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2019-11-28 1153
Заполните пропуски предлогами for или since. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1 We've been fishing ____ two hours.

2 I've been working in this office ____ a month.

3 They've been living in France ____ 1970.

4 He has been in prison ____ a year.

5 I've known that ____ a long time.

6 That man has been standing there ____ six o'clock.

7 She has driven the same car ____ 1975.

8 Things have changed ____ I was a girl.

9 The kettle has been boiling ____ a quarter of an hour.

10 The central heating has been on ____ October.

11 That trunk (сундук) has been in the hall ____ a year.

12 He has been very ill ____ the last month.

13 I've been using this machine ____ twelve years.

14 We've been waiting ____ half an hour.

15 Mr Pitt has been in hospital ____ his accident.

16 He hasn't spoken to me ____ the last committee meeting.

17 I have been very patient with you ____ several years.

18 They have been on strike ____ November.

19 The strike has lasted ____ six months.

20 It has been very foggy ____ early morning.

21 They have been quarrelling ever ____ they got married.

22 I've been awake ____ four o'clock.

23 I've been awake ____ a long time.

24 We've had no gas ____ the strike began.

25 I've earned my own living ____ I left school.

26 Nobody has seen him ____ last week.

27 The police have been looking for me ____ four days.

28 I haven't worn low-heeled shoes ____ I was at school.

29 He had a bad fall last week and ____ then he hasn't left the house.

30 He has been under water ____ half an hour.

31 That tree has been there ____ 2,000 years.

32 He has been Minister of Education ____ 1983.

33 I've been trying to open this door ____ forty-five minutes.

34 He hasn't eaten anything ____ twenty-four hours.

35 We've had terrible weather ____ the last month.

36 Nobody has come to see us ____ we bought these bloodhounds (ищейка).


139. Употребите Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous в следующих предложениях:

1. I (to be) busy since we last met.

2. I'm very fond of Alice but I (not to see) much of her lately.

3. "How quickly your mood changes! You look drained." "I (to walk) around all day. I (to have) a few drinks and nothing to eat."

4. But I (to cook, to clean) and (to dig) for three days and I'm tired.

5. "I don't think your mother expects you to become an electrician." "What she (to say) to you?" "Nothing."

6. Imagine how much they (to learn) since they (to be) here.

7. "Shall we sit down or do you prefer to stand?" "I (to sit) down in my office, so I am quite happy to stand."

8. I found him waiting downstairs at the house door to let me in. "I'm sorry," I said, "I hope you (not to stand) here long."

9. There (to be) no guests at all since I left?

10. The other chap is a man who threw up his job ten years ago and he (not to work) since.

11. "My son is not a bad boy. But he's going through a difficult phase." "He (to go) through this difficult phase for fifteen years."

12. He's an old friend. I (to know) him for ages.


140. Употребите Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous в следующих предложениях:

1. I____(not, to see) you for ages.

2. Boris, you have a black eye, and you, Nick, a cut lip. You____(to fight) again.

3. I'm afraid I won't finish my composition on time. It's Sunday today and I____(to write) only half of it.

4. My parents don't want to go to Spain on holiday. They____(to visit) it twice.

5. Mary's daughter is on holiday in the country. The girl feels very lonely. But Mary____(not, to call) her daughter yet.

6. Can you help me with the cooking? You____(to play) computer games for the last two hours.

7. I'm proud of my classmate. He____(to break) the school record in swimming.

8. He____(not, to take) the dog for a walk every day this week.

9. The child looks happy. He____(to open) his birthday presents.

10. I____(to go) to school by bus every day this week.

11. She's obviously very unhappy. She____(to sit) alone in her bedroom for most of the day.

12. His father____(to be) a bus driver since 1998.

13. - Sorry I'm late. I hope you____(not wait) long?

- No, I only____(to be) here for about ten minutes.

14. How many times he____(to phone) so far today?

15. Ted and Lisa____(to go out) together for about a year now.


141. Употребите Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous в следующих предложениях. В некоторых предложениях возможны оба варианта.

1 We (walk) ten kilometres.

2 We (walk) for three hours.

3 You (walk) too fast. That's why you are tired.

4 I (make) sausage rolls for the party all the morning.

5 How many you (make)? ~ I (make) 200.

6 That boy (eat) seven ice-creams.

7 He (not stop) eating since he arrived.

8 The driver (drink). I think someone else ought to drive.

9 I (pull) up 100 dandelions (одуванчики).

10 I (pull) up dandelions (одуванчики) all day.

11 What you (do)? ~ We (pick) apples.

12 How many you (pick)? ~ We (pick) ten basketfuls.

13 I (sleep) on every bed in this house and I don't like any of them.

14 He (sleep) since ten o'clock. It's time he woke up.

15 He (ride); that's why he is wearing breeches.

16 I (ride) all the horses in this stable.

17 What a lovely smell! -Mary (make) jam.

18 The students (work) very well this term.

19 I only (hear) from him twice since he went away.

20 I (hear) from her regularly. She is a very good correspondent.

21 I (grease) (смазывать) my car. That's why my hands are so dirty.

22 I (polish) this table all the morning and she isn't satisfied with it yet.

23 I (work) for him for ten years and he never once (say) 'Good morning' to me.

24 He (teach) in this school for five years.

25 I (teach) hundreds of students but I never (meet) such a hopeless class as this.

26 Why you (be) so long in the garage? ~ The tyres were flat; I (pump) them up.

27 I (pump) up three tyres. Would you like to do the fourth?

28 I (look) for mushrooms but I (not find) any.

29 He (cough) a lot lately. He ought to give up smoking.

30 You (hear) the news? Tom and Ann are engaged! ~ That's not new; I (know) it for ages!

31 I (try) to finish this letter for the last half-hour.

32 The driver of that car (sound) his horn for the last ten minutes.

33 It (rain) for two hours and the ground is too wet to play on, so the match (be) postponed.

34 He (hope) for a rise in salary for six months but he (not dare) to ask for it yet.

35 Why you (make) such a horrible noise? ~

I (lose) my key and I (try) to wake my wife by throwing stones at her window. —

You (throw) stones at the wrong window. You live next door.


142. Употребите глагол в скобках в соответствующем времени:

a) I'm sorry about not coming last week. I (have)........a cold and so I (stay)____at home.

b) Wait a minute. I (have)..............an idea. Let's go and see Roger. We last (see)____him a long time ago.

c) It's nice to be back here in London. This is the second time I (come) ____ here.

d) I'm phoning about your advertisement for a bicycle for sale, which I (see) ____ in the local paper. (you sell) ____ it? Or is it still available?

e) This place is in a terrible mess! What on earth (you do) ____?

f) And now for an item of local news. Hampshire police (find) ____ the dangerous snake which (go) ____ missing earlier in the week.

g) This tooth (kill) ____ me lately! So I (make) ____ an appointment with the dentist for Tuesday.

h) I can't give you the report I (promise) ____ for today because I (not finish) ____.


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