UN warns over impact of rapidly ageing populations — КиберПедия 

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UN warns over impact of rapidly ageing populations

2019-08-07 13592
UN warns over impact of rapidly ageing populations 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The world needs to do more to prepare for the impact of a rapidly ageing population, particularly in developing countries. Within 10 years the number of people aged over 60 will pass one billion, a report by the UN Population Fund said. The demographic shift will present huge challenges to countries' welfare, pension and healthcare systems. The UN agency also said more had to be done to fight "abuse, neglect and violence against older persons".

2. The number of older people worldwide is growing faster than any other age group. One in nine people around the world are older than 60. This rising proportion of older people is a consequence of success - improved nutrition, sanitation, healthcare, education and economic well-being are contributing factors.

3. But according to the UN report, the ageing population is being widely mismanaged. "In many developing countries with large populations of young people, governments have not put policies and practices in place to support their current older populations.” The report warns that the skills and experience of older people are being wasted, and many of them are under-employed and vulnerable to discrimination. More countries need to introduce pension schemes to ensure economic independence and reduce poverty in old age. It is stressed that it is not enough to simply pass legislation – the new schemes need to be funded properly.

4. There is a trend now to have smaller nuclear families and many elderly are finding themselves cast out. There are more and more cases of physical and mental abuse, including neglect, suffered by the elderly at the hands of their families. It is slowly becoming a widespread social problem, particularly in urban areas.



Грамматический материал: Предлоги времени, места и направления                                             Модальные глаголы


Вариант 1


I. Употребите предлоги времени in / on / at, где необходимо.

1. I usually get up … 6.30 … the morning.

2. The course begins … 10 January and ends … March.

3. We are leaving… Monday … 7 p.m. and arriving … midday … Tuesday.

4. Will you be able to contact us … next week?


II. Употребите предлоги места и направления in / on / at / to, где необходимо.

1. We rarely go … expensive restaurants, we go … see friends.

2. I often listen to music … my car … the way … home.

3. Liz hates staying … home. She enjoys going … parties.

4. … my room I have a poster … the wall and a photo of Pat … the table. 

5. There is some sugar … the shelf … the cupboard.

III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на правильный перевод модальных глаголов.

1. You mustn't smoke here. You have to obey the rules.

2. I think you should apologize.

3. May I use your computer?

4. Can you turn off the radio, please? I can't concentrate.

5. Before Mark came to Britain he couldn't understand much English.

6. You needn't do it now. You can do it tomorrow.


IV. Вставьте am / are / is; was / were; do / does / did; have / has / had. Переведите предложения.

1. I … not enjoy the film very much. It was far too boring.

2. … you know what time it …?

3. I … changed my mind, I … not going with you.

4. He …not present. He …not manage to come.

5. He … killed with a knife.


V. Заполните пропуски в тексте, вставив подходящее слово.


better was am in you him are   your ago best will for

Thank you for (1) … letter of April 7th, which I (2) … answering on behalf of my husband. A month (3) … my husband (4) … taken seriously ill with pneumonia. Although he is now much (5) …, the doctor ordered (6) … to take a complete rest (7) … at least three months. I regret that my husband (8) … not be able to accept your kind invitation to the dinner you (9) … holding on the occasion of the anniversary of your society. He sends (10) … the (11) … wishes and hopes to join you (12) … autumn.


VI. Прочитайте текст. Определите, верны (True) или не верны (False) следующие утверждения.


1. Experts believe that inhaling other people’s smoke can be damaging.

2. Most non-smokers know about the damage of breathing in smoke from other people’s cigarettes.

3. Most people have little information about the dangers of smoking to health.

4. The main concern of most non-smokers is about falling ash and the smoky air caused by smokers.

5. Certain diseases can be worsened by passive smoking.

6. Passive smoking is almost as bad as real smoking.

7. There's nothing one can do to avoid passive smoking.

8. One of the main concerns of the article is an increasing number of smokers.

VII. Выполните письменный перевод абзацев 1, 3.


Passive smoking


1. Passive smoking is breathing in other people’s smoke. Recent studies show that passive smoking, even over a short period of time, such as thirty minutes, can damage a non-smoker’s heart. Experts warn us of the health risks caused by inhaling the smoke from other people’s cigarettes, but it seems that the average person is not aware of these dangers.

2. People in most countries are now well informed about the dangers of smoking. They know that smoking can lead to different diseases, including serious ones, such as lung cancer. However, their knowledge of the consequences of passive smoking seems very limited.

3. Most people who do not smoke regard smoking as an antisocial habit which causes them some discomfort, rather than a danger to their health. They may object to a smoky atmosphere, dirty ashtrays, or the mess made by smokers dropping cigarette ash and so on. They may always sit, when possible, in non-smoking areas of restaurants or other public places. Still, many of them do not yet realize that being in the company of smokers can make them actually ill.

4. Yet, it is known that passive smoking can cause the same diseases as smoking tobacco. Sufferers from asthma often find that their condition worsens in an atmosphere that is thick with cigarette smoke.

5. Smokers, who are concerned about their health, can try to get rid of the bad habit. To do so, they may, perhaps, rely on their willpower, or, perhaps, wear nicotine patches. Other people, however, can only avoid the company of smokers, especially those who chain-smoke.

6. If you want to avoid the risks of passive smoking, you can take some simple precautions. Always avoid the smoking areas of public places and ban smoking in your home. You can also tactfully ask your friends not to light up in front of you. Who knows? They might just start worrying about their own health too.


· nicotine patch – антиникотиновый пластырь



Вариант 2

I. Употребите предлоги времени in / on / at, где необходимо.

1. We can't meet … this week. How about meeting … next Friday?

2. They got married … 2010. Their wedding was … Christmas.

3. The examination was … my birthday. It was …the morning.

4. The festival doesn’t happen … fixed date, it takes place every 3 years … May.


II. Употребите предлоги места и направления in / on / at / to, где необходимо.

1. You know I met Paul … a concert, we walked … home together.

2. Pat never goes … the cinema with her parents she … discos a lot.

3. They live … Brighton … the south of England.

4. He is moving … a more important job … the same company.

5. He went back… the house of his new friend and slept … a sofa.


III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на правильный перевод модальных глаголов.

1. Sorry, I have to leave at 4. To catch my bus I mustn't be late.

2. I don’t think they should go and see that film.

3. May I stop work early today?

4. I can't find my bag. Can you help me?

5. I wanted to speak to you but I couldn't find you yesterday.

6. You needn't help. They can manage it themselves.


IV. Вставьте am / are / is; was / were; do / does / did; have / has / had. Переведите предложения.

1. Where … you want to go for dinner this evening?

2. We … still working. We …not finished yet.

3. I … going to write you but I …not have time.

4. … you think we’ll … late? – Not if we hurry.

5. Dozens of trees … destroyed in the storm.


V. Заполните пропуски в тексте, вставив подходящее слово.


  did was some in(x2) my she at always it every much

I hated languages (1) … school. I just (2) … not interested in learning and I was (3) … at the bottom of the class when it came to exams! I really don’t know whose fault (4) … was but I (5) … not get on well with my teacher. (6) … thought I was a stupid young girl! Things started to change when I got (7) … first job (8) … the Sales Department and I had to speak on the phone almost (9) … day. I didn’t have (10) … time to attend classes, so I tried to study on my own and soon I felt I started to make (11) … progress and (12) … a year I even passed my First Certificate!



VI. Прочитайте текст. Определите, верны (True) или не верны (False) следующие утверждения.

1. There's normally no link between qualification and employment.

2. Not every child can do well at school.

3. Hard working children never fail exams.

4. Some ambitious parents can cause their children a lot of stress and problems.

5. Most parents are happy to have their children do the same work as they themselves do.

6. All children have different abilities.

7. When children want to participate in their parents’ business it leads to conflicts.

8. The generation gap is often quite easy to bridge.


VII. Выполните письменный перевод абзацев 1, 3.


Generation gap

1. Educational qualifications are considered to be very important in the modern world. They are essential for people who want to find reasonable well-paid employment in the professions. For this reason, most parents try to make their children work hard at school and achieve academic success by doing well in exams. Many of them also want to make their children go to university and graduate with a good degree.

2. Not all children, however, are capable of achieving academic success but it is quite common for parents to think that if their children study hard they will pass their exams. Most often, they just cause too much stress in their children, with the result that they either get ill or fail exams.

3. There are some children who are quite bright, but who are simply not interested in learning. Some might be of an artistic bent and wish to become an artist or designer while some might have a talent for acting. Others may show an aptitude for working with their hands, or want to start their own business and become entrepreneurs.

4. It is possible for children to achieve such ambitions. However, their parents may have other ideas, which can lead to family conflicts. Strangely enough, many parents are often reluctant to allow children to follow in their footsteps. For example, actors may not wish their children to have a career in the theatre, because of the uncertainty of the profession. Business people may feel that their children will have more status in an academic profession than in the world of commerce.

5. The opposite situation is also possible. Parents who have worked hard to establish a business may want their children to become part of it.

6. Of course, each generation has different ideas, making communication between the two extremely difficult.


· to follow in somebody's footsteps – пойти по чьим-то стопам

Вариант 3


I. Употребите предлоги времени in / on / at, где необходимо.

1. Sorry, I am not free … this afternoon. Can we meet … tomorrow morning?

2. I stop work … 6 o’clock … the evening.

3. I hate driving … night, getting up early … the morning, and working … weekends.

4. Let’s meet … lunchtime … twelve in the canteen.


II. Употребите предлоги места и направления in / on / at / to, где необходимо.

1. I enjoy cooking Italian food … home … my kitchen.

2. Did you see Miranda … the theatre?. – Oh, did she go … the theatre?

3. The holiday was ruined and we had to go … home early.

4. Thetford Castle stands … a hill outside the town. We can walk … there.

5. We went … his house. We found him … bed and took him… the police station.


III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на правильный перевод модальных глаголов.

1. We have to work six days a week, but we mustn't come to the office on Sundays.

2. I think we should take some flowers when we go to Linda’s party.

3. Excuse me, may I ask you a few questions?

4. Sorry, I can't understand you. Сould you speak more slowly?

5. You needn't write a report. Jack can do it.

6. Tom could sing but he couldn't dance when he was six.


IV. Вставьте am / are / is; was / were; do / does / did; have / has / had. Переведите предложения.

1. How long … it take you to drive to London last night?

2. … you know what time the meeting … going to start?

3. … anybody here got change for a pound? – Yes, I … got two fifty-pence pieces.

4. I …not think she … here this morning.

5. Two new stores … opened last year.


V. Заполните пропуски в тексте, вставив подходящее слово.

something any my him is was in our did had am it

There (1) … one particular feeling which I find difficult to express. When I (2) … angry about (3) … I say nothing. Once, for example, after I (4) … bought a very expensive jacket, I met a friend (5) … a café who said that the jacket (6) … not fit me very well. I (7) … very annoyed but I said nothing. I didn’t feel like continuing (8) … conversation. (9) … friend noticed (10) … and asked me what was wrong.   I couldn’t tell (11) … the truth. I began to feel rather embarrassed and left without (12) … explanation. Later I felt rather ashamed of my behavior.

VI. Прочитайте текст. Определите, верны (True) или не верны (False) следующие утверждения.

1. The article mentions two advantages of online shopping.

2. The article provides information about the most secure online shopping sites.

3. There’s no need to encrypt the credit card data when purchasing online.

4. You have to be careful and creative when making up passwords.

5. If you have to write your password down, it’s a good idea to write it backwards.

6. “Theft of identity” means that someone steals your personal data.

7. One of the drawbacks of online shopping is that you can pay only by credit card.

8. There is a danger of online thieves borrowing money in your name.


VII. Выполните письменный перевод абзаца 4.


Online shopPING

1. Love them or hate them, online shops are already a part of our life. Shopping online is quick, easy, and above all, safe. While it is well-known for the benefits, few are aware of the darker side of purchasing from a "virtual store": not all deals are as great as they seem at first glance. If you do some online shopping by computer, tablet, or smart phone, the advice below will help you to make a successful shopping trip in cyberspace.

2. Before you purchase an item online, make sure that the website you are buying from is secure. Most websites use a special technology to encrypt the credit card information that customers send over the Internet.

3. Many websites ask you to choose a password for your future orders. Make sure you use a password different from the one you use to log on to your computer or network. Never use your address, date of birth, phone number or other recognizable words as your password. Instead, pick at least five letters, numbers and punctuation marks. You can use the first letter of each word in a song title and add some numbers and punctuation marks. Don’t write your password down as somebody might see it and be able to use it. If you can’t remember your password and have to write it down, try to reverse the order of the characters, so if anyone finds it, he still won’t know your true password.

4. Never e-mail anyone your password and credit cards details. Only give them in a secure connection on a website. You should make sure that you are not making your personal information accessible to thieves. “Theft of identity” which involves someone accessing your bank account, getting credits or loans in your name, or using your credit card details to purchase products, is a growing problem these days. If you don’t like the idea of giving your credit card details over the Internet, most online stores allow you to order online, and pay over the phone.  However, you should make a note of the company’s phone number, the date and time of your call and the name of the person you spoke to.

5. These tips should help you to have a safe and easy shopping experience. Happy shopping!

Вариант 4

I. Употребите предлоги времени in / on / at, где необходимо.

1. … Easter we went to Italy and we’re going again …the summer.

2. Steve goes to the gym … the evening. He comes home late … night.

3. Sue is usually free … Sunday afternoons. She's very busy … weekdays.

4. Good-bye. See you … next Saturday … 10 o'clock … the morning.


II. Употребите предлоги места и направления in / on / at / to, где необходимо.

1. What’s the easiest way to get … Bristol?

2. They swam... the sea and then went for a walk … the park.

3. Ben has been … Spain two times this year. He visited … Toledo twice.

4. I work … an office and sometimes travel … different countries.

5. The answer is … page 125. Go … page 125, please.


III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на правильный перевод модальных глаголов.

1. She can't decide what to do. Can you give her some advice?

2. When I was young I could run a marathon, but I can't run now.

3. I must buy my son a present but I don't have to buy anything expensive.

4. Dad doesn’t think people should get married until they are 21.

5. May we sit here?

6. You needn't take a taxi. I can drive you to the airport.


IV. Вставьте am / are / is; was / were; do / does / did; have / has / had. Переведите предложения.

1. … anyone know the answer?

2. She … a happy person, she … travelled a lot in her life.

3. … you ever read any Shakespeare? – No, my English …not good enough.

4. They … living in Germany and …not want to leave.

5. Your application … rejected.


V. Заполните пропуски в тексте, вставив подходящее слово.

had than them less were be there more did their seldom


By the early 1980s, computers for the home began to (1) … called “home computers”. (2) … were many different models, made by different companies. Software such as games for one home computer (3) … worked on a home computer made by a different company. Home computers (4) … far (5) … power and memory than computers today, so what you could do on (6) … was extremely limited. In fact, people spent much (7) … time writing simple programs for (8) … home computers (9) … they did using the computer for the kind of things we use computers today: writing documents and playing games. Of course, the Internet (10) … not exist back then, so computers (11) … not used to send e-mail or look at websites.


VI. Прочитайте текст. Определите, верны (True) или не верны (False) следующие утверждения.


1. Car travel is the second most used form of transportation.

2. Applicants for a driving license should take two tests.

3. Young people can’t join a driving course before they finish high school.

4. They will let you know when your car will be towed from a parking building.

5. The biggest problem for car-users is lack of gas stations.

6. If there are traffic jams people can use trams or trolley-buses.

7. Americans are not in the habit of breaking traffic rules.

8. Handicapped people have no problems using public transport.


VII. Выполните письменный перевод абзацев 2, 3.


                                TRANSPORTATION IN THE USA


1. The automobile is the primary form of private travel in the US, perhaps to a far greater degree than in any other country. Driving a car has a long tradition in the United States and is usually the most convenient form of transportation that you can find when it comes to everyday life in the US. Virtually every American learns to drive a car in adolescence. Many states require that young people take a driver education course which consists of learning how to drive a car with a double set of controls for the instructor to train a pupil. These courses are offered through high schools.

2. All applicants for a driving license have to take both a written test and a road test which is held in a special testing area for evaluating actual driving ability. The use of automobiles in American cities has become so frequent that it is sometimes very difficult to find a parking space along the main streets of American cities, so in the centers there are special multileveled parking buildings. These require fees. If you don’t pay one your car will be towed away without notice. You will also have to pay a costly charge for retrieval.

3. Some states require payments on travel on long distance highways and also for the passage through bridges and tunnels. Gasoline stations are at frequent intervals along the roads and in the cities.

4. Most people in America stick to rules. You will not often hear people using the horn or honk ing at you. If someone honks at you, check your driving and see if you have done something wrong - learn from your mistakes.  

5. Most Americans who buy a new car buy it on installments. Expensive use of automobiles in the US cities has resulted in severe traffic jams. Only a few cities have a metro system. Trams and trolley-buses are non-existent.

6. Public transportation provides access for physically handicapped: on some buses there is a special platform for wheelchairs. Next to automobile travel, air travel is the most used.


· notice – предупреждение, уведомление

· honk – сигналить

· on installments – в рассрочку

Вариант 5


I. Употребите предлоги времени in / on / at, где необходимо.

1. I don’t go jogging … every day. I normally do it … Sunday mornings.

2. His birthday is … May, … 21 May, to be exact.

3. We agreed to meet … the weekend … lunchtime.

4. Sue and Richard got married … last year. Their wedding was … September.


II. Употребите предлоги места и направления in / on / at / to, где необходимо.

1. I take Tom … school and go shopping. I buy food … a local supermarket.

2. John usually gets … the office by bus. After work he often walks … home.

3. We spent the whole week … York and returned … London in May.

4. Linda went … Canada to see her father … Toronto.

5. They see each other every day … home and … work.


III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на правильный перевод модальных глаголов.

1. You have to wear a uniform and you mustn't smoke in here.

2. Do you think he should see a doctor? 

3. May I use your phone? – I’m afraid you can't.

4. He can use a PC, but he can't write computer programs.

5. Miranda needn't walk home. Bill can give her a lift.

6. Can you tell me the way to Union Square?


IV. Вставьте am / are / is; was / were; do / does / did; have / has / had. Переведите предложения.

1. Which doctor … you want to see?

2. John … left home. He … living in Italy now.

3. … you ever been abroad? – No, but I … going to America next year.

4. … anybody know the date? – It … the seventeenth.

5. The gate … locked at 6 o’clock every night.


V. Заполните пропуски в тексте, вставив подходящее слово.

are some what its have ago often they is than do


Laptops or notebook computers as (1) … are also known, (2) … become smaller and lighter in recent years. This (3) … important, because the main point of laptops is that they (4) … portable. The smaller and lighter they are, the easier they are to carry. But (5) … are the disadvantages of laptops. One disadvantage is the keyboard. Because of a laptop’s size, (6) … keyboard is more difficult to type on (8) … a regular keyboard. The screen is (9) … quite small, too. To save weight and space, (9) … laptops (10) … not come with a CD-ROM drive. Although this was a major disadvantage a few years (11) … the invention of memory sticks has basically solved the problem.



VI. Прочитайте текст. Определите, верны (True) или не верны (False) следующие утверждения.

1. To live a long and healthy life, doctors advise people to stick to healthy eating.

2. Malnutrition in underdeveloped countries is caused by unhealthy eating habits.

3. Malnutrition in developed countries is caused by food shortage.

4. Many people these days don’t want to waste time preparing a nourishing meal.

5. There is a big concern about children developing unhealthy eating habits.

6. A healthy diet is of little help in reducing the risk of certain diseases.

7. Dairy products can be harmful to our health.

8. The message of the article is "you are what you eat".


VII. Выполните письменный перевод абзацев 4, 5.


Healthy eating

1. Most of us would like to live a long and healthy life. Besides, doctors are telling us that, in order to do so, we must eat a healthy diet. Too often we ignore the advice.

2. In most developed countries there is no shortage of food, but still people can suffer from a form of malnutrition. This is what we usually associate with poor countries, which regularly suffer from famine.

3. The problem in the developed countries is that too many of us are eating food which is far from being nutritious and which lacks many of the vitamins essential to health. Due to our busy way of life, we rely too much on convenience foods, instead of preparing a nourishing meal for ourselves. We just grab something from the supermarket shelves or freezer and put it in the microwave.

4. Even when we eat in a restaurant, many of us think that our food must be served instantly. This is the reason why so many restaurants in many countries specialize in serving fast food. Unfortunately, much of this food is also junk food, and even more unfortunately, many children have become addicted to this, refusing to eat healthier alternatives.

5. In general, we are eating too much processed food and not enough wholefood. Ideally, we should eat more cereal products in order to increase our intake of fibre, since there is some evidence that this reduces the risk of certain cancers. Antioxidants, which are found in fruit and vegetables, also have some effect in preventing cancer.

6.  Formerly, it was considered important to eat plenty of eggs and dairy products to remain healthy. Such foods are now known to be high in cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease.

7. Fashions in healthy eating may have changed, but the message remains the same. Watch what you eat!


· wholefood – натуральная пища

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