - from the very beginning


Unit 2.1


Assign (v.) - 1. to give someone a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or thing.

assign somebody a task/role -

Boost to-

Boost for-

CV (n.) - (curriculum vitae) a short written document that lists your educational previous jobs, which you send to employers when you are looking for a job.

Employability (n.)- The quality of being suitable for paid work.

Employee (n.)- someone who is paid to work for someone else.

A senior/junior employee

A retired employee

Recruit employees

lay off employees (=stop employing them because there is no work for them to do)

make employees redundant (=stop employing them because there is no work for them to do)

dismiss/sack an employee (=stop employing them because they have behaved badly or broken a rule

Employer (n.)- a person, company, or organization that employs people

Big/large/major employer

Work for/have an employer

Be outstripped by sth-

A job vacancy-

A suitable vacancy-

an unfilled vacancy -

a staff vacancy-

have a vacancy-.

Advertise a vacancy-

fill a vacancy (=find or be a new person for a job)-

Create/leave a vacancy-

There is a vacancy-

a vacancy comes up (also a vacancy arises/occurs formal)(=there is a vacancy)-

Assign (v.) назначать, определять, устанавливать

to assigh smb. to a case –поручать ведение дел кому-либо

to assign a company- распределять кого-либо в компанию

to assign a limited sum- вылелять/ ассигновать ограниченную сумму

Boost (v.) повышать, поднимать

to give a boost to smb.- оказывать кому-либо поддержку

to give a boost to smth.- стимулировать что-либо

Employee (n.) служащий, работающий по найму

to engage/hire/ take on an employee- нанимать сотрудника на работу

to dismiss/fire/sack an employee- выгонять сотрудника с работы

to make an employee redundant- уволить сотрудника по сокращению штата

white-collar employee - служащий, так называемый «белый воротничок», человек, работающий в офисе

public sector employee - государственный служащий, “бюджетник”

service employee - работник сферы обсуживания

Hire (v.) нанимать/ приглашать на работу

for hire- внаем

to work for hire- работать по найму

hire-and-fire job- разовая/случайная работа

hire away- перенимать работника (особенно у конкурента)

Probationer (n.) стажер, практикант

to be on probation- находиться на стажировке

probation/ probationary - испытательный срок

probationary appointment- назначение с испытательным сроком

Recruit (v.) 1. новичок, новый участник

2. кто-либо недавно или только что причисленный к некому определенному кругу

Think-tank (n.)  «мозговой центр»; консультативный орган для разработки новых идей и дачи экспертных показаний

Vacancy (n.) вакансия

to announce a vacancy - объявлять конкурс на замещение вакантной должности

to be included in the vacancy -быть включенным в список кандидатов на пост

occurrence of the vacancy - открытие вакансии

unfilled vacancy - вакантная должность


be snowed uner - to have more work than you can deal with.

bring home the bacon- to provide enough money to support your family.

go the extra mile - to try a little harder in order to achieve something, after you have already used a lot of effort.

burn the candle at both ends - to get very tired by doing things until very late at night and getting up early in the mornings.

work your fingers to the bone – to work very hard.



Unit 3.1


  Acquaintance (n.)- someone you know, but who is not a close friend.

Acquaintance with-

make somebody’s acquaintance -

have a passing/nodding acquaintance with something (=have only slight knowledge or experience of something)

of your acquaintance -

on first acquaintance -

Debunk (v.) – to show that an idea or belief is false.

Eventual (adj.)- happening at the end of a long period of time or after a lot of other things have happened.

Exploit (v.)- to treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but giving them very little in return – used to show disapproval.

Fib (n.) – a small unimportant lie = white lie.

to tell fibs -

(be) Inclined (adj.)- likely or wanting to do something.

Spread through-

spread over -

spread among -

spread (from something) to something -

Spread to/through/over etc-

Swamp (v.) - 1. to suddenly give someone a lot of work, problems etc to deal with.

2. to go somewhere or surround something in large numbers, especially in a short period of time.

Unit 1.1


  Achieve (v.) – 1. to successfully complete something or get a good result, especially by working hard. 2. to be successful in a particular kind of job or activity.

Attend (v.)- 1. to go to an event such as a meeting or a class. well-attended - 2. Pay attention to

Credentials (n.)- 1. someone’s education, achievements, experience etc. that prove they have the ability to do something. credentials for/as- 2. a letter or other document which proves your good character or your right to have a particular position.-

  Distribution (n.)- the act of sharing things among a large group of people in a planned way. language/population/resources distribution; distribution of -

Facilitate (v.) – to make it easier for a process or activity to happen.

Identity (n.) - 1. someone’s identity is their name or who they are.

national/cultural/social etc. identity

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