Раскол в Европе по поводу соглашения о беженцах — КиберПедия 

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Раскол в Европе по поводу соглашения о беженцах

2019-11-28 130
Раскол в Европе по поводу соглашения о беженцах 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Раскол в Европе по поводу соглашения о беженцах


The article I am going to render is taken from “The Guardian” and was written by Ian Traynor – a British journalist. The title of the article is “The split between the members of European-Union on the problem of migration politics”.

The problem is that the members of EU can’t agree on this issue and all the attempts of Europe to develop a common policy. All the attempts were ruined when Germany headed a “coalition of volunteers” consisting of nine EU countries which are hosting the largest number of refugees from the Middle East.

The EU summit with Turkey resulted the development of a fragile agreement aiming at curbing the flow of migrants going to Europe through Turkey. However, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is dissatisfied with the resistance of European countries to policies, convened a separate mini-summit with the participation of seven other leaders to push the agreement with Turkey to accelerate the process and implement a new course to receive hundreds of thousands of refugees directly from Turkey annually. That mini-summit suggests that Merkel abandoned her attempts to convince opponents to approve the scheme of mandatory distribution of refugees throughout the European Union.

Besides, Juncker, a President of European Commission, pointed out that such an agreement must be voluntary for fulfillment. Holand also refused to follow the appeal of Germany and other countries to migration. So Holand turned down the appeal of Germany and other countries to mass migration refugees from Turkey.

I find the article worthwhile because it is useful and necessary to be informed about situation on the international area and in particular about migration points.

массовая миграция – mass migration

«коалиция добровольцев» - coalition of volunteers

раскол - split

беженцы – refugees [ ˌref.jʊˈdʒiː ]

сторонники квот – supporters of quotas [ ˈkwəʊ.tə ]

союзник - ally [ ˈælaɪ ]

переселение - resettlеment

Выгодно ли России глобальное потепление?


The tittle of the article is «Is global warming beneficial for Russia?”

In the author’s opinion, Russia will benefit from global warming and he cites as an example the research of Professor Vladimir Semenov. According to Semenov, the main benefits will be from melting of the Arctic ice, because this facilitates the development of a resource-rich region, makes winters softer and makes Russia the main supplier of fresh water in Eurasia.

But, on the other hand, he believes that there are negative consequences, for example, melting of permafrost, an increase in the number of dangerous weather phenomena, including floods, forest fires, and air pollution.

Semenov concludes that global warming is indeed beneficial for Russia, but at the same time global warming must be fought with, because with increasing warming, the country will face more serious problems such as significant changes in the types of vegetation and wildlife.

I suppose that our country should think not only about benefits, but also about negative consequences, because the lives of people and the preservation of nature is more important than any benefits.



The European Union (The EU)


The text that I’m going to render is about the European Union. The European Union is not only the most economically and politically successful union of countries, but also the wisest one. The main purpose of its creation was to stop permanent war’s cycle between the great nations. Moreover, it is the biggest organization with common objectives and planes, democratic retimes and economics, where people can successfully relate to each other.

There are a lot of advantages in the EU. Among them are good salaries, medical and social services, free movement of people and free movement of labor. What is more, the EU has its own currency, which allows to control and strengthen the economic union.

Nevertheless, there are also disadvantages. It is hard to understand and adapt other people’s behavior, language or traditions in such of the cosmopolitan society. But the EU citizens are protected by the Charter of Human Rights so they can feel safety and freedom.

Perhaps one day, all countries and even Russia will join the EU. But firstly, some of the future member-countries will have to solve their political and economic issues.


Раскол в Европе по поводу соглашения о беженцах


The article I am going to render is taken from “The Guardian” and was written by Ian Traynor – a British journalist. The title of the article is “The split between the members of European-Union on the problem of migration politics”.

The problem is that the members of EU can’t agree on this issue and all the attempts of Europe to develop a common policy. All the attempts were ruined when Germany headed a “coalition of volunteers” consisting of nine EU countries which are hosting the largest number of refugees from the Middle East.

The EU summit with Turkey resulted the development of a fragile agreement aiming at curbing the flow of migrants going to Europe through Turkey. However, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is dissatisfied with the resistance of European countries to policies, convened a separate mini-summit with the participation of seven other leaders to push the agreement with Turkey to accelerate the process and implement a new course to receive hundreds of thousands of refugees directly from Turkey annually. That mini-summit suggests that Merkel abandoned her attempts to convince opponents to approve the scheme of mandatory distribution of refugees throughout the European Union.

Besides, Juncker, a President of European Commission, pointed out that such an agreement must be voluntary for fulfillment. Holand also refused to follow the appeal of Germany and other countries to migration. So Holand turned down the appeal of Germany and other countries to mass migration refugees from Turkey.

I find the article worthwhile because it is useful and necessary to be informed about situation on the international area and in particular about migration points.

массовая миграция – mass migration

«коалиция добровольцев» - coalition of volunteers

раскол - split

беженцы – refugees [ ˌref.jʊˈdʒiː ]

сторонники квот – supporters of quotas [ ˈkwəʊ.tə ]

союзник - ally [ ˈælaɪ ]

переселение - resettlеment

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