How to Prepare Gases. Chemistry Lab Instructions — КиберПедия 

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How to Prepare Gases. Chemistry Lab Instructions

2019-11-28 192
How to Prepare Gases. Chemistry Lab Instructions 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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You can use common chemistry lab chemicals and equipment to prepare several gases. A conical flask, thistle funnel, delivery tube, pneumatic trough, and beehive are useful items to have on hand. Please make sure you are familiar with the use and functioning of the laboratory equipment you use, are aware of the characteristics of the substances (toxicity, flammability, explosivity, etc.), and take proper safety precautions. Use a ventilation hood (fume cupboard) and keep flammable gases away from heat or flame. I've tried to be as accurate as possible in my instructions, but you use them at your own risk. For convenience, I've listed the gases in alphabetical order.


Gas Reagents Method Collection Reaction
 Ammonia NH3 Ammonium chloride Calcium hydroxide Gently heat a mixture of ammonium chloride and calcium hydroxide in water. Upward displacement of air in a hood. Ca(OH)2 + 2NH4Cl → 2NH3 + CaCl2 + 2H2O
Carbon Dioxide CO2 Calcium carbonate (marble chips) 5 M Hydrochloric acid Add 5 M hydrochloric acid to 5 - 10 g marble chips. Upward displacement of air in a hood. 2HCl + CaCO3 → CO2 + CaCl2 + H2O
Chlorine Cl2 Potassium permanganate Conc. Hydrochloric acid Add concentrated hydrochloric acid dropwise onto a small amount of potassium permanganate crystals (in flask). Upward displacement of air in a hood. 6HCl + 2KMnO4 + 2H+ → 3Cl2 + 2MnO2 + 4H2O + 2K+
Hydrogen H2 Zinc (granulated) 5 M Hydrochloric acid Add 5 M hydrochloric acid to 5 - 10 g granulated zinc pieces. Collect over water. 2HCl + Zn → H2 + ZnCl2
Hydrogen Chloride HCl Sodium chloride Conc. Sulfuric acid Slowly add concentrated sulfuric acid to solid sodium chloride. Displacement of air in a hood. 2NaCl + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2HCl
Methane CH4 Sodium acetate (anhydrous) Soda lime Mix 1 part sodium acetate with 3 parts soda lime. Heat in a dry pyrex test tube or flask. Collect over water. CH3COONa + NaOH → CH4 + Na2CO3
Nitrogen N2 Ammonia Calcium hypochlorite (bleaching powder) Shake 20 g calcium hypochlorite into 100 mL water for several minutes, then filter. Add 10 mL conc. ammonia and heat mixture. Use extreme caution! Chloramine and explosive nitrogen trichloride may be produced. Displacement of air. 2NH3 + 3CaOCl2 → N2 + 3H2O + 3CaCl2


Nitrogen N2 Air Lighted Phosphorus (or heated Fe or Cu) Invert a bell jar over lighted phosphorus. Oxygen and phosphorus combine to form phosphorus pentoxide, which is absorbed by the water over which the bell jar stands (may be violent reaction), producing phosphoric acid and leaving the nitrogen behind. Removal of oxygen. 5 O2 + 4 P → P4O10
Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 Copper (turnings) 10 M Nitric acid Add concentrated nitric acid to 5 - 10 g copper. Upward displacement of air in a hood. Cu + 4HNO3 → 2NO2 + Cu(NO3)2+ 2H2O
Nitrogen Monoxide NO Copper (turnings) 5 M Nitric acid Add 5 M nitric acid to 5 - 10 g copper. Collect over water. 3Cu + 8HNO3 → 2NO + 3Cu(NO3)2+ 4H2O
Nitrous Oxide N2O Sodium nitrate Ammonium sulfate Mix 10 g powdered sodium nitrate and 9 g ammonium sulfate. Heat well. Displacement of air. NH4NO3 → N2O + 2H2O
Oxygen O2 6% Hydrogen peroxide Manganese dioxide (catalyst) Add hydrogen peroxide to about 5 g of MnO2. Collect over water. 2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2
Oxygen O2 Potassium permanganate Heat solid KMnO4. Collect over water. 2KMnO4 → K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2
Sulfur Dioxide SO2 Sodium sulfite (or sodium bisulfite) 2 M Hydrochloric acid Add dilute hydrochloric acid to 5 - 10 g sodium sulfite (or bisulfite). Upward displacement of air in a hood. Na2SO3 + 2HCl → SO2 + H2O + 2NaCl

Writing a Science Paper

First things first: The most important rule to remember when writing a paper is to follow the instructions your teacher provides. Teachers always have the prerogative to decide what rules, formats, or procedures they prefer for any paper, so the teacher’s guidelines for any assignment will overrule instructions you find on the Internet or in a style guide.

If your teacher did not assign specific guidelines for your science paper, however, or if your teacher did provide guidelines but you’ve left them at school and you’re now stuck at home—then you can feel safe in following the general practices and preferences for writing science papers.

1. Use headings. Science papers are very structured and typically contain sections with headings. Common sections for science reports--those that involve the results of a study or experiment--are abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion.

If your paper is a response paper (responding to a prompt or question posed by the teacher) you may divide your paper into any appropriate sections and provide headers.

2. Use concise statements. Science writing is more straightforward and concise than other types of writing. Avoid using clever, flowing, or poetic phrases in your science paper—you can save all that for your literature classes. Dramatic or emotional statements sound out of place in science class. Don’t worry--you can use factual statements and still write an interesting, engaging paper.

3. Use supporting details. A science report should explain exactly what happened during a project or experiment. Any time you address a cause and effect in this sequence, you must provide details to support your claims.

4. Use your opinions wisely and appropriately. If you are reporting the results of a project or experiment that you have conducted, you should avoid asserting your opinion about what should have happened or why something did or did not happen. Once again, you must always back up your statements with supporting details.

On the other hand, when writing a response paper you may be asked to give your opinion about why something happened. You can certainly state your opinion if your teacher prompts you to.

5. Avoid absolute statements. Be careful about using absolute statements like “always” and “never” in science writing. Remember that all claims must be supported by evidence and very few things are absolute.

6. Do not use contractions. Science writing is formal and concise, much like business writing. No room for frivolity! Contractions are acceptable in less formal writing, but should be avoided in report-type writing.

7. Avoid slang. Teens today are more vulnerable than ever before to slipping into the trap of using slang in their school papers. A whole generation of text-messaging teens have grown so accustomed to using informal language that they sometimes don’t realize exactly what constitutes slang. This will be a big challenge for you! One way to learn formal writing is by reading the newspaper every day.

8. Use the proper tense. If you are writing a report, you should use the past tense to explain what happened.

9. Use active verbs. Avoid using passive verbs. For instance, instead of saying “When the lights were turned off, the mice reacted…
you could say “The mice reacted when I turned off the lights.”

10. Do not misuse scientific terms. Some words, like "variable" and "significant result" have very specific meanings in the science world. Be careful not to repeat scientific terms (if you’ve seen them in a report or book) in your paper unless you have a clear understanding of what they mean.


Laboratory work № 1

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