The Information Search Phase — КиберПедия 

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The Information Search Phase

2019-11-19 120
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ΠScan through the extract again to answer the following questions.


1. What is higher education provided by?

2. What does ‘a multi-level structure’ mean?

3. What is the function of the Bachelor degree?

4. Which two options does level 2 represent?

5. What are the two stages of doctoral degrees in Russia?

6. When can a person join a postgraduate department?

7. What does postgraduate professional education require in your view?


 How do you understand the phrases set off in italics below? Comment on your answer.

       State final attestation for a Specialist Diploma covers the defense of a project or a thesis and State final examinations.

       Graduates of higher education institutions with a bent for research work may pursue their education as postgraduates.


Ž  & Reading Strategy 1



    Complete the graphic organiser like the one below by listing and depicting the stages of higher education in Russia.







Developing Your Skills


ΠAnswer the following questions.


1. What is the role of education nowadays?

2. Were you satisfied with the education at school?

3. What is the main difference between school and university education?

4. Have you had a chance to compare Russian system of higher education with the system of higher education abroad?

5. What do you think the strengths and weaknesses of our system are?

6. What is the target of all the higher education reforms, which are under way in Russia at the moment?

7. What do you know about Bologna process? Can you describe this system in brief?

8. Can you give the differences between traditional and new educational systems?


S T E P 2


The Reading Phase

ΠScan through the text to grasp its general idea.




    One of the main tasks in this case – the right career planning. One of the most important things you will do during the career planning process is set goals. A goal is something you want to achieve. In order to achieve a goal, you will need to exert some energy – generally a lot of it.

    You should set both long-term and short-term goals:

    Long-term goals are tasks that you should be able to achieve in about five to ten years. Short term goals should be reach ed in one to three years. In order for your goals to be achievable, they must meet certain criteria. Your goals must be:

§ achievable: you must have the attributes, energy, and time to accomplish your goal;

§ believable: you must believe you can reach your goal;

§ achievable within a certain time frame: you must be able to state how long it will take you to reach your goal;

§ clearly defined: you must know exactly what your goal is;

§ flexible: you must be willing to modify your goal if necessary.

    If your goals meet the criteria listed above, you aremorelikelytobesuccessful in achieving them. If you have a plan, you must have a motivation. Find out what drives you. Without the determination and drive to take action in pursuit of your goals all efforts will stop. If we want to get ahead in career – we should not be afraid of changes. We must remember, change is uncomfortable, but any change is always a new opportunity...

    Also confidence is very important. Believe in yourself. Believe that if you take risks you will be successful. It’s a cliché, but you should think positive thoughts. But ratherthansaying unrealistic things like “I’m the best,” say “I’m going to keep at this. I believe that I can be successful”.



The Linguistic Search Phase


ΠFind the Russian equivalents.


1. to reach a goal j) краткосрочный
2. to achieve k) достигать цели
3. determination l) критерии
4. long-term m) брать на себя риск
5. short-term n) решительность
6. to exert o) приводить в действие
7. criteria p) достигать
8. to take risks q) долгосрочный


 Translate the sentences paying attention to the parts in bold.


    1. Believe that if you take risks you will be successful. It’s a cliché, but you should think positive thoughts. But rather than saying unrealistic things like “I’m the best,” say “I’m going to keep at this. I believe that I can be successful”.

    2. A goal is something you want to achieve. In order to achieve a goal, you will need to exert some energy.

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