Elizabeth II becomes longest-reigning U.K. monarch — КиберПедия 

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Elizabeth II becomes longest-reigning U.K. monarch

2019-11-18 770
Elizabeth II becomes longest-reigning U.K. monarch 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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On September 9, 2015, Queen Elizabeth II became the longest-reigning monarch in British history. Her tenure of 63 years 7 months plus surpassed that of the famous Queen Victoria. In some respects Elizabeth ____ MAKE ____ the monarchy less formal and remote. She sent her ____ CHILD ____, 3 boys and a girl, to school, ending the practice of royal sons and daughters being educated at home by private tutors. She also allowed television cameras limited access to her palaces and, through them, provided to the general public glimpses of her daily life and leisure interests, the ___ PROMINENT ___ of which was horse racing.


Warwick Castle

Warwick Castle is one of the greatest sights in the UK. You won’t believe what the castle ____ SEE ____ over the last ten centuries of its existence. Still, it’s a very nice place with beautiful nature and lots of outdoor activities, so many tourists bring their ___ CHILD ____ here too. There’s always much for ____ THEY _____ to see and do, including outdoor games in summer and a visit to the mysterious Ghost Tower in winter.

A funny mistake

Two policemen went on patrol. One of them was a beginner, but he considered himself to be much ___ CLEVER ___ than his partner. Some time later the policemen ____ TELL ____ on the radio that if they noticed a crowd, they should make these people go away. Very soon they ____ FIND ____ a small crowd of people standing in one place. The young policeman began ____ SHOUT _____ at them very loudly so the people ran away quickly. The young policeman was very proud of himself on his first patrol. The old policeman sighed and said: “It was a very good job, my friend. The only problem is that it’s a bus stop”.


Great Yarmouth

Great Yarmouth is not well-known to many people. It’s a typical small English town with a ___ POPULATE __ of 70,000 people. It’s located in a coastal area in Norfolk and has a rich history of ____ FISH ____ industry. The locals are ___ REAL ___ hospitable people. Most of them own small guest houses or B&Bs as well as souvenir shops. The town also has a market (usually on Wednesdays and Fridays) selling ____ VARY ____ goods from household products to clothing. There’s also a large number of chip stalls within the market place. During winter months most places are closed or are open at limited times so ___ EMPLOY ____ also goes up as most seasonal jobs come to an end in winter. Over the last few years the local authorities have done a lot to ___ MODERN ___ the town to fight this problem.


The Bath Boat Centre

The Bath Boat Centre is situated at the heart of the beautiful heritage city of Bath. It’s an old ___ BUSY ___ on the Avon Canal. Here at this centre they ___ SPECIAL ___ in day trips from Bath to Bradford-on-Avon either on a floating restaurant or on mini-boats. You can have a __ WONDER __ experience watching the canal life go by or making stops and exploring the area. In any case, you’ll see a hidden world which is ___ REAL ___ great. The organization has a commitment to excellence and is proud of being ____ RELY ___ and it offers good value for money. The Bath Boats Centre can show you a different way to enjoy the areas of great ___ NATURE ___ beauty.


First impressions

In 1880 Great Britain began to trade with Morocco. The Moroccan king was one of the __ RICH __ people of his time. He was interested in the British fleet, so a group of British diplomats showed him their best ship hoping he ___ BUY ___ it. “We hope our ship ____ IMPRESS ___ you,” they finally said at the end of the tour. “Yes, but I like the captain’s face better,” was the reply.

Strange but true

Arthur Conan Doyle is a well-known British writer. When you hear his name, the ____ ONE ____ thing that comes to mind is his famous detective Sherlock Holmes. A lot of people remember Sherlock Holmes’ address. There is now a museum there. But few people know the following facts about ____ HE _____. Sherlock Holmes wasn’t a professional detective. In fact he ___ EDUCATE ___ at university to be a chemist. One more interesting thing is that Sherlock Holmes ____ HAVE _____ quite an unusual hobby for a detective at his time. It was playing the violin.




Bradford-on-Avon is a town in west Wiltshire with a population of about 10000 people. The town’s many historic ___ BUILD ___, shops, pubs and restaurants make it popular with tourists. A ____ VISIT ___ can trace the history of the town back to the Roman times. However, the town grew due to the woolen textile industry, which still serves the local farming ____ COMMUNE ____. The ancient bridge in the centre of the town is its ___ NATURE ____ focus and still has two of its 13th century arches. On the bridge there stands a town lockup which was ___ ORIGINAL ___ a chapel. At first the town may seem ___ IMPORTANT ___, but it was the centre of English textiles up to the Industrial Revolution.


Caernarvon Castle

Caernarvon Castle is a must to visit for anybody who plans to see Wales and its sights. Caernarvon is a ___ REAL ___ amazing example of medieval architecture. Caernarvon was built in the 13th century by King Edward I to ___ SYMBOL ____ the King’s power over Wales and its people. He intended the castle to be a Royal residence and the seat of his ___ GOVERN ___ in North Wales. However, when his first son was born in Caernarvon, he decided the castle had even more ___ IMPORTANT __ for the British royalty. This ____ BEAUTY ___ place is now where the title of the Prince of Wales is given to the first son of the British monarch. Prince Charles is the Prince of Wales nowadays. There are so many things to see there that it is ____ POSSIBLE ___ to do it in just one day, so plan your visit accordingly.


Questions and answers

Johnny was in the 4th grade when he had to take his first school exam. When Johnny came home that day, the mother asked him, “How was ___ YOU ____ exam? Were all the questions difficult?” Johnny answered, ___ SMILE ___ shyly, “No mom, the questions were simple. It was the answers which __ GIVE ____ me all the trouble!”

The compass in the sea

Many people think that to navigate in the sea sailors need the compass. Sailors in ancient times charted their course by the stars, and ___ NOT USE ____ the compass. We know very little about its invention. All we know is that the compass ___ MENTION ___ for the first time in the 12th century manuscript. ___ THAT ___ early compasses consisted of an iron needle attached to a piece of wood or cork that floated in a bowl of water. It wasn’t until the 19th century that a really dependable compass was invented. But the compass is no longer used on ships, it’s been replaced by a much ___ GOOD ___ device called the gyrocompass.



Brighton is generally known by its nickname ‘London by the sea’. It’s a seaside city less than 50 miles south of London. It is actually a ___ COMBINE ___ of several other towns under one roof. Brighton is one of the most popular seaside destinations in Britain so millions of ___ VISIT ___ come here every year. Brighton is also home to many ___ FAME ___ people including Noel Gallaher, a singer, and Julian Clary, a comedian. Since Brighton is a seaside city, most of what is going on deals with coast ___ ACTIVE ____. There’s always plenty to see and do along the beach. Brighton is also known for its variety of festivals throughout the year, the most well-known being ___ PROBABLE __ the Brighton Festival. It is ___ POSSIBLE ___ to see and do everything in just one day, so plan your stay in Brighton for at least a few days.



“Bath is the finest place on earth for you may enjoy it without getting tired”. These are the words of the 18th century ___ TRAVEL ____ James Boswell upon his first visit to the place. He was right, of course. This is a _____ TRUE ____ glorious Georgian city with its well-preserved Roman remains and famous baths. Bath is one of the easiest cities to explore with a compact centre of broad main streets lined with numerous historic _____ BUILD ___ and pretty shops. Everything you could want to see is within walking distance but you can spend several days in Bath each day doing something different and something ____ EXCITE __. Don’t forget that nearby is the ancient and ___ MYSTERY ____ Stonehenge, a circle of enormous rocks on the edge of the Salisbury Plain. Perhaps Bath and its surroundings have some greatest sights in Britain. A trip to this city or in any ____ DIRECT _____ from it will lead you to an wonderful day.



Chester is a tourist city with a population approaching 100,000. Like many British cities, it was __ ORIGINAL ___ founded by the Romans. Chester’s popular ____ ATTRACT __ and sights include the racecourse, the clock tower and the cathedral although it has a good range of shops as well. Nowadays Chester is hoping to offer even more ____ ENTERTAIN ___ with a new racecourse. Indeed Chester is most ___ FAME ____ for its race days. At weekends, when the races are on, traffic into and out of the city can be very busy. There’s also a new club “Cruise” which is made up from 6 rooms each representing a different country in the world. This is an ____ AMAZE ___ club and if you manage to go to Chester, it is worth visiting. One more thing to do is taking a river boat cruise during the summer months to learn a little more about the history of Chester and to ___ REAL ___ appreciate the beautiful scenery.


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