Биография. Резюме. Трудоустройство — КиберПедия 

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Биография. Резюме. Трудоустройство

2019-08-07 898
Биография. Резюме. Трудоустройство 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Текст 1:  Биография 

Грамматика: Существительные. Числительные. Артикли.

Словообразование - слова интернационального значения.

Словарь к теме.


About Myself

Задание 1. Запишите данные слова в тетрадь и запомните их.

to introduce - представить

to respect – уважать

relationships - отношения

experience - опыт

software - программное обеспечение (ПО)

to support - поддержать

advice - совет, советы

tolerant - терпимый

easy-going - добродушный, уживчивый

responsible - ответственный

confident - уверенный

to apply - обратиться

to accept - принять

evident - очевидный

permanent - постоянный

well-paid - хорошо оплачиваемый

Задание 2. Запишите и запомните следующие словосочетания и их перевод:

 JSC Russian Railways - ОАО «Российские железные дороги»

Certificate of Complete Secondary Education - аттестат о полном среднем образовании

Unified State Exams - Единый государственный экзамен

full time student - студент дневного (очного) отделения

Задание 3. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором произношение новых слов,

пользуясь сетевым словарем (См. Приложение 5).

Задание 4. Запишите слова и подберите синонимы к ним.

Begin, colleagues, company, sphere, advice.

Задание 5 Запишите слова и подберите антонимы ним.

Confident, responsible, tolerant, professional, accept.

Задание 6. Переведите следующие слова. Почему их можно перевести без словаря?

Colleague, manager, company, prestigious, university, total, transport, institution, real, sphere.

Задание 7. Изучите грамматический раздел модуля по теме "Существительные. Числительные. Артикли ". ТЕМА 1 Приложение 4

Задание 8. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. I would like to begin with my mother, a pleasant-looking woman, in the middle of her forties.

2. She is well respected by her colleagues and knows how to build strong relationships with all departments at the company.

3. I am tolerant, easy-going and responsible and diligent.

4. The total score of them gave me a chance to apply for five universities and be accepted by two of them.

5. These days it is evident for almost everyone that to have a good education and a permanent job you need to know at least one foreign language

6. After graduating from the University I am interested in getting a prestigious and well-paid job in the sphere of Railway Management.

Задание 9. Составьте 5 вопросов к данному предложению.

My father is a software developer at JSC Russian Railways.

Text 1. About myself

Let me introduce myself. I am Gleb Pavlov. I was born on the 29 of September, 1993 in Moscow. I live in Moscow with my family, which is not large. There are three of us: my mother, my father and me. I would like to begin with my mother, a pleasant-looking woman, in the middle of her forties. Her name is Elena Pavlova. She works as a Personnel Manager for a large travel company. She is well respected by her colleagues and knows how to build strong relationships with all departments at the company. The next one to speak about is my father, he is 45. His name is Andrew Pavlov. He is a software developer at JSC Russian Railways. His strong technical experience and education make him a real professional in the sphere of IT. They are always ready to support me and give me some good advice. Now some words about me. I am tolerant, easy-going and responsible and diligent. I am fond of sport, music, literature and foreign languages. I am a confident computer user. This year I have left secondary school and got the Certificate of Complete Secondary Education. To get this document I had to pass three Unified State Exams onMathematics, Russian language and Social science. The total score of them gave me a chance to apply for five universities and be accepted by two of them. But I have chosen the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering. The University is the leading and the largest transport institution in Russia. Now I am a first year full time student of MSURE, studying at the Institute of the Humanities. These days it is evident for almost everyone that to have a good education and a permanent job you need to know at least one foreign language and English is the most useful language to learn. We have English only once a week, so I've decided to join evening classes of the University Language Centre to have extra lessons on English. After graduating from the University I am interested ingetting a prestigious and well-paid job in the sphere of Railway Management.

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и разбейте его на абзацы.

Задание 2. Выделите основную идею текста и запишите ее на английском языке.

Задание 3. Прочитайте следующие предложения и назовите, какие предложения не соответствует информации в тексте.

1. They do not support me and always oppose my decisions.

2. Now I am a first year full time student of MSURE, studying at the Institute of the Humanities.

3. After graduating from the University I am going to travel abroad for a month.

4. These days it is evident that to have a good job you need to know at least one foreign language.

Задание 4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Компании нужен новый начальник отдела кадров.

2. Он организует тренинги для новых сотрудников.

3. В свободное время я люблю читать или слушать музыку.

4. Я решил изучать второй иностранный язык и записался на курсы Немецкого языка.

5. Я стараюсь строить хорошие отношения с коллегами на работе.

6. Для того чтобы получить аттестат о полном среднем образовании необходимо сдать Единый государственный экзамен.

7. Я снимаю квартиру недалеко от университета, в котором я учусь. 

8. Я поступил в Институт в этом году.

9. Джон работает в большой иностранной компании разрабатывающей программное обеспечение.

10. Мне нравится встречать Рождество со своей семьей.

Задание 5. Прочитайте смысловой кусок и передайте его содержание одним предложением.

The next one to speak about is my father, he is 45. His name is Andrew Pavlov. He is a software developer at JSC Russian Railways. His strong technical experience and education make him a real professional in the sphere of IT.

Задание 6. Прочитайте текст во второй раз и ответьте на следующие вопрос ы.

1. When and where were you born?

2. What are your parents?

3. What are the main features of your character?

4. What are you fond of?

5. What exams did you have to pass to get the Certificate of Complete Secondary Education?

6. Would you like to improve your foreign language?

7. You had to take entrance examinations, didn’t you?

8. What are you now?

9. Where are you going to work after graduating from the University?

10. What are your plans for the future?

Задание 7. Опираясь на информацию текста, сделайте краткое сообщение по заданной теме.

Задание 8. Составьте аннотацию к тексту.

Задание 9. Найдите (в электронных или печатных СМИ) материал о том какие специальности сейчас более востребованы на российском рынке труда. Подготовьте сообщение, продолжительностью не более пяти минут, целью которого являетсярассказать о трех востребованных профессиях в России и вашем отношении к этим профессиям.



Текст 2 - Резюме

Грамматика – Существительные. Числительные. Артикли. 

Словообразование - слова интернационального значения.

Словарь к теме.



Задание 1. Запишите данные слова в тетрадь и запомните их.

CV (curriculum vitae) - краткая биография

confusing - сбивающий с толку

unfamiliar - незнакомый, неизвестный;

employment - занятость, работа

employer - наниматель, работодатель (человек или организация)

to apply - подать заявление

hiring - наём рабочей силы

to require - требовать (чего-л.)

applicant - претендент; соискатель

experience - опыт

skill - навык, знание

complete - детальный, доскональный

accomplishment - достижение, успех

research - научно-исследовательская работа

award - награда, премия

honors- почётное звание

concise - сжатый; лаконичный, немногословный

relevant - соответствующий, имеющий отношение

objective – цель

to fulfill - исполнять, осуществлять, совершать

emphasize - подчёркивать, акцентировать

throughout - на всем протяжении (о времени)

persuasive - убедительный

appropriate - подходящий, соответствующий

responsibility - ответственность (за что-л.)

rejection - отказ; неприятие, отклонение

offer – предложение

effort - усилие, попытка

Задание 2. Запишите и запомните следующие словосочетания и их перевод:

job openings - (открытая) вакансия

to get the information – получать информацию

trade magazines - отраслевой журнал

classified advertising сгруппированные по тематике объявления,

to apply for a job - подавать заявление о приеме на работу [на вакантную должность]

to complete an application form - заполнять бланк заявления

educational background - сведения об образовании

compilation of data - сбор и обработка данных

to get in touch - вступить в контакт, поддержать связь

Задание 3. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором произношение новых слов,

пользуясь сетевым словарем (См. Приложение 5).

Задание 4. Запишите слова и подберите синонимы к ним.

 Unfamiliar, correct, brief, suitable, accomplishment, potential,

Задание 5. Запишите слова и подберите антонимы ним.

 Employment, accurate, certain, important, persuasive, rejection

Задание 6. Переведите следующие слова. Почему их можно перевести без словаря?

Resume, stressful, etiquette, contacts, classify, resource, vacancy,candidate, potential, publication, exclusively, recruiter

Задание 7. Изучите грамматический раздел модуля по теме "Существительное. Числительные. Артикли". ТЕМА 1 Приложение 4

Задание 8. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. We are looking for someone with experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Please, e-mail your resume and application letter.

2. My professional experience includes four years as a pediatrician.

3. People change jobs for different reasons.

4. It is very stressful to work for a big company and I want to start my own business.

5. Pitter has lost his job for economic reasons.

6. A job interview is one of the most important parts of your job search

Задание 9. Составьте 5 вопросов к данному предложению.

It is evident that getting a job depends on many factors such as an impressive application form, a well-done CV / resume and a job interview.

Text 2: Applying for a job

Finding permanent or summer employment is often a difficult and confusing process, with stressful interviews and unfamiliar rules of etiquette. First of all it is important to know where to learn about job openings. You can get the information about a vacancy through personal contacts, classified advertising innational and local newspapers, trade magazines, the Internet resources, and employment agencies. The most important rule to remember when applying for a job is to follow the directions. If the employer tells you to apply in person, don't call. If the job posting says to mail your resume, do not send it via email. After you have found some jobs that interest you, the next step is to apply for them and to prepare thoroughly for the entire hiring process, so you can pass the interview and receive a job offer. Many potential employers require completing an application form and submitting a CV / resume. Later an applicant will need to go on an interview to meet with an employer face to face. An application form contains information on a candidate's education, work experience and skills. Often, your application form is the only information your potential employer has about you, so it should be complete, correct (no errors) and accurate. It needs to tell them clearly what makes you suitable for the vacancy. The most suitable candidates, based on their applications, will be interviewed and you need to be among them. A CV/ resume is a summary of educational background, work experience, and accomplishments, as well as research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, and other details. The primary differences between a resume and a CV are the length, what is included and what each is used for. A resume is used exclusively in the USA. A CV is used in Europe, Asia and Africa. While a resume is brief and concise - no more than a page or two, a Curriculum Vitae is a longer and more detailed summary.A r esume emphasizes information on the experience, abilities and studies relevant for the objectives that must be fulfilled in a certain position for which you are applying.A CV is a compilation of all the academic data and experience of a person throughout his/her life. The purpose of a CV / resume is to get an interview. Thus, your CV / resume needs to be perfect and persuasive to impress the hiring manager. There is a saying “First impression lasts long”. Your CV / resume makes the first impression on an employer. It must be to the point and needs to set out, clearly but briefly, why you want the job and what you can do for the Company. It's important to include all your contact information in your CV / resume, so employers can easily get in touch with you. A jobinterview is one of the most important parts of your job search. An interview is a formal discussion, in which an employer assesses an applicant for a job. Once you have been selected for a job interview, it's important to prepare properly. That means practicing interview questions and answers, dressing in appropriate interview clothes. After an interview, it is advantageous to send a thank-you note. This helps establish a relationship with the recruiter, shows interest in the position, and indicates personal responsibility. The first interview may be followed up with the second round. From there it is a short wait until the company calls back with their offer, or mails a rejection. Thus, it is evident that getting a job depends on many factors such as an impressive application form, a well-done CV / resume and a job interview. Your chances of getting the job increase in proportion to the amount of time you spend preparing, so it really is worth the effort.

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и разбейте его на абзацы.

Задание 2. Выделите основную идею текста и запишите ее на английском языке.

Задание 3. Прочитайте следующие предложения и назовите, какие предложения не соответствует информации в тексте.

1. Once you have been selected for a job interview, you can relax.

2. After an interview, it is advantageous to send a thank-you note.

3. If the employer tells you to apply in person, you can call or send and e-mail.

4. Your CV / resume makes the first impression on an employer.

5. There is no difference between CV and resume.

Задание 4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Компании нужен менеджер в новый отдел.

2. Джоанна собирается искать новую работу.

3. Они предложили новую должность Петрову И. В., но он отказался. 

4. Начальник отдела кадров нашел ошибки в одном из резюме кандидатов на вакантную должность менеджера по продажам.

5.  Во время собеседования нужно четко объяснить, почему именно Вы являетесь необходимым для компании сотрудником.

6. После первого собеседования, возможно, последует и второе.

7. Резюме должно содержать информацию о Вашем образовании и опыте работы.

8. Необходимо хорошо подготовиться к собеседованию.

9. На собеседование следует приходить раньше назначенного времени

10. Найти постоянную или временную работу является достаточно

Задание 5. Допишите термины к определению

a) a candidate for a position  
b) a person working for an organization or for another person  
c) a set of customs and rules for polite behaviour  
d) a brief written account of your education and personal details  
e) a paid position of regular employment  
f) a higher educational institution  

Задание 6. Прочитайте текст во второй раз и ответьте на следующие вопрос ы.

1. What sources can you use to find information about vacancies?

2. What is the most important rule to follow when applying for a job?

3. What is an application form?

4. What is a CV / resume?

5. What is the difference between a resume and a CV?

6. What is the purpose of a CV / resume?

7. What is a job interview?

8. What will you have to prepare properly to a job interview?

9. What is the purpose of a thank-you note?

10. What are the factors that influence on getting a job?

Задание 7. Составьте предложения из предложенных в каждой цепочке слов

1. he, interest, doesn’t, in, take, his, employment, summer.

2. selection, lasted, the, process, three, has, for, months.

3. job, for, important, etiquette, very, getting, interview, is, a.

4.  standard, situations, follow, in, of, rules, politeness, we, formal

5. down, of, people, out, number, the, fallen, of, has, work

6.  must, workers, of, etiquette, know, the, rules

7. important, background, is, your, very, educational

8.  stressful, a, job, searching, is, process

9. did, enter, you, what, the, exams, pass, to, university?

10. accurate, CV, be, your, needs, brief, to, understandable.

11. an, you, clothes, interviewer, to, a lot, the, tell, about.

12. English, an, he, enough, interpreter, well, speaks, be, to.

13. company, agency, the, data, recruitment, personal, the, passed, to, his.

Задание 8. Опираясь на информацию текста, сделайте краткое сообщение по заданной теме.

Задание 9. Найдите в электронных СМИ информацию о возможности получения работы в Великобритании или США. Найдите работу, на которую вам хотелось бы поступить. Подготовьте своё Резюме и сопроводительное письмо по образцу (ТЕМА 1 ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 3)




       Этап процесса формирования ОК – 1 (владеть культурой мышления, анализировать и воспринимать информацию, использовать знание иностранного языка в профессиональной деятельности),  ОК - 14 (владеть иностранным языком на уровне не ниже разговорного, использовать знание иностранного языка в профессиональной деятельности), ПК-5 (уметьвести диалоги. Владеть приемами убеждения) и ПК-9 (уметь устанавливать, поддерживать и развивать межличностные отношения,владеть культурой мышления) сводится к тренингу грамматических единиц и подготовке презентаций и публичных выступлений по заданной теме на примере учебных презентаций, разработанных преподавателями кафедры.       


Грамматический тренинг

Задания выполняются в виде тренировочного теста и являются формой текущего контроля.

Тесты для текущего контроля даны в ОКП модуля

Пример теста

I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1. I was invited to a job interview for the post of … tourism manager in a large travel company.

a) the              

b) a                 

c) -                 

2. The Internet is … great learning tool for millions.

a) a                             

b) the                                     

c) -                             

Лексический тренинг

Задание 1.1. Найдите (в электронных или печатных СМИ) материал о том какие специальности сейчас более востребованы на российском рынке труда. Подготовьте сообщение, продолжительностью не более пяти минут, целью которого являетсярассказать о трех востребованных профессиях в России и вашем отношении к этим профессиям.

Задание 2.2.

Найдите в электронных СМИ информацию о возможности получения работы в Великобритании или США. Найдите работу, на которую вам хотелось бы поступить. Подготовьте своё Резюме и сопроводительное письмо по образцу (ТЕМА 1 ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 3).



introduce представить
Respect уважать
relationships отношения
JSC Russian Railways ОАО «Российские железные дороги»
experience опыт
support поддержать
Advice совет, советы
Tolerant терпимый
easy-going добродушный, уживчивый
responsible ответственный
diligent   прилежный, старательный,  
confident уверенный
software программное обеспечение (ПО)
Certificate of Complete Secondary Education аттестат о полном среднем образовании
Unified State Exam Единый государственный экзамен
apply oбратиться, подать заявление
Accept принять
full time student студент дневного (очного) отделения
evident очевидный
permanent постоянный
well-paid хорошо оплачиваемый
employment трудоустройство, занятость
Confuse смущать, приводить в замешательство
employer работодатель
thoroughly тщательно
entire целый, полный
Hire нанимать
require требовать
Submit представлять на рассмотрение
applicant заявитель
suitable пригодный, подходящий
background история
Accomplishment выполнение (работ); реализация (плана)
Award вознаграждение
Honor награда
resume резюме
concise точный
Curriculum Vitae послужной список; краткая биография
confusing  сбивающий с толку
unfamiliar  незнакомый, неизвестный
classified advertising сгруппированные по тематике объявления
advertising реклама
Emphasize подчеркнуть
skill  навык, знание
complete детальный, доскональный
local местный
Ability способность
hiring наём рабочей силы
suitable  подходящий, соответствующий
Vacancy вакансия, свободное (рабочее) место
research   научно-исследовательская работа
relevant уместный, относящийся к делу
objective   цель
to fulfill   исполнять, осуществлять, совершать
persuasive убедительный
impression впечатление
get in touch связаться
Assess оценить
appropriate соответствующий
recruiter специалист по набору персонала, рекрутер
responsibility ответственность
Rejection отказ
offer предложение
effort усилие
job openings (открытая) вакансия
to get the information получать информацию
trade magazines отраслевой журнал
to apply for a job   подавать заявление о приеме на работу [на вакантную должность]
to complete an application form заполнять бланк заявления
educational background сведения об образовании
compilation (of data) сбор и обработка данных
Constitute состоять
Tip совет
rule of thumb золотое правило, проверенный временем метод
Heel каблук
Avoid избегать
straight прямо
fold скрещивать (руки на груди)
broach заговорить, открыть дискуссию
Rattle говорить быстро, громко
stare смотреть пристально
genuine искренний, неподдельный;
lean наклоняться
posture поза, осанка
anticipate предсказать, прогнозировать
Trap поймать в ловушку
performance достижение, свершение, работа
look forward to hearing from ждать ответа от …


Самостоятельная работа по теме Биография. Резюме. Трудоустройство

1. Ознакомьтесь с содержанием данного текстового материала и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What information in the text was new for you?

2. Is this material actual and up-to-date? Give your comments.

3. Why do you think that it is important for a student to know additional material?

A Job interview   

A job interview is a 'conversation with an objective '. The objective for the interviewer is to find out if you are a suitable candidate for the vacancy. The process of interviewing constitutes an important part of the recruitment procedure.

Interviews are often stressful but you have to deal with this hiring process. Once you have been selected for a job interview, it's important to prepare properly. That means practicing interview questions and answers before appearing for any interview. It is good practice to research the company background.

Do not leave preparation for the interview for the last stage, or hope to say anything that comes to your mind at the moment. There is the phrase "failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Prepare well and you will improve your chances for success.

Interview etiquette is a very important part of getting a job. A candidate's ability to communicate is a very important point. It is necessary to have a logical flow of thoughts, an ability to listen and the art of taking correct decisions.

For any job interview, it's important to impress the interviewer from the moment you arrive. Here are some tips on how you can make the right impression.

I. Dress formally: The first rule of thumb is always dress to impress. The clothes tell a lot about you to an interviewer. Plan to dress professionally in conservative clothing with appropriate shoes, minimal jewelry, and perfume. Even if the office is casual, you should dress in business clothes. Boys should make sure they are shaved, while girls can apply a light make-up. High heels and open toes are to be avoided.

II. Be on time: Arrive early for your interview; it’s always better to be a few minutes early than late. If you're not sure where you're going get directions ahead of time and do a trial run, so you know where you're going. Make sure you turn your phone off before going into the interview room. Remember to bring an extra copy of your resume and a list of references.

III. When you enter: Greet the interviewer. Do not be over-friendly. Do not sit down until asked. Sit straight and do not fold your arms. Look in the interviewer's eye while answering questions. Don’t use slang words or jargon, speak clearly and concisely. Keep your answers short and to the point. Always think about your answers but do not take too long in figuring them out. Do not discuss money, if the interviewer brings it up it is OK but don’t broach the subject yourself. During the interview stay calm and focused. Don’t allow yourself to be rattled.

IV. Stay calm: During the interview try to remain as calm as possible. If you don’t understand a question, ask for it to be repeated or rephrased. Pause before answering a question to gather your thoughts. Maintain a natural amount of eye contact but don’t stare. Emphasize what you can do to benefit the company rather than just what you are interested in.

V. Be pleasant: Keep a cheerful disposition, do not contradict the interviewer even if he is wrong, keep a pleasant outlook. Do show enthusiasm and a genuine interest in the company and your interviewers. Keep your body language polite. Do not lean forward aggressively or sit with your arms folded across your chest. You should have good posture, but keep it relaxed and friendly. Do not be critical of your institute or past employer.

VI. Tricky situations: Stay calm, even if provoked. Of course, one cannot anticipate all questions so be ready for some surprises, too. Be well prepared not to be trapped in the cross-questioning. If you can't do so, simply back out and say you are not sure rather than saying something which you cannot defend. If you do not know how to answer a particular question, say, "I don't know, sir."

VII. Ask questions about the job: Prepare a list of questions you want to ask the interviewer, because you will probably be asked if you have any at the end of the interview. Having questions will show that you've done your homework and are truly interested in the position. Knowing as much as possible about the company's past performance and future plans can make your interview more interactive. Remember, you aren't simply trying to get the job - you are also interviewing the employer to assess whether this company and the position are a good for you.

VIII. Follow Up: It's important to thank the interviewer for their time and to let them know that you look forward to hearing from them. Follow up by sending a thank-you note.

Remember, the job interview is a strategic conversation with a purpose. Don't forget that the interviewer is just trying to solve a problem - they need someone in that job. The interviewer is NOT trying to test you or to find fault. They want the vacancy filled as much as you want the job! Thus your goal is to persuade the employer that YOU have skills, background and ability to do the job and that you can comfortably fit into the organization.


2. Ознакомьтесь с содержанием данного текстового материала и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What information in the text was new for you?

2. Is this material actual and up-to-date? Give your comments.

3. Why do you think that it is important for a student to know additional material?

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a document which describes your education, work experience and skills you have already had. The purpose of the CV is to attract the employers’ attention. Therefore you need a good and well-structured CV.

A good CV should:

Attract attention;

Create a positive impression;

Present your skills and qualities clearly and concisely.

Your CV has to be word processed and should be no more than one page long. A CV must be free of typographical and grammatical errors. The structure of a CV must follow a certain order. It is common to see the phrase CURRICULUM VITAE written in the centre of the page.

  1. Personal data

Personal details should be shown at the beginning: name, family name, date of birth, address, marital status, phone number, e-mail.

  1. Education and qualifications

List of educational institutions you attended (specifying the dates); subject areas you studied and degrees you got. List qualifications in full.

  1. Work experience

Mention your present job first and work backwards, descriptions of what exactly you did and were responsible for.

  1. Relevant Information.

Any information which could be helpful (computer skills, languages you speak, driver’s license, hobbies, interests).

  1. Referees

Give at least 2 referees: a former employer, a teacher.

Always be honest. It is possible to be creative, but not to lie. Remember, the first impression is the one that matters, so, your CV needs to be perfect!



James McMinn

Green St

Ithaca, NY 14850

Home (817) 555-1301

Cell (817) 555-9261



Accounting position with a CPA firm.


 Strong accounting knowledge and background.

 Detail oriented and efficient

 Strong analytical ability

 Proficient in Word, WordPerfect, Excel, Microsoft Office, Lotus, Class, and Peachtree Accounting,



Accountant, 1999 to Present                

Ocker & Associates, Indianapolis, Indiana

Assisted the Director of Accounting with accounts receivable. Prepared bi-weekly payroll journal entries, reconciled general ledger of accounts with Director of Accounts on a monthly basis, and annually assisted with year-end budget preparation.             

Accounting Intern, 1994 - 1998            

John Merill & Associates, Taylor, Indiana

Dealt with accounts payable procedures, direct billing, control accounting, etc. Analyzed employee sales, prepared W-2's.                                  



B.S., Accounting, 1994                         

Indiana University, Bloomington, IA

Undergraduate Accolades & Involvements

Graduated suma cum laude.

Dean's List

Vice-President, IU Economics Society                    





Gleb Petrov

Date of birth               23 of May 1993

Present address           105007 Moscow, 5 Parkovaya st, 24

Telephone number       8 (495) 917 517 83 80

E- mail                       [email protected]

Marital status               single

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