Перевод поэтического текста (с французского языка на русский язык) — КиберПедия 

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Перевод поэтического текста (с французского языка на русский язык)

2017-05-16 553
Перевод поэтического текста (с французского языка на русский язык) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Victor Hugo


Mon père, ce héros au sourire si doux,
Suivi d'un seul housard qu'il aimait entre tous
Pour sa grande bravoure et pour sa haute taille,
Parcourait à cheval, le soir d'une bataille,
Le champ couvert de morts sur qui tombait la nuit.
Il lui sembla dans l'ombre entendre un faible bruit.
C'était un Espagnol de l'armée en déroute
Qui se traînait sanglant sur le bord de la route,
Râlant, brisé, livide, et mort plus qu'à moitié.
Et qui disait: " A boire! à boire par pitié! "
Mon père, ému, tendit à son housard fidèle
Une gourde de rhum qui pendait à sa selle,
Et dit: "Tiens, donne à boire à ce pauvre blessé. "
Tout à coup, au moment où le housard baissé
Se penchait vers lui, l'homme, une espèce de maure,
Saisit un pistolet qu'il étreignait encore,
Et vise au front mon père en criant: "Caramba! "
Le coup passa si près que le chapeau tomba
Et que le cheval fit un écart en arrière.
" Donne-lui tout de même à boire ", dit mon père.


Перевод поэтического текста (с немецкого языка на русский язык)


Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Dich verwirret, Geliebte, die tausendfältige Mischung
Dieses Blumengewühls ueber dem Garten umher;
Viele Namen hörest du an, und immer verdränget
Mit barbarischem Klang einer den andern im Ohr.
Alle Gestalten sind ähnlich, und keine gleichet der andern;
Und so deutet das Chor auf ein geheimes Gesetz,
Auf ein heiliges Rätsel. O könnt’ ich dir, liebliche Freundin,
Überliefern sogleich glücklich das lösende Wort!
Werdend betrachte sie nun, wie nach und nach sich die Pflanze,
Stufenweise geführt, bildet zu Blüten und Frucht.
Aus dem Samen entwickelt sie sich, sobald ihn der Erde
Stille befruchtender Schoss hold in das Leben entlässt,
Und dem Reize des Lichts, des heiligen, ewig bewegten,
Gleich den zärtesten Bau keimender Blätter empfiehlt.
Einfach schlief in dem Samen die Kraft; ein beginnendes Vorbild
Lag, verschlossen in sich, unter die Hülle gebeugt,
Blatt und Wurzel und Keim, nur halb geformet und farblos;
Trocken erhält so der Kern ruhiges Leben bewahrt,
Quillet strebend empor, sich milder Feuchte vertrauend,
Und erhebt sich sogleich aus der umgebenden Nacht.
Aber einfach bleibt die Gestalt der ersten Erscheinung;
Und so bezeichnet sich auch unter den Pflanzen das Kind.
Gleich darauf ein folgender Trieb, sich erhebend, erneuet,
Knoten auf Knoten getürmt, immer das erste Gebild.

Перевод драматургического текста (с английского языка на русский язык)


David Edgar


Scene Fifty-Four

ESOL class. EMMA and TOBY. During their conversation, the class assembles: DRAGOSLAV, RANJIT, NASIM, BABA and ELIM A. HALIMA is absent.

TOBY. Today, Halima is unwell. But Jasminka has returned from - holiday. She has brought baklava. And we are debating... human rights?

EMMA. We are debating human rights. Shabina Begum - a schoolgirl - was allowed by her school to wear the shalwar kameez, but she wanted to wear the full-length jilbab instead. Let’s check out our initial opinions. Hands up those who think she had the right to wear exactly what she wanted.

NASIM and BABA put up their hands.

And who thinks the school was right to say she had to wear the uniform?


(Handing out playing cards.) Aha. Now I would like us to discuss this question. If you get a red card, you argue the side you agree with. If you get a black card, you argue the side you don’t agree with. Does everybody understand?

Now, we start with the high numbers. Any tens? Nines?

RANJIT puts his hand up.

Ah, Ranjit. Should the school have the right to stop the girl wearing the full-length gown?


EMMA. You can even stand up, if you like.

RANJIT stands.

RANJIT. People of London.

EMMA. Marvellous.

RANJIT. If you ask me my opinion, I say, we can all say what you want, we wear also what we want. And religious right are most important for diversity and equal opportunity. No difference for race or class or creed. So the school must allow all girls to wear religious clothing. This is how it is here in UK. This is I must say not my own opinion.

EMMA. I would not have known.

She leads the applause.

Now, any eights?

JASMINKA. I have too nine.

EMMA. Ah, Jasminka. So, what’s your view?


TOBY goes and looks at her card and whispers to her.

EMMA. You understand?

JASMINKA. I am OK with this.

EMMA. That’s wonderful.

JASMINKA stands.

JASMINKA. This is my opinion, fellow people.


JASMINKA. I say the school it is correct in this thing. If not, you are Muslim, your friends say you must say this or that, or maybe wear this or that, and if not they say you are bad Muslim.

Slight pause.

Friends and you family and father too I think. I know such case. And that is my opinion.

EMMA. Brilliant.


Any more nines? Or eights? Or sevens?

NASIM hand up.

Ah, Nasim. Please. The floor is yours.

NASIM. Well, in my view this is very typical, Mrs Goodman-Lee

EMMA. Don’t tell me, tell the group.

NASIM. If you wear miniskirt, this is OK and brilliant. Free of speech. If you wear low-cut top, this quite terrific.

RANJIT. This is not the same, I think.

EMMA. Shh, shh.

NASIM. You wear immodest clothe this will be all free choice and human rights. You wear religious clothe and this is oh your father and brother beat you. Why you say this?

EMMA. I don’t say this.

NASIM. Why you say this?

EMMA. Tell the class.

NASIM. Why is it - very big thing -

EMMA. Such a big thing.

NASIM. - so a very big thing...

TOBY. So important.

NASIM. Why it is so important. That she cannot wear jilbab because she wants to wear jilbab.


RANJIT. She has black card. She speaks the wrong way.

EMMA. Yes, I know.

NASIM. Why do you know?

EMMA. I gave you the black card deliberately.


EMMA. To see if you could argue the opposing point of view.

NASIM. To see if I play up the game.

EMMA. To see if you can see the other side. Some people say that’s what being British is about.

NASIM. Oh yes?

EMMA, Seeing the other person’s point of view.

NASIM. I think to give black card is discrimination. I will make complaint about you, Mrs Goodman-Lee.

EMMA. Against me. Yes, I know.

Pause. NASIM goes out.

Jasminka has brought everyone baklava.

EMMA, follows NASIM out.

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