Exercise 2. Consider the table with the sentences concerning “During the presentation - and closing it” and rewrite these sentences by changing the words in bold so they are less formal. — КиберПедия 

Адаптации растений и животных к жизни в горах: Большое значение для жизни организмов в горах имеют степень расчленения, крутизна и экспозиционные различия склонов...

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Exercise 2. Consider the table with the sentences concerning “During the presentation - and closing it” and rewrite these sentences by changing the words in bold so they are less formal.

2019-11-28 1581
Exercise 2. Consider the table with the sentences concerning “During the presentation - and closing it” and rewrite these sentences by changing the words in bold so they are less formal. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Now let's turn to the problem of workplace stress. begin to examine or talk about
Moving on, I'd like to look at the questionnaire results in more detail. going on to the next point; less formal than in greater detail
I also want to talk about the supply of clean water, but I'll come back to that later. or, more formal, return to
I'd just like to go back to the graph on the previous slide. or, more formal, return to
Anyway, getting back to / to return to the question of inflation, let's look at the Thai economy. getting back to is less formal than to return to
The results were not very clear. Having said that I feel the experiment was worthwhile. a less formal way of saying nevertheless
I'll skip the next slide as time is (running) short. skip (informal) = leave out / omit
To sum up, then, urban traffic has reached a crisis. That's all 1 have to say*. Thank you for listening. have no more time left * informal - not used in writing
Well, I'll stop there as I've run out of time.Thank you. have no time left
Dr Woichek will now take questions*. Are there any questions or comments? * rather formal = accept and answer questions

1. We need to consider family income too, but I'll return to that later.

2. So, to proceed to the next point, I'll omit item 4 on the handout and instead talk about number 5 in greater detail.

3. I'll try to finish by 3.30, but don't feel you need to ask permission to leave if you have a class or other appointment to go to.

4. There is a handout being distributed and I have some further copies too if anyone wants them.

5. I'll finish there as my time has come to an end.

6. We didn't want to make people uncomfortable by having a camera in the room. Nevertheless, we did want to video as many of the sessions as possible.

7. I'd like to return to a point I made earlier about river management.

8. So, I believe our experiments have been successful. I shall end there. Thank you.

9. To return to the problem of large class sizes, I'd like to look at a study carried out in Australia in 2002.

10. I'll try not to exceed my time, so I'll speak for 30 minutes, to allow time for questions at the end.


Exercise 3. Fill in the missing prepositions.


1. I'd like to focus.............................waterborne diseases in this presentation.

2. The situation.............................regard.............................exports has been very good in recent years.

3. I'd now like to turn.............................a different problem.

4. I always find it difficult to keep.............................just 30 minutes, so please tell me when I have five minutes left.

5. I'd like to begin.............................asking you all to do a small task.


Exercise 4. Write six sentences you might hear during a presentation using appropriate combinations of the words in boxes A and B. You may use words in box A more than once.


Box A present take raise make give
Box В issue presentation results overview comment questions


Express your point of view

Exercise 1. Read the rules of commenting on others' views. Study the key vocabulary. Find the equivalents to the following phrases among the words in bold:

1. not influenced by personal beliefs or attitudes, based only on facts

2. influenced by personal beliefs or attitudes

3. uninfluenced by personal beliefs or attitudes

4. showing an unreasonable liking for something based on personal beliefs or opinions

5. showing an unreasonable dislike for, based on personal beliefs or opinions

6. based only on reason

7. set of principles or beliefs on the basis of which opinions are formed

8. believing that there should be extreme political or social change

9. opposed to political or social change or new ideas

10. not inclined to trust change, especially if it is sudden

11. lacking in experience

No one can be completely objective in their point of view. Inevitably, we all see things to some extent subjectively. It is impossible to be truly impartial. We tend to be biased in favour of things we're familiar with and prejudiced against things we have little experience of. Of course, everyone believes their own views are totally rational.

People's views tend to change as they grow older and begin looking at life from a different standpoint. Young people are more likely to be radical but then become more reactionary or conservative with age, considering their younger opinions immature.


Exercise 2. Find the words opposite in meaning to the following ones. Use Exercise 1 if necessary.

1. prejudiced in favour of

2. biased against

3. irrational

4. mature

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