Start of college life: how I coped with fear — КиберПедия 

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Start of college life: how I coped with fear

2019-11-19 914
Start of college life: how I coped with fear 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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For the last two years I’ve been working really hard to pass all my exams successfully and to get accepted to college. And yet college seemed to be the scariest thing that I could think of. Whenever I thought about it, my stomach would immediately begin to spin in circles. Although I was ready to go off and be by myself and meet new people, I was scared to death at the same time. I pictured hard classes that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with, people that wouldn’t like me, long hikes to get to my classes, and horrible food. I couldn’t imagine leaving the security of my own room, my own stuff where I want it, my friends that I’ve spent practically my whole life with, my family who put up with all my little quirks.

Everyone else that I talked to, however, didn’t seem to have this problem. They all were thrilled at the thought of being on their own and not having to worry about their parents telling them what to do or not to do all the time. And, sure, the thought was extremely exciting to me as well, but how would I survive without my family and friends and the things that had taken me eighteen years to get used to?

The summer before I came to college was probably the most fun my friends and I ever had. We all knew that in September things would never be the same again and we had to make the most of it while we still could. As the end of August rolled around we knew that it was time to say goodbye and be on our way to our own independence. I packed up the memories of the last eighteen years of my life into about five suitcases and was ready to go. I still didn’t feel like I was just as mature as my older college friends and I thought that I still looked like I was twelve years old.

We finally made it to the doors and began unloading my clothes and the eight million bags of food that my mom had packed for me. I still was unsure about sharing my room and not being able to have the privacy that I had back home. I was worried that the little habits that I had might annoy my roommate and that my roommate might have just as many annoying little habits that I might not be able to handle as well.

After I had all my things unpacked and put exactly where I wanted, my roommate and I decided to go around our hall and see whom we would be living with for the next two semesters. As we went around to different rooms and met different people my nervousness seemed to diminish. I began to realize that not everyone here knew everyone else and most were just as anxious and nervous about being here as I was. It worked. I started to feel better and was actually kind of excited about living here all by myself.

I still miss the security of living at home (and I wonder who would blame me for this feeling) and, most of all, home-cooked meals that are nonexistent here and the friends that I grew up with. But I know that we’ve all changed and those memories are just that – memories, no matter how pleasant they might be. And when times get too tough, my mom is just a phone call away. But I’m not too quick to call her and have her solve my problems. I’ve learned that I can usually work things out by myself. I’m glad that I’ve gone through these changes in myself and it makes me realize that I don’t need to fear change, that it’s just a part of life that everyone has to go through sometime.


Начало формы

How did the author feel about the beginning of her college life?
  1) Insecure.
  2) Confident.
  3) Disgusted.
  4) Ready for new life.

Конец формы


Начало формы

The main problem for the author was that …
  1) her parents wouldn’t help her with advice.
  2) nobody seemed to understand her feelings.
  3) she would miss her family and friends a lot.
  4) she was not ready for the classes.

Конец формы


Начало формы

Why was the summer before college such a fun time for the author?
  1) Her old friends were very funny.
  2) She made fun of her friends’ fears.
  3) She and her friends made a point of enjoying each other’s company.
  4) She was feeling like a very young child.

Конец формы


Начало формы

The author was worried about having to …
  1) eat too much food.
  2) live with a stranger.
  3) phone her mother too often.
  4) change her habits.

Конец формы


Начало формы

Upon arrival on campus the author found out that …
  1) she did not have enough place for all her things.
  2) her roommate was a very nice person.
  3) she knew most of the people there.
  4) other students felt a similar way.

Конец формы


Начало формы

What does the word ‘nonexistent’ refer to in the last paragraph?
  1) Memories.
  2) Home meals.
  3) College security.
  4) Old friends.

Конец формы


Начало формы

How has becoming a college student changed the author?
  1) She has got used to eating out.
  2) She has learned how to make new friends.
  3) She has become more attached to her mother.
  4) She has become more independent.



Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1 – 8. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1 – 8, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов (А, Б, В, Г). Установите соответствие номера пропуска варианту ответа.

The First Day at School

Do you remember your first day at school? It was probably 1 ____ confusing. Now, to 2 ____ this confusion, many primary schools in England have a special teacher who welcomes new pupils. She is 3 ____ a reception class teacher. The children are 4 ____ with the idea of school and if they have been good, they can’t understand why they have to go to school. They imagine that school isoptional. When the child goes to school on his first day and watches his mother leaving he thinks that she is deserting him. The teacher must 5 ____ him that at the end of the day his mother will be back and take him home. The children are not the only people that are disturbed by going to school. The teacher sometimes has as much difficulty in 6 ____ with the mothers. They hang around and dislike leaving the child without their protection.

The best way to 7 ____ with the situation is to get the child used to the idea of school. Before the beginning of term, the mother should take her child to see the teacher and to look 8 ____ the school. The first day should be something to emphasize the regularityof school.

1. А) enough; Б) rarely; В) rather; Г) equally

2. A) escape; Б) defeat; В) beat; Г) avoid

3. A) named; Б) called; В) said; Г) told

4. A) afraid; Б) threatened; В) endangered; Г) risked

5. A) convince; Б) prove; В) explain; Г) announce

6. A) managing; Б) guiding; В) coping; Г) handling

7. A) face; Б) deal; В) touch; Г) consider

8. A) through; Б) about; В) after; Г) round


What a story!

Daniel, aged 4, returned from Sunday school with a new amusing Christmas story about the Three Wise Men of the East. They _________ BRING _________ gifts to the baby Jesus.
Daniel was so excited he just had to tell his parents, “I learned in Sunday School all about the very _________ ONE _________ Christmas. There wasn’t a Santa Claus then, so these three wise men on camels had to deliver all the toys.
And Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer with his nose so bright ________ NOT LEAD __________ the sleigh, so they had to follow the big star in the sky to find their way around”.



He was too clever

Some people want to show how clever they are and that may lead to trouble. Once a professor _________ TRAVEL _________ by boat. On his way he asked the sailor: “Do you know biology, ecology, zoology, geography?”
The sailor said no to all his questions. The professor said: “What on Earth do you know? You _________ DIE _________ of illiteracy.”
After a while, the boat started _________ SINK _________. The sailor asked the professor: “Do you know swiminology and escapology from sharkology?” The professor said no. The sailor said, “Well, sharkology and crocodilogy will eat your headology and bodyology and you will dielogy because of your mouthology.”

The purpose of education

A famous professor greeted the first year undergraduates at the beginning of the academic year. He _________ TELL _________ them in his opening remarks:
“Nothing you learn here at the university will be of slightest use to you _________ LATE _________, but one thing.
If you work hard, if you train your brain, you should be able to understand when a man ________ TALK __________ nonsense. And that, in my view, is the main, if not the sole, purpose of education.”

Education for everyone

Thomas Jefferson made a considerable contribution to the development of education. He hoped that one day all young people on our planet ________ HAVE __________ the right to education.
Today, his dream _________ COME _________ true. At the global level, the United Nations recognises the right of everyone to education.
Although education is compulsory in most places, school attendance is optional, therefore some parents choose home-schooling for their _______ CHILD ___________.

Boston Public Library

Dating from 1852, Boston Public Library contributes much to Boston’s reputation as the “Athens of America”. The old building is notable for its magnificent facade and interior art. ___ VISIT ____ can pick up a free brochure. The brochure will be ___ HELP ___ to visitors. _____ ALTERNATIVE ___, free guided tours depart from the entrance hall at various times. This ___ ORIGIN ____ building, inspired by Italian Renaissance, can boast of enormous bronze doorways, iron gates and lanterns. From there a marble staircase leads the guests inside. Besides this _____ AMAZE ___ artistry, the library holds untold treasures in its special collections, including John Adams’ personal library. If you visit this place once, it will be ___ POSSIBLE ____ for you to forget it.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jack who writes:

… I’ve enrolled to a university in Denver. They have a good business school. What do you plan to do after school? By the way, what’s your graduation party going to be like? What are you going to wear? …

My younger sister has started taking swimming lessons …

Write a letter to Jack.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Mary who writes:

… I hope everything is fine at school. What’s your regular school day this year like? What is your favourite school subject, and why? What afterschool clubs do you plan to join this year, if any at all?

I’ve got a new pet …

Write a letter to Mary.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Dave who writes:

… Our PE teacher is super! He lets us play different ball games and sports during the lessons. Do you like your PE classes, and why? What sports and games can you play at school? What after-class activities are most popular in your school?

Last week my Dad organized a picnic for all our family …


Write a letter to Dave.

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

· give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

· say what the pictures have in common

· say in what way the pictures are different

· say which way of preparing for classes presented in the pictures you prefer

· explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (1215 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

Photo 1. Photo 2.



Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

· give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

· say what the pictures have in common

· say in what way the pictures are different

· say which of the ways of reading a book presented in the pictures you’d prefer

· explain why

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