What car parts are those? (See Vocabulary appendix) — КиберПедия 

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What car parts are those? (See Vocabulary appendix)

2019-10-25 402
What car parts are those? (See Vocabulary appendix) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. It shows you how fast you are going.

2. You step on it if you want to slow down.

3. You press it when you want to go faster.

4. You turn them on when it starts to rain.

5. You use them to see what’s around you on the road.

6. You turn all these off when you’ve finished your trip.

7. You roll it down when you approach a toll booth.

8. You use these to communicate with other cars on the road.

9. You open it if you want to look at your engine.

10. You press this pedal if your car has manual gearbox (manual transmission).

11. These protect you in road accidents.

18 *Describe the functions of these car parts.

Glove box; license plate, visor, gearshift, parking brake, fuel gauge, headlight


Answer these questions in pairs.

1. What car parts have survived since the early days of the automobile history?

2. What car parts are going to disappear soon?

3. What car parts will still be present in automobiles 50 years from now?


Find the English equivalents to the word combinations.

Капот; бардачок; дворники; бензобак, шина; подголовник; приборная панель; фары; поворотник; номерной знак; ручной тормоз; коробка скоростей



Active Passive

Participle I/

Present Participle/

-ing form

Simple driving// powering being driven// being powered Perfect having driven having powered having been driven having been powered

Participle II/ Past Participle/

-ed form

—————- driven// powered


21 Provide participle forms for the following verbs:


Steer, draw, build, collide, fit; turn; reach.


Choose the suitable English translation

a) При движении задним ходом, поворачивайте руль в противоположном направлении. Driven/ Driving in reverse, you should steer in the opposite direction.

b) Выиграв чемпионат, гонщик решил завершить свою карьеру. Having won / Being won the championship, the racer decided to finish his career.

c) Ослепленный солнцем, водитель не увидел пешехода. Blinded/ Having blinded by the sun, the driver didn’t see the pedestrian.

d) Припарковав машину, мы стали искать паркомат. Having parked/ Parking the car, we started looking for a parking meter.

e) Машина Фардье, приводимая в движение паром, могла проходить 2 мили в час. Fardier, being powered / having been powered by steam, could reach 2 miles per hour.

f) При покупке автомобиля, бывшего в употреблении, убедитесь, что он не побывал в аварии. After buying/ When buying a used car, make sure it hasn't been in a crash.

g) Поворачивая налево, уступите дорогу встречным ТС, двигающимся прямо. Turning left/ Being turned left, give way to oncoming vehicles having gone/ going straight.

h) Пробыв за рулем 8 часов, дальнобойщик начал клевать носом. Having driven/ Driving for 8 hours, the trucker started feeling drowsy.

i) Находясь за рулем 8 часов, дальнобойщик начал клевать носом. Having driven/ Driving for 8 hours, the trucker started feeling drowsy.


Complete the sentences with the participle clauses.

1. Verbiest’s vehicle was too small. It was used as a toy. [BEING]

Being too small, Verbiest’s vehicle was used as a toy.

2. After Karl Benz received a patent, he could begin selling his cars. [RECEIVING]

3. After Karl Benz received a patent, he could begin selling his cars. [HAVING]

4. My friend drove my car and got a speeding ticket. [DRIVING]

5. The first steam-powered vehicle was built in the 18th century, it was reproduced in 2010. [HAVING]

24 *Transform the sentences so that each of them contains a participle clause.

a) Introduce/ Henry Ford/ 1908, the Model T became a big success.

b) After/ install the moving assembly lines/ in factory/1913, Ford became the biggest car manufacturer in the world.

c) Reduce/ production time, the assembly line lowered manufacture costs for cars.

d) Hold/ patent on a "road engine", George B. Selden was paid royalties (percentage of the income) by all American car manufacturers.

e) Ford opened the American car market for inexpensive car overturn/ Selden/ patent.




Work in pairs and make a list of car safety features.


  Active safety Passive safety
Mandatory features (required in all cars)    
Optional features    


Listen and compare with your ideas.


Match the safety benefits to the car safety features from Ex.26.


a) The most important automobile safety feature is _______.

b) Daytime running _________ increase visibility and reduce daytime crashes.

c) _______ __________eliminate swerving and skidding problem.

d) In the US, _______ became mandatory standard equipment in 1998.


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