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2019-12-19 349
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1. A happy English family a) that has longer than anywhere else
2. But that was long ago b) go off to drink tea and gossip
3. It is English society c)children should be seen but not heard
4.The men d) finds itself in a similar position
5.The women e) has its own peculiarities
6.There is an interesting English saying f) value their independence so highly
7.The older generation in England g) stay to smoke
8.Elderly people living in England h) when practically nobody was doing it

Сократите данный текст, опустив несущественные детали.


6.1.7. Составьте план на английском языке и передайте содержание текста.

Расскажите об отношении людей к семье, детям, пожилым людям, домашним животным в вашей стране.


Раздел 6.2.

Отработайте произношение слов, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю.

to break up разбивать (семью)
niece n племянница
nephew n племянник
cousin n двоюродный брат /сестра
half-sister n единокровная или единоутробная сестра
stepbrother/sister n сводный брат /сестра
nursery n (детские) ясли
crèche n (детские) ясли
resume v возобновлять, продолжать (после перерыва)
divorce v разводиться

6.2.2. Прочитайте данный текст и дайте ответ на вопрос: “What kind of families are described in this text?”


Vivien. My dad is quite old, he is 81. My mum is about 15 years younger. I have two brothers. Nigel, who is seven years older than me, is a computer programmer. His main interest is music, and he plays the guitar very well, and the piano. He is married to Nikki, who is an artist. She is half Swiss, and paints pictures for a living. They live in London, and have two children. My other brother Chris, is a stockbroker, and he lives with his family in Hong Kong because the firm he works for sent him out there. He met his wife Leslie in South Africa, when he was working there. Leslie doesn`t work and she brings up the children. They have got four children. So I have six nieces and nephews, which means I have got a lot of presents to buy at Christmas! I come from quite a big family. I worked it out once that I have got 25 cousins, because my dad` s dad married twice, and my mum` s mum married twice. My mum has two brothers and sisters, and she has three half-sisters. And my dad has four brothers and sisters and two stepbrothers and sisters. My parents live in the country, in the south-west of England. When I lived in England I used to go to visit them maybe every month. Now I go about twice a year. Normally I go at Christmas and sometime in the summer.

In England the stereotypical family is husband and wife and 2.4 children, so they say, and a dog and a cat.

The English stereotypical family of husband and wife is, I suppose, changing now because there are a lot of one-parent families. A lot of people get divorced now and live on their own, and bring up their children on their own.

Nowadays in England, most women seem to want to go out to work, and even if they have children they send them to a nursery or crèche at a very early age, and go back to work to resume their careers. Also, quite often now a lot of old people live on their own, not usually with their children and their grand children.

Thomas. Nowadays, I don`t have very close contact with my family. I write occasionally to my father and mother, and I hear news from my brother. Sometimes I get a letter from my grandmother as well. Also we telephone each other. I haven’t felt close part of the family unit since my mother and father divorced. They have been divorced for about eleven years now. I` m 25, so when they divorced, I was 14, and from this age I started to get my independence, started to live my own life a little bit. When I was younger, though, the family atmosphere was mostly very happy. I remember going away with my parents for trips in the country, in the park. We had a dog was for the first 12 years of my life

During my early childhood, I spent almost all of my time with my mother. She taught us things and of course cooked for us, and played with us all day, when we were at home. When she left, my relationship with my father became stronger. Things were never the same after the family broke up. We were quite an isolated family. We were rarely visited by friends of the family, but they weren’t very sociable. I spent a lot of time with my brother in my growing years. We used to play together. Sometimes we would end up with quarrelling or fighting, maybe that` s usual for young children brought up in this kind of society.

Every other week, or sometimes every week, we could go at the weekend to stay with my grandmother, who we called Nanna. My grandmother` s really lovely. She never stops making tea. Every 15 minutes of the day, she comes into the room with a big pot of tea and says: “Would you like a nice cup of tea?” Now, she` s getting a little bit older, and I think she doesn’t do as much as she did, but she is a really wonderful person.

My other grandmother, who is my grandmother on my father’s side also had a broken marriage. She divorced my grandfather before I was born, so I never saw them together. Over the last few years, I have visited her a few times, because we have something in common, which is our Christian religion.


6.2.3. Прочитайте текст еще раз. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы.

1. Who are Vivien’s relatives?

2. What is a stereotypical family in England?

3. What are the changes in stereotypical family in England?

4. What is the story of Thomas` family life about?

5. What attract Thomas in his girlfriend’s family?

6. What does Thomas dream about?


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