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2019-11-11 464
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Настоящее врем я

I     am                      I am not…                                    Am I…?

You  are                     You are not…                           Are you…?


  he                                 he                                                   he

  she    is                    she is not                          is    she…?

  it                                   it    isn`t                                         it


  we                                 we                                                 we

  you are                     you  are not                       are    you…?

  they                              they aren`t                                        they


Прошедшее время

 I                                      I                                                    I

He        was                     he  was not                     was he

She                                  she wasn`t                                 she

  It                                      it                                                    it


We                                   we                                                    we

You were                   you were not                   were  you

They                                they                                                  they


Будущее время

I     shall be                 I    shall not be      shall   I be

We `ll be                     we shan`t be                               we be                                       


He                                    he                                                   he be

She will be                       she  will not be                   will     she be

It    `ll be                   it   won`t                                   it  be      

They                                  they                                               they be



Настоящее время

I (you, we, they) have a book       Have you (they, you, we, I) a book?      I (you, we, they) haven't a book

He (she, it) has a book               Has he (she) a book?                                          He (she, it) hasn't a book


В прошедшем времени - had для всех лиц


1. Преобразуйте данные предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные:

1. Ann is a journalist. 2. This student has a good memory. 3. Professor Smith and Professor Black are colleagues. They are economists. 4. The secretary is in the office. 5. Bill has got questions to the lecturer. 6. Lecture halls are on the second floor. 7. The problem is difficult. 8. We have lectures on Friday. 9. A scientist is an expert in natural sciences. 10. A scholar is an expert in the humanities.


2. Раскройте скобки, используя необходимую по смыслу форму глаголов to be и to have:

1. My friend (to be) at home now. 2. We (to have) English classes twice a week. 3. Wealth (to be) nothing, happiness (to be) all. 4. She (to be) an economist. 5. A good teacher (to have) some of the gifts of a good actor. 6. Nothing (to be) so rare as complete honesty. 7. A triangle (to have) three sides and three angles. 8. Education (to be) not just learning facts. 9. Everything children study at school (to have) some practical use in their daily life. 10. School (to be) an institution for educating children. 11. This book (to be) interesting. 12. John (to have got) a problem.


3. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Я студент первого курса. 2. Мы не историки, мы - журналисты. 3. У тебя много английских книг? 4. Эти молодые люди - студенты экономического факультета. 5. У меня сейчас нет времени. 6. Газета лежит на столе. 7.Университет располагает хорошей библиотекой. 8. У меня есть несколько интересных книг о начальной школе в Великобритании.




There is a book on the desk.                                                    На столе (лежит) книга.

There are three books on the desk.                                  На столе (лежат) три книги.

There is only one way to solve this problem.                 Существует только один способ решения этой проблемы.                                                 

There is a lot of work to be done today.                               Сегодня нужно многое сделать.

Is there a/any book on the desk?                                           На столе есть (какая-нибудь) книга?                                                               

There isn't any book on the desk.                              На столе нет книги.

There is no book on the cask.


1. Переведите на русский язык:

1. There are seven days in a week. 2. In our solar system there are nine planets. 3. In this situation there are two alternatives. 4. Is there anything to read about education in Britain in this library? 5. There are 16 faculties in this University. 6. There are many things children first learn at school. 7. There are several approaches to this problem. 8. I think there cannot be any misunderstanding.



Личные                                     Притяжательные                              Возвратные

Именительный    объектный           Зависимая     Абсолютная          

Падеж                  падеж                   форма           форма


I                          Me                        my                  mine                             myself

You                         you                       your               yours                            yourself

He                         him                       his                   his                                himself

She                          her                        her                  hers                              herself

It                          it                          its                    its                                 itself

We                          us                        our                  ours                              ourselves

You                          you                      your                yours                            yourselves

They                    them                    their                theirs                             themselves


1. Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями I, you, we, it, he, she, they:

1. Helen is a first-year student....works hard. 2. John comes home late....is a part-time student. 3. I am always glad to see Mary....are old friends. 4. Students have a lot of work to do at the University....can't waste time. 5. Peter, come here, please! Could... help us? 6. This book is not suitable for children....is too difficult. 7. My father is an economist....teaches economics at the University.


2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. I always do it myself. 2. He can do the work himself quite easily. 3. They often criticize themselves. 4. He manages to cope with all his problems himself. 5. The manager spoke to me himself. 6. The world must protect itself from war. 7. I don't know the answer myself. 8. She will answer this question herself.


3. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями:

I. Tell him not to leave... books behind. 2. She took off... coat and began to work. 3. Now we send... children to school at the age of 6. 4. They introduce new methods of teaching.... methods are very efficient. 5. You must try to choose... future profession early in life. 6. She always keeps... promises. 7. I have... own way of doing things. 8. I don't know this word. Can you explain... meaning to me?


4. Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящее по смыслу местоимение из двух предложенных:

1. I'll bring notes. Don't forget to bring (your, yours). 2. The board approves (his, him) results. I'm afraid they have doubts about (her, hers). 3. First we'll listen to (their, theirs) suggestions, then we shall put forward (our, ours). 4. He has wonderful ideas. They are much better than (my, mine). 5. (Our, ours) paper is too long. (Their, theirs) is just right. 6. It's not (your, yours) problem, it's (my, mine). 7. I've got no pen to write with. I'll ask Mary to give me (her, hers). 8. The benefits are (their, theirs), but the expense is (our, ours).


5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Эта работа не моя, а ваша. 2. Где мой словарь? 3. Их родной язык - немецкий. 4. У нее нет учебника. Я могу дать ей свой. 5. Профессор Смит всегда тщательно (carefully) проверяет свои результаты. 6. Он не любит рассказывать нам о своей работе. 7. Мэри - журналистка. Она любит свою работу. 8. Это его перевод, а не мой. 9. Это не их дело. 10. Я не могу выполнить эту работу сам.





1, we                                                        I, we                                                           I, we

You   live in Kiev                             you    don't live in Kiev            Do  you   live in Kiev?

They                                                      they                                                        they


He (she, it) lives in Kiev.                He (she, it) doesn't live in Kiev.          Does he (she, it) live in Kiev?



1. Don't - do not, doesn't - does not.

2. Наречия и словосочетания, используемые с The Simple Present Tense: usually, as a rule, generally, always, every day, every week, every month, twice a year, often, seldom.


John usually walks to the University.            Джон обычно ходит в университет пешком.

Water boils at 100' Celsius.                             Вода кипит при температуре 100 по Цельсию.                                 

        Professor Gray arrives tomorrow.                   Профессор Грей прибывает завтра.


1. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные:

1. Не knows the answer to this question. 2. He leaves home at eight o'clock. З.Thе last train arrives at midnight. 4. It is important to choose a good job. 5. They refuse to help us. 6. This job suits his abilities well enough.


2. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Дети сами выбирают себе друзей. 2. Мой друг хочет работать в музее. 3. После занятий студенты обычно занимаются в библиотеке. 4. Он преподает французский язык. 5. Он редко ездит в командировку. 6. Я не понимаю, что вы имеете в виду. 7. Какие новые предметы студенты изучают в этом году? 8. Он отказывается выполнять эту работу.





Is he a student?                                                               Он студент?

Must I go?                                                                        Я должен идти?

Does  he live in St.-Petersburg?                                    Oн живет в С.-Петербурге?


Is he a student or a lecturer?                                        Он студент или преподаватель?

Must he go or stay here?                                               Я должен идти или остаться здесь?

Does he live in St.-Petersburg  or in Moscow?        Oн живет в С.-Петербурге или в Москве?



he is a student, isn't he?                              Он студент, не правда ли?

He must go there, mustn't he?                               Он должен сходить туда, не так ли?

He lives in Donetsk, doesn’t he?                     Он живет в Донецке, не правда ли?

He doesn't live in Donetsk, does he?              Он не живет в Донецке, не так ли?

                                                                          (или Ведь он не живет в Донецке?)



Who is this man?                                                       Кто этот человек?

What is this?                                                               Что это?

What is the aim of education?                                 Какова цель образования?

When does the conference start?                                Когда начинается конференция?

Where does he live?                                                  Где он живет?

Why are you late?                                     Почему вы опоздали?

How can I help you?                                                Как (чем) я могу помочь?

How long will you stay here?                  Как долго вы здесь пробудете?

Which way shall we go?                           По какой дороге мы пойдем?


1. Составьте всевозможные вопросы к следующим предложениям:

1. At school children learn some foreign language. 2. These students live in the halls of residence (общежитие). 3. Thе conference opens on Friday. 4. He looks sad because he is overworked. 5. She prefers teaching to learning.




He liv ed in London last year   

He didn't live in London last year  

Did he live in London last year?


Примечание: Наречия и словосочетания, используемые с The Simple Past Tense: yesterday, last month, a week ago, the other day.


Professor Brown lectured in а Donetsk University last year.

– Профессор Браун читал лекции в Донецком университете в прошлом году.


When John was a student he always walked  to the University.

- Когда Джон был студентом, он всегда ходил в университет пешком.


1. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные:

1. The teacher found some old textbooks a few days ago. 2. The students worked in the library last week. 3. He was a fine actor. 4. The explanation of the rule was quite clear to the class. 5. The students took an active part in the conversation. 6. The student concentrated on the writer's central idea.


2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в The Simple Past Tense:

1. He (to go) to a conference last month. 2. She (not tо understand) the question. 3. University lecturers (to meet) first year students yesterday. 4. Language training for business (to become) very important. 5. We (not to know) what to say. 6. The secretary (to tell) us about the meeting. 7. The teacher (to select) grammar exercises suitable for the students' linguistic level. 8. He (to plan) to practice pronunciation at the language laboratory. 9. The Greeks (to give) us the first of the true comedies. 10. We (to put forward) some new proposals.


3. Переведите следующее предложения на английский язык:

1.Только вчера он узнал тему своего доклада. 2. Эти ученые встречались на конференции в прошлом году. 3. Я купил эту книгу на днях. 4. Студент не знал, как ответить на вопрос. 5. На прошлой неделе профессор Грей принял участие в дискуссии по этой проблеме. 6. В прошлом году он eздил в Великобританию. Он сделал доклад в Лондонском университете о новых тенденциях в украинской экономике.




Last summer I used to get up early in the morning.        Прошлым летом я обычно вставал рано.           

He used to be an excellent lecturer.                            Раньше он был превосходным лектором.                  

Every morning he would go for a long walk.                        Обычно каждое утро он отправлялся в далекие прогулки.



1. Переведите следующее предложения:

1. Sometimes the boys would play a trick on their teacher. 2. I know the man quite well. We used to go tо school with him. 3. He used to travel a lot. 4. She would work late every night. 5. This speech ruined the reputation he used to have. 6. He used to open the textbook and scanned through the table of contents before thorough reading.


2. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Он обычно говорил об этом ученом с восхищением. 2. Он раньше был врачом. Сейчас он занимается биологией. 3. Она раньше чаcтo заходила к нам. 4. Они раньше очень много спорили. 5. Обычно Джо готовился к экзаменам по вечерам.



He will come tomorrow

will he come tomorrow?

He won't come tomorrow


Примечание 1: Наречия и словосочетания, употребляемые с The Simple Future Tense: tomorrow, next week, in a couple of days/ soon.

Примечание 2: Глагол shall для образования будущего времени 1-го л. ед. и мн.ч. выходит из употребления в современном английском языке.



I'm sure you'll always be а success.                             Я уверен, что вам всегда будет сопутствовать успех.

We'll provide all the necessary information tomorrow. Мы дадим всю необходимую информацию завтра.

They'11 soon resume  their experiments.                              Они скоро возобновят свои эксперименты.




1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в The Simple Future Tense:

1.We (to hope) for the best. 2. We never (to surrender). 3. He (to want) this information in a week. 4. He (to believe) whatever you may tell him. 5. He (to be) concerned only with facts and figures. 6. I am sure they (to understand) your point of view. 7. For all students there (to be) enough reference books. 8. He (to finish) his experiment soon. 9. The man who really knows how to learn always (to be) successful. 10. The student (to open) the file and (to skim) through the table of contents.


2. Придумайте предложения, используя следующие слова:

tomorrow, by tomorrow, r.ext year, in a couple of days, in 2000, next week.



He can/may (might) be right.                                                                Возможно он прав.

She can/may (might) be waiting for us at the entrance.                       Вероятно, она ждет нас у входа.

She can/may (might) have settled the problem already.                Может быть, она решила эту проблему.

They can/may (might) have been waiting for us at the entrance.   Вероятно, они ждали нас у входа.


1. Переведите следующие предложения, учитывая различные значения глагола may:

1. You may wait for him if you like. 2. She may be waiting for us. Why not give her a ring? 3. Might I make as suggestion? 4. He might made this suggestion before, but it passed unnoticed. 5. What you say might be true. However we want evidence. 6. He may be looking up some index references in a book. 7. 1 can't find out their address. They might have moved away. 8. He may be clever, but he hasn't got much common sense. 9. You can't blame him. He might have done what he thought right. 10. It may be expected that they will reject our proposals.


2. Раскройте скобки, используя необходимые по смыслу форму инфинитива.

1.The speech may (to be) effective enough, but it was too long. 2. That story may (to be) true, but I don't believe it. 3. 1 did not say a word. He may (to jet) this information from other people. 4. It is to be hoped that the conference might (to bring) some changes in the situation in the country. 5. If you don't make every effort to help him, he may never (to succeed). 6. He may not (to hear) the news. He looks as if nothing has happened. 7. Might I (to smoke) in here?






Настоящее врем я

I     am                      I am not…                                    Am I…?

You  are                     You are not…                           Are you…?


  he                                 he                                                   he

  she    is                    she is not                          is    she…?

  it                                   it    isn`t                                         it


  we                                 we                                                 we

  you are                     you  are not                       are    you…?

  they                              they aren`t                                        they


Прошедшее время

 I                                      I                                                    I

He        was                     he  was not                     was he

She                                  she wasn`t                                 she

  It                                      it                                                    it


We                                   we                                                    we

You were                   you were not                   were  you

They                                they                                                  they


Будущее время

I     shall be                 I    shall not be      shall   I be

We `ll be                     we shan`t be                               we be                                       


He                                    he                                                   he be

She will be                       she  will not be                   will     she be

It    `ll be                   it   won`t                                   it  be      

They                                  they                                               they be



Настоящее время

I (you, we, they) have a book       Have you (they, you, we, I) a book?      I (you, we, they) haven't a book

He (she, it) has a book               Has he (she) a book?                                          He (she, it) hasn't a book


В прошедшем времени - had для всех лиц


1. Преобразуйте данные предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные:

1. Ann is a journalist. 2. This student has a good memory. 3. Professor Smith and Professor Black are colleagues. They are economists. 4. The secretary is in the office. 5. Bill has got questions to the lecturer. 6. Lecture halls are on the second floor. 7. The problem is difficult. 8. We have lectures on Friday. 9. A scientist is an expert in natural sciences. 10. A scholar is an expert in the humanities.


2. Раскройте скобки, используя необходимую по смыслу форму глаголов to be и to have:

1. My friend (to be) at home now. 2. We (to have) English classes twice a week. 3. Wealth (to be) nothing, happiness (to be) all. 4. She (to be) an economist. 5. A good teacher (to have) some of the gifts of a good actor. 6. Nothing (to be) so rare as complete honesty. 7. A triangle (to have) three sides and three angles. 8. Education (to be) not just learning facts. 9. Everything children study at school (to have) some practical use in their daily life. 10. School (to be) an institution for educating children. 11. This book (to be) interesting. 12. John (to have got) a problem.


3. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Я студент первого курса. 2. Мы не историки, мы - журналисты. 3. У тебя много английских книг? 4. Эти молодые люди - студенты экономического факультета. 5. У меня сейчас нет времени. 6. Газета лежит на столе. 7.Университет располагает хорошей библиотекой. 8. У меня есть несколько интересных книг о начальной школе в Великобритании.




There is a book on the desk.                                                    На столе (лежит) книга.

There are three books on the desk.                                  На столе (лежат) три книги.

There is only one way to solve this problem.                 Существует только один способ решения этой проблемы.                                                 

There is a lot of work to be done today.                               Сегодня нужно многое сделать.

Is there a/any book on the desk?                                           На столе есть (какая-нибудь) книга?                                                               

There isn't any book on the desk.                              На столе нет книги.

There is no book on the cask.


1. Переведите на русский язык:

1. There are seven days in a week. 2. In our solar system there are nine planets. 3. In this situation there are two alternatives. 4. Is there anything to read about education in Britain in this library? 5. There are 16 faculties in this University. 6. There are many things children first learn at school. 7. There are several approaches to this problem. 8. I think there cannot be any misunderstanding.


Составьте предложения no данному образцу:

Образец: in the office, there is, for you, a message - There is a message for you in the office.

1. a table, there is, of the classroom, in, the middle. 2.children, there aren't, he classroom, in, any, now. 3. three, in, this town, there are, secondary schools. 4. ten, there are, students, in the group. 5. any, mistakes, there aren't, your, in, essay. 6. work, there is, tonight, to be done, a lot of.


3. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные:

There are two reference books on the shelf. 2. There is a lot of discussion about language learning now. 3. There is a set of grammar exercises in this text book. 4. There are some courses for beginners at the University. 5. There are some booklets here. 6. There is some sense in what he proposes.


4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. На столе (лежат) книги и тетради. 2. В нашей группе есть хорошие студенты. 3. В этой книге несколько интересных рассказов. 4. Есть люди, которые знают более 10 иностранных языков. 5. В учебном году два семестра. 6. В аудитории нет студентов. 7. В его работе несколько ошибок. 8. В этой книге есть иллюстрации?



Личные                                     Притяжательные                              Возвратные

Именительный    объектный           Зависимая     Абсолютная          

Падеж                  падеж                   форма           форма


I                          Me                        my                  mine                             myself

You                         you                       your               yours                            yourself

He                         him                       his                   his                                himself

She                          her                        her                  hers                              herself

It                          it                          its                    its                                 itself

We                          us                        our                  ours                              ourselves

You                          you                      your                yours                            yourselves

They                    them                    their                theirs                             themselves


1. Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями I, you, we, it, he, she, they:

1. Helen is a first-year student....works hard. 2. John comes home late....is a part-time student. 3. I am always glad to see Mary....are old friends. 4. Students have a lot of work to do at the University....can't waste time. 5. Peter, come here, please! Could... help us? 6. This book is not suitable for children....is too difficult. 7. My father is an economist....teaches economics at the University.


2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. I always do it myself. 2. He can do the work himself quite easily. 3. They often criticize themselves. 4. He manages to cope with all his problems himself. 5. The manager spoke to me himself. 6. The world must protect itself from war. 7. I don't know the answer myself. 8. She will answer this question herself.


3. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями:

I. Tell him not to leave... books behind. 2. She took off... coat and began to work. 3. Now we send... children to school at the age of 6. 4. They introduce new methods of teaching.... methods are very efficient. 5. You must try to choose... future profession early in life. 6. She always keeps... promises. 7. I have... own way of doing things. 8. I don't know this word. Can you explain... meaning to me?


4. Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящее по смыслу местоимение из двух предложенных:

1. I'll bring notes. Don't forget to bring (your, yours). 2. The board approves (his, him) results. I'm afraid they have doubts about (her, hers). 3. First we'll listen to (their, theirs) suggestions, then we shall put forward (our, ours). 4. He has wonderful ideas. They are much better than (my, mine). 5. (Our, ours) paper is too long. (Their, theirs) is just right. 6. It's not (your, yours) problem, it's (my, mine). 7. I've got no pen to write with. I'll ask Mary to give me (her, hers). 8. The benefits are (their, theirs), but the expense is (our, ours).


5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Эта работа не моя, а ваша. 2. Где мой словарь? 3. Их родной язык - немецкий. 4. У нее нет учебника. Я могу дать ей свой. 5. Профессор Смит всегда тщательно (carefully) проверяет свои результаты. 6. Он не любит рассказывать нам о своей работе. 7. Мэри - журналистка. Она любит свою работу. 8. Это его перевод, а не мой. 9. Это не их дело. 10. Я не могу выполнить эту работу сам.


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