Which flying machine is which? Note: there is one name without a corresponding image. Can you draw it? — КиберПедия 

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Which flying machine is which? Note: there is one name without a corresponding image. Can you draw it?

2019-11-19 317
Which flying machine is which? Note: there is one name without a corresponding image. Can you draw it? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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· the infinitive

· the infinitive of purpose

· the to-infinitive and the zero infinitive

· verbs with ing or to

Word formation:

suffixes –WARD(S)/ WISE


Essential vocabulary

altitude n carbon fibre phr (be) concerned adj cut down v entire adj failure n fault, n fuselage, n hover, v incredible, adj jet, n kick off, v land, v load, n maintain, v operate, v pull, v push, v range, n release, v remote, adj rise, v sophisticated, adj spin, v supersonic, adj take off, v take-off, n tend, v utilize, v wind tunnel withstand, v


Lesson 1   How things fly

Which flying machine is which? Note: there is one name without a corresponding image. Can you draw it?


blimp/ glider/ hang glider/ jetpack/ jumbo jet/ hot air balloon/ helicopter/ propeller plane



b c d
e f g


2 Watch the video ‘How do Airplanes Fly?’ and label the diagram.

3 Translate the terms into English.

· подъемная сила

· сила тяжести

· давление

· аэродинамическое сопротивление

· тяга

· равнодействующая сила

Read the texts and decide which flying machines from Ex. 1 stands for each symbol.

▲ is ____________;  ■ is ____________;

●is ____________; ♦ is ____________


▲s fly because of a very simple scientific principle: hot air rises. Hot air is buoyant (able to float), which means it rises and so won't fall out of the bottom of the▲. The hot air will continue to rise, pushing the ▲upward and keeping it afloat.

●s don’t have an engine. They need help to get up in the air but then it’s up to the wing design and the air flow to keep them flying. The wings keep the ● up in the air by creating lift so that its weight won’t pull it down.

The basic principle on which a ■ works is Newton’s Third Law (every action has an equal and opposite reaction). The hot gas produced when fuel is burned in the combustion chamber shoots downwards, which in turn produces an upward thrust.

♦s also make air move over airfoils to generate lift, but instead of having their airfoils* in a single fixed wing, they have them built into their rotor blades, which spin around at high speed (roughly 500 RPM, revolutions per minute). A ♦ can take off or land vertically, hover or spin on the spot, or drift gently in any direction—and you can't do any of that in a conventional plane.

* airfoil – аэродинамический профиль


Match the pictures with the verbs.

drift/ hover/ pull/ push/ rise/ spin/ take off


   a             b        с            d             e            f                g

Fill in the gaps with the verbs from Ex.5.

To                  means to leave surface; to begin flight.

To ________ means to stay in place while in the air.

To                   means to turn repeatedly.

To ________ means to move slowly on water, wind, etc.

To                   means to move upward.


Look at the suffixes for manner and direction and translate the adverbs.

- WARD (s) – направление в пространстве или времени

Upward; forward; backwards; homeward; afterwards; inward


Clockwise; counterclockwise; lengthwise


To fly has always been the humans’ dream.

A helicopter can take off or land vertically.

The hot air will continue to rise.

The aircraft make air move over airfoils to generate lift.

To descend you need to decrease the rotor speed.

Gliders need help to get up in the air.



All the underlined forms are examples of the infinitive. It is the base form of the English verb.

The most common form is the present infinitive. It is the verb form that you find in the dictionary. There are other forms of the infinitive: the perfect infinitive, the continuous infinitive, the perfect continuous infinitive and the passive infinitive.

The Past and the Present

Find the odd one out.

1) be concerned/ be contained/ be worried

2) fare/ prize/ price/

3) failure/ fault/ flow

4) sophisticated/ complex/ elementary

5) release/ capture/ free

6) surrender/ withstand/ resist

7) unbelievable/ incredible/ increment

8) altitude/ height/ attitude

9) maintain/ terminate/ conserve

10) remote/ probable/ unlikely


There is no rule

you have to memorize or look it up in the dictionary if a verb is followed by TO or -ING.

Verb + to infinitive


AFFORD     ENCOURAGE GET                  OFFER             TEND

AGREE       EXPECT           HOPE               PRETEND        TRY

ASK             FAIL                 INTEND           PROMISE        WANT

DECIDE      FORCE             MANAGE        REFUSE           WOULD LIKE



Verb + - ing

ADMIT              DISLIKE           FINISH              MIND                PRACTISE

AVOID              ENJOY              GIVE UP           KEEP                 RISK


If a verb is followed by a preposition, it needs an –ing form of the verb

E.G. You can’t learn English without making mistakes.


Verb + to infinitive OR –ing   BEGIN, START, CONTINUE


Solar Impulse 2 boasts the wingspan of a Boeing 777, and weighs just like a truck. It is covered in heat-insulating panels. The plane flies at a speed of about 500 mph and is very easy to control. The goal is to fly as high as possible. The cockpit is as spacious as a limousine. The pilots Borschberg and Piccard use yoga, self-hypnosis and meditation to endure days in the air without losing their minds. This airplane demonstrates the future of aviation. The pilots believe that in 50 years’ time commercial solar powered planes will appear.


The drive to increase fuel efficiency and improve the aerodynamic performance of new aircraft is leading designers to move away from using aluminium in airframes. Instead today's latest planes like Boeing's 787 Dreamliner and Airbus's A350 rely on lightweight carbon fibre composites. The key to a composite material like carbon fibre is that it is incredibly strong for its weight. Composites mean that manufacturers can get a good surface finish on components to optimise their aerodynamic performance.

Using these kinds of materials is also opening up other potential savings. An A380 super-jumbo, for instance, has about six million parts – but in future this could be cut down considerably. Manufacturing time also will shorten, saving money.

Crucially for aircraft manufacturers, carbon fibre components are lighter than similar parts made of aluminium. Each kilogramme cut means a saving of roughly $1m in costs over the lifetime of an aircraft – and the use of such composites can reduce the weight of an aircraft by up to 20%. Currently, Boeing's latest plane, the 787 Dreamliner uses composites for half of its airframe including the fuselage and wing, while Airbus's A350 XWB has both its fuselage and wings made of carbon fibre.

The great advantage of using carbon fibre as opposed to traditional metal is that it gives aircraft designers much more freedom when trying to combine the demands of aerodynamic efficiency, fuel savings and reducing engine noise.

Airbus recently presented its own proposals for an airliner of the future - and it too moves away from the traditional narrow tube-like fuselage. Instead, its 2050 concept plane has a fatter fuselage, which is curved and shaped to improve airflow and to provide more internal space. Its wings are longer and slimmer to reduce drag and save on fuel. The tail section is U-shaped, which acts as a shield, cutting down on engine noise. The engines themselves will have become more reliable, so ground crew will need to access them less frequently for maintenance. (2,027 characters) https://www.bbc.com/news/business-25833264



· the infinitive

· the infinitive of purpose

· the to-infinitive and the zero infinitive

· verbs with ing or to

Word formation:

suffixes –WARD(S)/ WISE


Essential vocabulary

altitude n carbon fibre phr (be) concerned adj cut down v entire adj failure n fault, n fuselage, n hover, v incredible, adj jet, n kick off, v land, v load, n maintain, v operate, v pull, v push, v range, n release, v remote, adj rise, v sophisticated, adj spin, v supersonic, adj take off, v take-off, n tend, v utilize, v wind tunnel withstand, v


Lesson 1   How things fly

Which flying machine is which? Note: there is one name without a corresponding image. Can you draw it?


blimp/ glider/ hang glider/ jetpack/ jumbo jet/ hot air balloon/ helicopter/ propeller plane



b c d
e f g


2 Watch the video ‘How do Airplanes Fly?’ and label the diagram.

3 Translate the terms into English.

· подъемная сила

· сила тяжести

· давление

· аэродинамическое сопротивление

· тяга

· равнодействующая сила

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