По одноименному курсу для магистрантов, соискателей и аспирантов — КиберПедия 

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По одноименному курсу для магистрантов, соискателей и аспирантов

2017-05-14 278
По одноименному курсу для магистрантов, соискателей и аспирантов 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Электронный аналог печатного издания



Гомель 2006

УДК 800(075.8)


ББК 81.2Англ.я73



Рекомендовано к изданию научно-методическим советом энергетического факультета ГГТУ им. П. О. Сухого


Авторы-составители: С. И. Баскакова, Л. В. Гусарова


Рецензент: зав. каф. бел. и иностр. яз. УО «Белорусский торгово-экономический университет потребительской кооперации» Т. А. Дубовцова


Английский язык:практикум по одноим.курсу для магистрантов,соиск.и аспи-А74 рантов / авт.-сост.: С. И. Баскакова, Л. В. Гусарова. – Гомель: ГГТУ им. П. О. Сухого, 2006. – 41 с. – Систем. требования: PC не ниже Intel Celeron 300 МГц; 32 Mb RAM; свободное место на HDD 16 Mb; Windows 98 и выше; Adobe Acrobat Reader. – Режим


доступа: http://gstu.local/lib. – Загл. с титул. экрана. ISBN 985-420-452-9.



Практикум формирует навыки монологической и диалогической речи по многоплановой теме «Моя научная работа» и ряду других тем, предусмотренных программой кандидатского ми-нимума по иностранным языкам.


Предназначен для работы в группах магистрантов, соискателей и аспирантов при подго-товке к сдаче экзамена кандидатского минимума по английскому зыку.



УДК 800(075.8)


ББК 81.2Англ.я73



ISBN 985-420-452-9 © Баскакова С. И., Гусарова Л. В., составление,


© Учреждение образования «Гомельский

государственный технический университет

имени П. О. Сухого», 2006





Postgraduate student – аспирант Graduate student (Am) – аспирант Undergraduate student – магистрант Trainee probationer – стажер Doctoral candidate – соискатель Doctor of Philosophy – кандидат наук Reader / Principal lecturer – доцент Senior lecturer – доцент


Associate professor (Am) – доцент Full professor (Am) – доцент Supervisor / Adviser – руководитель


Assistant lесturer – ассистент, младший преподаватель Instructor (Am) – ассистент, младший преподаватель Master thesis – кандидатская диссертация


Academic / Teaching staff – преподавательский со-


Faculty (Am) – преподавательский состав

Lecturer / Senior instructor – старший преподаватель Assistant professor (Am) – старший преподаватель Professor – профессор

Full professor (Am) – профессор


Emeritus professor (Am) – почетный профессор Vice rector / Chancellor / Prorector – проректор

Prorector for academic affairs – проректор по учебной работе


Prorector for research – проректор по научной работе


To prepare / Write a thesis – написать диссертацию

I'm planning to finish writing the thesis by the end of the next year.


To defend / prove / maintain a thesis – защитить диссертацию


If a thesis meets necessary requirements it will be proved at Academic Counsil.


To do smth with a high level of technical skill – делать что-либо профес-



The research will be conducted with a high level of technical skill.

To employ most suitable techniques – использовать соответствующие методы


They employ most suitable techniques and procedures of investigation.



To take qualifying exams – сдавать кандидатские экзаме-ны


Core subjects of the field – основные предметы данной области знаний

The postgraduate students will take qualifying exams in the core subjects.

To prepare research publications (articles and papers) – готовить научные публикации

Written reports – письменные доклады


Do you prepare research publications and written reports on the work carried out?

To prepare articles and papers on matters relevant to the investigation –


готовить статьи и доклады по теме диссертации


То select a promising topic – выбрать перспективную тему

The supervisor helps them to select a promising topic.

To meet smb. at regular intervals – регулярно встречаться с кем-либо То discuss the progress of work – обсуждать ход работы


You’ll meet your supervisor at regular intervals to discuss the progress of your work.


To produce significant results – дать значительные результаты

Will you produce significant results in the appointed period of time?

To review the major sections of the thesis – просматривать (читать) ос-


новные разделы диссертации


То make critical comments – делать критические замечания.


The supervisor will review the major sections of your thesis and make critical comments on each draft of the thesis.




I’m a post-graduate (undergraduate student, doctoral candidate) of the Sukhoi Gomel State Technical University. I don’t only study but also work as a teacher (instructor, assistant, trainee) at the Economics and Hu-manities Department of our University. I have not so many working hours, but I get great experience. I combine practical work with a scientific re-search. My post graduate course will last three years during which time I have to carry out an investigation and prepare a thesis on it. My higher de-gree thesis should show that the research has been conducted with a high level of technical skill. I should employ the most suitable techniques. The procedures should be of a high academic standard. I hope my work (thesis) to be an original contribution to knowledge and the results of it should be capable of practical application.


Now I attend seminars and colloquiums. At the end of the year I’m going to take qualifying exams in the core subjects of my field, philosophy


and foreign language. My core subject is Economics and industrial man-agement.


I’m doing research in the field of economics. It’s a great science. No wonder that people are interested in weather, health and economics. People have been interested in economics since earliest times. Economics is the social science concerned with the analysis of commercial activities and with how goods and services are produced. Every nation must organize the production and distribution of goods and services wanted by its citizens. To do this a nation’s economic system must solve four basic problems:


1. What shall be produced?


2. How shall goods and services be produced?


3. Who shall get goods and services?


4. How fast shall the economy grow?


I’m greatly interested in economics and I got interested in it when a student. Economists use scientific methods to study economic problems. Even a mathematical statement was worked out by Leon Wolras to show how each part ot economy is related to all the other parts.


Research today generally centers on understanding the relationship between various parts of the economy. Economists base their findings on observation, on case studies. Many economists emphasise the use of mathematics and statistics in testing economic theories. Their method is known as econometrics. The methods of economic analysis have been ap-plied to many problems such as education, family life, the organization of government. This method may be useful when resources available to achieve an objective are limited.

My work is primarily of practical importance. I work in close coop-eration with my colleagues. We also closely collaborate with the research-ers of other universities of our Republic and some universities of the CIS.


I work under the supervision of my adviser, Ph.D. associate profes-sor Petrov P.P. I meet him at regular intervals to discuss the progress of my work and the obtained data and get his advice in solving problems. I consult him when I encounter difficulties in my research.


He helped me to select a promising topic likely to produce signifi-cant results in the appointed period of time. I hope he will review the ma-jor sections of my thesis when it is being written. Now I’m through with the introduction and some theoretical parts of my thesis.


It’s with my supervisor’s assistance that I prepare articles and papers. I prepare research publications and written reports on the work carried out



and publish my articles in special magazines and in the «Herald of the Sukhoi Technical University».


I take part in various scientific conferences and willingly participate in scientific discussions and debates. I’m planning to finish writing my thesis by the end of the next year and prove it in the Scientific Council of… I hope to get the scientific degree of a Ph.D. in the field of…




Let me introduce myself. My name is Alex Mironov. Last year I graduated (with honours) from the Gomel State Technical University named after Pavel Sukhoi. My major is Engineering. I specialized in indus-trial electronics. My university academic program included a great numberof humanities, exact sciences and special courses. When studying at the University I did my best to acquire fundamental knowledge of my special-ity and to become a highly professional engineer. Higher education has the task to ensure the training of specialists who should combine fundamental knowledge with high professional skills. I am sure that to have high pro-fessional skills is very important for all graduates. The course of study at the University is concluded by the presentation of a diploma project, which is normally a result of independent research.

Being a student I was really interested in doing research. That is why I made reports at the annual students’ scientific conferences and was en-gaged in gathering and analyzing experimental data for my future research work.


After the graduation I chose an academic career. I think that to con-tribute to the improvement of training engineers is a very challenging and responsible job. I work at the Industrial Electronics Department and enjoy every minute of my work. Our department is headed by the associate pro-fessor Bronislav Verigo. The department I work at is (not) very large. It’s 25 staff members deliver lectures, give lab works and practical classes in anumber of special subjects for the full- and part-time students. The courses offered by our department are: microprocessors, electronic circuits, semi-conductor materials and others. The main scientific trend of our depart-ment is the development of methods and means of automation of produc-tion processes. The results of scientific research are given in the mono-graphs, published works and author certificates for inventions. The latest developments are regularly presented in the reports made at the University, national and international scientific gatherings.


I combine academic activity with doing research. Everybody knows that teaching demands life-long education. I believe that to be a highly qualified teacher is impossible without doing research and having a higher degree. After the graduation I applied for a post-graduate / master course, passed my entrance exams successfully and was admitted. The post-graduate / master course is intended to prepare persons with higher educa-tion for research and faculty posts in institutions. My post-graduate / mas-ter course will last three years / one year. It is necessary for my furtherprofessional development. Now I am a post-graduate master / research student and undertake a program of study and research under the supervi-sion of a staff member who holds a senior doctorate. S/he assists me in many ways. I meet my scientific adviser at regular intervals to discuss the progress of my work. I often consult him / her when I encounter difficul-ties in my research. The theme of my research selected with my supervi-sor’s help is very promising and may produce significant results in the ap-pointed period of time.


While pursuing my programme I attend lectures, practical classes and seminars to prepare for qualifying exams in the core subjects of my field, philosophy and English. The knowledge of English will certainly help me in my scientific research since I need worldwide experience in my special field of science.


I am at the very beginning of my investigation. I have been working at the chosen problem for two years. The main stages of my investigation are: problem formulation, collecting, assessment and analyzing data and relevant information. The techniques I use in my research are as follows: comparison, analysis, synthesis, analogy and simulation. My higher degree thesis should demonstrate that the research has been conducted with a high level of technical skill and that I have employed the most suitable proce-dures and techniques. Being rather an experimentator than a theoretician I make use of various measuring and registering devices. The facilities I need for doing my research include PC with a data base analyzing system.


I regularly prepare research publications on matters relevant to my investigation and written reports on the work carried out. I also take part in various scientific conferences and do my best to submit the major sections of my thesis in time. I hope the thesis will meet necessary requirements and will be accepted by the Academic Council which will take the decision to award me the higher degree.





1. What are you?


2. Where do you work?


3. What is your special subject?


4. What field of knowledge are you doing research in?


5. Have you been working at the problem long?


6. Are you a theoretician or experimentalist?


7. Who do you collaborate with?


8. Who is the team you work in headed by?


9. Who is your personal supervisor?


10. When do you consult your scientific adviser?


11. What are the methods used in your work?


12. What do you investigate?


13. How many scientific papers have you published?


14. Do you take part in the work of scientific conferences?


15. Where and when are you going to get your higher degree?




staff member: one of those working in an establishment, institution,organization;


to hold a senior doctorate: to hold a scientific degree which corre-sponds to the degree of Doctor of Science. NB! doctorate corresponds to the degree of Candidate of Science;


technical skill: practical knowledge and ability to conduct an inves-tigation;

the most suitable techniques: methods which are best for some par-ticular investigation;

procedure: scientifically tested order of doing things while carryingout an experiment;


to conduct research: to investigate something systematically in or-der to discover and interpret new knowledge;

written report: a written account of one’s achievements;


to prepare a paper: to prepare a scientific contribution to be read toa learned society or to be published;



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