Choose and tick questions police may ask witnesses. What questions are odd? Translate all the questions. — КиберПедия 

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Choose and tick questions police may ask witnesses. What questions are odd? Translate all the questions.

2019-10-25 433
Choose and tick questions police may ask witnesses. What questions are odd? Translate all the questions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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  How are you?
  How long ago did it happen?
  Did he have a weapon?
  Where did your buy your cap?
  What kind of car was the burglar driving?
  What was he wearing?
  Are you married?
  Was he wearing glasses?
  What were you doing when it happened?
  Are you happy?
  Was the gun loaded?

2. A young lady witnesses a bank robbery. The police question her as a witness. Complete the gaps and fill in police phrases in logical order. Choose the phrases from the box below:

1) Can you describe him for me? 2) Was he carrying a weapon? 3) Did he talk directly to you? I mean, did he ask you for your money or anything? 4) Are you okay to answer some questions for me? 5) What makes you say that?

Police: I understand you were the key witness for the robbery.

Young lady: Yes, I was the only person in the bank besides the tellers.

Police: __________________________________________________________

Young lady: Sure. I don’t know how much help I’ll be. He made me get on the ground so I didn’t get a very good look at him.

Police: __________________________________________________________

Young lady: Yes, he had a pistol in his back pocket. He threatened to use it, but I doubt it was loaded.

Police: ___________________________________________________________

Young lady: He was just a kid. Probably fifteen or younger.

Police: ___________________________________________________________

Young lady: He was Asian. Probably five foot height. He was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses. I can’t remember what else he was wearing.

Police: ___________________________________________________________

Young lady: No, he just told me to get on the ground. That’s all I know. I’m running lame for a class. Is it okay if I go now?

Police: I just want to get your name and phone number. If you think of anything else, please notify us.

3. Read the dialogue again and tick the correct answer:

1. Why is the policeman questioning a young lady?

A) Someone stole her money

B)  She robbed a bank

C) She phoned the police

D) She was a witness to a robbery

2. Which of the following does not describe the robber?

A) He was wearing a hat

B) He was a teenager

C) He had sunglasses on

D) He was Canadian

3. What does the lady say the robber was carrying?

A) weapon

B) a loaded rifle

C) a bag of money

D) a knife

4. Choose and tick the items that describe  a suspect’s appearance:

  S/He was wearing sunglasses.
  S/He can draw very well.
  S/He had moustache.
  S/He was dressed in black.
  S/He was lazy.
  S/He was good at English in University.
  S/He was fat and of medium build.
  S/He was wearing gloves.
  His/Her hair was curly and grey.
  S/He likes listening to classical music.
  S/He is a vegetarian.
  S/He had a scar on his left cheek.

5.  a) Read the dialogue and help the policeman to make a suspect/suspects description by completing the form below.

b) Write down the description of a suspect/suspects and compare it with your group mates.

An old lady was travelling by car. The car was stopped by robbers. They snatched away all her money, leather bag and a gold chain. She reported the robbery to the police. The policeman is making an enquiry.

Policeman: Who stopped the car?

Old lady: There were two young people.

Policeman: What did you do when they ask you to stop?

Old lady: I saw two young people waving their hands. I slowed down the car and stopped at the road side.

Policeman: And then…?

Old lady: They pretended to be students and told me that they got lost and asked me to give them a ride to the center of the city.

Policeman: Then what happened?

Old lady: They got into the car and suddenly one of them pulled out a knife and threatened to kill me …. He snatched the chain and escaped on a bike that was hidden not far away from the road.

Policeman: Can you identify them if you see them again?

Old lady: Of course, I can. They were about 20 years old, of medium height and build. They were in black or dark-blue jackets, I’m not sure about the colour. One of them was wearing glasses and had a small tattoo on his right hand. Another one was wearing a baseball cap and sport shoes. I remember a scar on his left cheek.

Policeman: Any more facts or details?

Old lady: Let me think…Yeah…. One of them had an accent, it seems to me that he is Asian.

Policeman: It’s very important. It’ll help us a lot. And what happened to the second robber?

Old lady: He grabbed my leather bag and ran away. I was shocked and frightened to death.

Policemen: Don’t worry.  You may go now but you will have to come here whenever you are summoned.

Old lady: Thank you, Sir.


FOLLOW-UP: What really happened?

A music store in a shopping mall was robbed on Saturday afternoon.

You are part of a team of detectives investigating a robbery. You have interviewed a witness. His statement is below. Work in groups of four, make notes and answer the questions:

1. How many people robbed the store?

2. What were they wearing?

3. What did they look like and sound like?

4. Where did they go when they left?

5. What were they carrying?

Compare the information you have with your colleagues and describe what happened. Express agreement and disagreement.

You may use the following expressions:

Ø I absolutely/entirely/quite agree…

Ø I couldn’t agree more…

Ø That’s exactly my own opinion…

Ø I’m afraid I disagree/I don’t agree/I can’t agree….

Ø I’m afraid I entirely disagree with you…

Statement given by Alan Andrews I went to the mall to buy a present for my girlfriend’s birthday. I was at the back of the music store when two people came in. They were wearing jeans and dark jackets. One of had a gun under his jacket. He spoke in a high voice. He could have been a woman. They took the money from the cash register and ran out. I ran out after them. Statement given by Belinda Brown I was just inside the front of the store when the two people came in. They passed me very quickly. They were wearing jeans and dark T-shirts. One of them had a beard. One of them was tall. When they ran out, they went in different directions. Another man, in a red jacket, followed one of them. They went to the right.
Statement given by Christine Close I was inside the music store near the cash register because I was going to pay for a CD I wanted to buy. Two men came in. They were wearing jeans and dark T-shirts. One of them was wearing a jacket. I heard both men speak. The one with long hair and a beard had a high voice. They made me lie down on the floor. The tall one told the salesperson to put the money in a bag. I couldn’t see them leave. Statement given by David Drew I was outside the music store. I didn’t see who went in to the store, but I saw three men run out. Two of them, one in jeans and a dark T-shirt, and the other in a red jacket, ran to the stairs on the right. The other man ran down the escalator to the left. I think one of them had a beard, but I’m not sure. The tall man was carrying a bag.

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