Task 4. Put the names of the planets into the right order. — КиберПедия 

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Task 4. Put the names of the planets into the right order.

2019-10-30 116
Task 4. Put the names of the planets into the right order. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Venus, the Sun, Earth, Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus


Task 5. Give the English equivalents:

1. Газовый гигант;

2. атмосфера Земли;

3. поддерживать жизнь;

4. небесное светило;

5. пояс астероидов;

6. солнечный свет;

7. оранжевый цвет;

8. сульфид углерода;

9. двуокись углерода;

10. серная кислота.


Task 6. Choose the best variant and complete the gaps.

1. Pigeons can use the ____________ magnetic field to find their way home.
a. planet

b. terrestrial

c. land

2. Trees give off oxygen and absorb __________ dioxide.
a. carbon

b. sulphur

c. acid

3. A common theme ___________ the discussions was that of funding shortfalls and their implications for refugee and returnee programmes in Africa.
a. dominated

b. is dominating

c. dominating

4. The girl at the counter had adverted that they had run out of small cars and that they had to give us that ________ car.
a. giant

b. more giant

c. most giant

5. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic ________.
a. acid

b. asid

c. acit

6. Uranus' atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, _________, and methane.
a. oxigen

b. helium

c. water

7. A number of these same areas are chronically prone to natural disasters, including drought, __________, earthquakes and hurricanes.
a. watering

b. cyclones

c. cycles


Exercise 7. Give as many synonyms to the word as you can.

a. major

b. contain

c. presence

d. similar

e. are composed

f. phenomena


Task 8. Make up sentences – mind the word order.

1. planets \ solar \ atmospheres \ all \ in \ system \ the \ our \ have

2. Earth’s \ to \ similar \ somewhat \ are \ planets \ terrestial \ the \ of \ atmospheres \ the

3. the \ system \ two \ types \ planets \ planets \ gas \ solar \ has \ major \ of \ terrestrial \ and \ giants.

4. of \ gases \ gas \ composed \ giants \ are

5. Atmospheres \ planets \ the \ moons \ have \ own \ of \ their \ some

6. markers are space in atmospheres important exploration

7. or \ must \ chemicals \ life \ a \ moon’s \ contain \ to \ planet \ atmosphere \ specific \ support

8. Oxygen \ carbon \ include \ nitrogen \ and \ these \ hydrogen \ chemicals


Comprehension and discussion

Task 9. Answer the questions.

1. Which objects contain atmospheres?

2. Are the atmospheres of the planets of our solar system different from the Earth’s?

3. How many types of planets does the solar system have?

4. Which planets are called terrestrial?

5. Which planets are gas giants?

6. What do you know about the atmospheres of Mercury and Venus?

7. What is different and alike in the atmospheres of Venus and Mars?

8. What elements mainly form the atmospheres of gas giants?

9. Does methane give bright blue color to the atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune?

10. What is the largest storm in the solar system?

11. Do moons of the planets have thoer own atmospheres?

12. What space bodies do not have atmospheres?

13. Which elements are essencial to support life as we know it?

Task 10. Choose one of the topics to make a report and present it in front of the class.

1. Terrestrial planets

2. Gas giants

3. The planets of the solar system

4. The life-supporting role of the atmosphere

Task 11. Render this text in English:

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