Government structure and administration in Ethiopia — КиберПедия 

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Government structure and administration in Ethiopia

2019-10-25 212
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Politics of Ethiopia, officaially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, take place in a framework of a federal parliamentary republic, whereby the Prime Minister is the head of government. Executive power is exercised by the government. The Prime Minister is chosen by the parliament. Federal legislative power is vested in both the government and the two chambers of parliament, which are governed under the Constitution of 1994. A bicameral parliament is made of the 108-seat House of Federation and the 547-seat House of Peoples Representatives. The House of Federation has members chosen by the State Assemblies to serve a five year term. The House of People's Representatives is elected by direct election and in turn elects the president for a six year term. Many opposition parties are represented and hold many positions in the Ethiopia Parliament. However, most positions are held by representatives from the Oromia state, while the Amhara State holds the second most positions, in correlation with the population order of the corresponding states. There are two self-governing administrations, the country's capital Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa. The Prime Minister is designated by the party in power following legislative elections. The Council of Ministers, according to the1995 Constitution, comprises the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, various Ministers and other members as determined and approved by the House of People's Representatives.

The Judiciary is more or less independent of the executive power and the legislature. The president and vice president of the Federal Supreme Court are recommended by the prime minister and appointed by the House of People's Representatives; for other federal judges, the Prime Minister submits candidates selected by the Federal Judicial Administrative Council to the House of People's Representatives for appointment.

The regime’s crackdown on opposition activities and civil society made Ethiopia de facto a one-party state termed as an “authoritarian regime”.



abolish; (be) accountable for something to somebody; act on (the) advice (of); act as somebody; administer; administrative; administration; adopt / issue / pass a law; amendment (to), appoint (nominate); appointment, approve of; approval, authority (power); to delegate authority (power) to, ballot; by (secret) ballot, to cast a ballot; bill; chairperson, chamber (house); upper (lower) chamber (house); citizen; citizenship; colony; colonial; come into being (existence, force); constitution; constitutional; constituent; Constituent Assembly; constituency; council; councilor; depend on; dependency; discriminate; discrimination; elect; election; elector; electoral; electoral law; Electoral College; hold election; emperor; empire; imperial; equal; equality; to enjoy equality; execute (perform, discharge) the functions of; executive; exit poll; federation; federal; franchise (suffrage); universal adult franchise; govern; government (provisional, permanent); governor; head; (be) at the head (of); hereditary; judicial; judiciary; junta; law; to draw up a law; to make laws; to pass a law; to issue a law; in the eyes of the law; law-making process; law-makers; legislate; legislative; legislation; legislator; legislature; limit; limitation; suffer limitations on one's power; minister (secretary); Prime Minister (premier); Cabinet (Council) of Ministers; monarch; monarchy (absolute, constitutional); overthrow (v); Parliament; parliamentary; Member of Parliament (MP); convene / suspend / dissolve (the parliament); dissolution; preside over; a president; presidential; promulgate; promulgation; provide for; put into operation (effect, in force); qualify for; qualification; reading of a bill; regime (military); remove; removal; represent; representative; republic; resign; resignation; retire (from office); (be) responsible for something to somebody; responsibility; to share responsibility with somebody; sovereign; sovereignty; state; (be) subject to; subject; supreme; Supreme Court; suspend (the constitution); term of office; to be in office; vest in (rest with); vote (v, n); voter; by vote; by popular vote; vote of non-confidence; withdraw (secede) from.



Classification of languages

Languages are grouped according to the manner in which they treat their words. Chinese, for example, still isolates its words; they are solitary units, without such elements as case-endings, prefixes and suffixes. Chinese, as a result, in the eyes of people speaking such languages as German or even English, "has no grammar".

The isolation of the Chinese word compelled the Chinese to invent means for indicating the relationship of one word to another. This they achieved by adopting a rather rigid order of words. Certain Chinese words then lost their original meaning and be­came auxiliary words whose function it is to point out the rela­tionships of the words in the sentence, and to make clearer the meaning of the word itself. Chinese, then, by setting aside certain words for these purposes, attained the same ends that Latin reached by using case-endings and that English attains with such prepositions as of, by, for, to, with, etc.

Languages that, like Chinese, isolate their words are called isolating languages.


Languages that, like Sanskrit, Latin, Greek, German and Russian, inflect their nouns, adjectives and pronouns are called inflecting tongues, or flexional.

Languages that, like English and the neo-Latin (Romance) tongues, employ prepositions instead of a regular system of in­flected nouns, pronouns and adjectives, are called analytic.

Besides these linguistic types there is the agglutinative type. For in certain tongues, employing auxiliary words, the auxiliary word and the main word in time ran together, became fused, the sense of separate words being forgotten. The standard example of the agglutinative type of language is Turkish; it is a type that stands between the isolating and flexional. The endings, though intimately connected with the main body of the words, are yet plainly distinguishable: sav is "love", sav-di — "he lo­ved", sav-di-lar — "they loved".

If the agglutination goes so far as to form sentence-masses, of which the components are not so readily distinguishable, we have what are termed polysynthetic languages, as among the American Indians.



I.Be careful to pronounce the following correctly:

isolate, isolation, isolating, prefix (n), prefix (v), suffix, com­pel, rigid, auxiliary, inflect, flexional, Sanskrit, Latin, Romance, neo-Latin, analytic, agglutinative, distinguishable, polysynthetic.

II. Replace the following word combinations by a verb:

to place alone; to make somebody do something; to call attention to; to run together; to see clearly; to make use of.

HI. Form nouns from the following verbs:

to isolate, to invent, to employ, to prefix, to attain, to inflect, to connect.

IV. Give a word or words close in meaning to:

to separate, single, to point out, rigid, aim, to use, to attain an objective.

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