III. Put the infinitive in the required form. Translate the sentences in writing. — КиберПедия 

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История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

III. Put the infinitive in the required form. Translate the sentences in writing.

2019-09-17 254
III. Put the infinitive in the required form. Translate the sentences in writing. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. He is considered (to represent) _______________ the people of the country.

2.  She is supposed (to be) _______________ at home yesterday.

3. The match is reported (to take) _______________ place on the new stadium.

4. He was heard (to win) _______________ 1 million in a lottery.

5. He is said (to graduate) ______________ from Harvard.

6. The work is known (to win) _______________ him the Nobel Prize in 1970s.

7. You were expected (to keep)_______________ my secret, so why did you tell everybody?

8. Paper is believed (to be) ______________ a Chinese invention.

9. They are announced (to be) _______________ the most important writers of his time.

10. This discovery was never seen (to be) _______________ of any importance.


I. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. I saw her go out.

2. She was seen to go out.

3. She appeared to be in the know.

4. He is difficult to recognize.

5. Have Nick look after the dog.

6. There happened to be a surgeon among them.

7. They consider him to be a specialist in this field.

8. The question to be discussed at tomorrow’s meeting is very important.

9. We have lots of things to do.

10. The weather is likely to change.

11.  She is sure to give us a call.

12. She doesn’t like her children to do their homework at night.

13. I’d rather stay at home than go to the cinema.

14. It is necessary to be present.

15. There proved to be another solution of the problem.

16. He seems to have left for the South.

17. All was done to save him.

18. I got up at six o’clock so as not to miss the morning train.

19. She is pleasant to look at.

20. I have no idea how to drive a car.

21. I have never heard him speak French.

22. He is not likely to come here.

23. The goods are sure to be delivered at the end of the week.

24. Grandma must be watering the flowers.

25. There remains nothing to be done.

26. He was the next to answer.

27. That was, so to speak, another gift for you.

28. He went into the kitchen to get himself some water.

29. Sit still not to fall down.

30. The journey was too long to enjoy it.

31. I heard some noise in the front room and went downstairs to see that there was nobody there.

32. The police arrived almost immediately only to find that the criminal had disappeared.

33. The officer was indignant to find out that his soldiers had disobeyed him.

34. They were happy to be asked for help.

35. To buy a violin is much easier than to rent a piano and it won’t take up much room.

36. The only way to get respect is to respect others.

37. Tom’s wife is interesting to talk to.

38. For some people it’s important to be important.

39. His only concern was to get some food and to find a shelter somewhere.

40. I rely on you to come on time.

II. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Он пришел последним.

2. Он достаточно взрослый, чтобы говорить с ним на эти темы.

3. Тест, который вы напишете в пятницу, будет последним в этом году.

4. Эта книга считалась опасной в Средние века.

5. Говорят, Питер уже вернулся из командировки.

6. Мне случилось проходить мимо, когда произошла эта авария.

7. Моя идея оказалась лучшей.

8. Полагают, что первые племена жили на этой территории задолго до прихода римлян.

9. Кажется, ты не понимаешь, что я имею в виду.

10. Я ощущал, как ветер касается моих волос.

11. Книга оказалась лучше, чем я ожидал.

12. Тебе не понять моих чувств.

13. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты сам решал свои проблемы.

14. Он считался экспертом в этом вопросе.

15. Казалось, мы не виделись целую вечность.


V - ing


 Герундий обозначает процесс совершения какого-то действия и воспринимается как существительное.

To read (читать)           read ing (чтение)

I like reading. – Я люблю читать / чтение.


I. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the Gerund.

1. She has always dreamt of living in a small house by the sea.

2. This place is worth visiting.

3. He was on the point of leaving the hotel, as the young lady stopped him.

4. At last he broke the silence by inviting everybody to walk into the dining room.

5. Usually she enjoyed talking to them and didn’t mind helping them.

6. She loves talking to people because she can’t bear being alone.

7. John likes studying history.

8. Thank you for coming.

9. I had no hope of getting an answer before the end of the month.

10. My niece took swimming up for a while, but soon she lost the interest.

11. He keeps insisting on my going to the South.


У герундия есть признаки существительного. Так, перед ним может стоять:


Притяжательное местоимение

I like his reading. – Мне нравится его чтение / Мне нравится, как он читает.

* прибавление местоимения перед герундием изменяет смысл предложения. Сравните:

Ø I apologize for saying that. – Я прошу прощения за свои слова / Я прошу прощения за то, что сказал это.

Ø I apologize for her saying that. – Я прошу прощения за ее слова / Я прошу прощения за то, что она сказала это.



on / upon – по (завершению), после

by – выражает творительный падеж, способ или образ действия (посредством)

before – прежде, перед, до

after – после

in - в ходе, в процессе, во время

without – без / не делая

for / through – из-за

On coming home, I will call him. – По приходу домой / Придя домой / Когда я приду домой, я позвоню ему.

By doing so you will know nothing. – Так / Поступая таким образом, вы ничего не узнаете.

He left without saying a word. – Он ушел, не сказав ни слова.


I. Paraphrase the following sentences using without -ing. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Example: She ran five miles. She didn’t stop.

          She ran five miles without stopping.

          He left the room. Nobody saw it.

          He left the room without anyone seeing him.

1. He translated the article. He didn’t use a dictionary.

2. Look right and left before you cross the road. - Don’t cross…

3. She got married. Nobody knew about it.

4. They came to the wedding. They were not invited.

5. He could tell the funniest joke. He didn’t even smile.

6. He bought a new car. He didn’t regret it.

7. His parents entered the room. They didn’t ask for permission.

8. Kate fixed the tap. She didn’t ask for help.

9. Bob translated an Old English text. He didn’t use dictionary.

10. They discussed the issue of the day. They didn’t invite the boss.


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