Exercise 13. Look through the text again. Identify the main points of each paragraph of the text. — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 13. Look through the text again. Identify the main points of each paragraph of the text.

2019-08-01 247
Exercise 13. Look through the text again. Identify the main points of each paragraph of the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Exercise 14. Make a plan of the text.

Exercise 15. Shorten the text by way of shortening each paragraph (leaving out unnecessary sentences and even words) and be ready to summarizethe text to the others in your group. Follow the plan:

1 The central idea of the reading passage is about... (it is devoted to... deals with... touches upon... the purpose of the text is to give the reader some information on)

2 Give a summary of the reading passage (no more than 15-20 sentences).
State the main problem discussed in the reading passage and mark off the passages that seem important to you.

3 Look for minor peculiarities of the reading passage.

4 Point out the facts that turned out to be new for you.

5 Look through the reading passage for figures, which are important for general understanding.

6 State what places of the reading passage contradict your former views.

7 State the questions that remained unanswered and if it is possible, add some ideas.

8 Speak on the conclusion the author comes to.

9 Express your own point of view on the problem(s) discussed.


Exercise 16. Discuss the following with your partner. Give your own examples where possible.

1 What do we need advertising for?

2 Name a few things that ads use to make their product well known.

3 What are the advantages/disadvantages of niche ads?

4 Explain what crowdsourcing is. Give examples.

5 How do governments protect consumers from advertising?

6 Do people need special education to work in advertising?

7 What are the main qualities of a copywriter?

8 Is advertising good or evil?


Exercise 17. Get back to paragraph 1 from the text. Write a short paragraph (150words).

In 2009, mobile and internet advertising grew by 18.1% and 9.2% respectively. Older media advertising saw declines: −10.1% (TV), −11.7% (radio), −14.8% (magazines) and −18.7% (newspapers).

· What ad media showed the biggest growth?

· What media showed the largest decline?

· Explain the tendency.




1. Public Relations History Compiled by Ron Smith (Updated Fall 2004)


2. Effects of Mass Media on Society By Charlie S (Last Updated: 9/28/2011)


3. Advertising and Culture by Timothy R. V. Foster






Клише, используемые при реферировании текста или статьи


I. The title of the article. - Название статьи.

  1. The article is head - lined … -  Статья называется…

  2. The head - line of the article I have read is… - Статья, которую я прочитал, называется …

  3. It is (en)titled… - Она называется…

II. 1. The author(s) of the article is (are) … - Автором (-ами) этой статьи является (являются)….

  2. The article is written by … - Статья написана …

  3. It is (was) published in … - Она (была) опубликована в …(там, где указано)

III. 1. The main idea of the article is … - Основная идея статьи заключается в том, что …

  2. The article is about … - Статья о …

  3. The article is devoted to … -  Статья посвящена…

  4. The article deals with … - Статья имеет дело с …

  5. The article touches upon … - Статья затрагивает …

  6. The purpose (aim, objective) of this article is to give … - Цель этой статьи дать …(читателям определенную информацию о …) -  (the readers some information on …)

IV. 1. In the first part of the article the author speaks about … - В первой части статьи автор говорит о …

  2. The author shows … - Автор показывает …

  3.The author defines … - Автор определяет …

  4.The author underlines … - Автор подчеркивает …

  5.The author notes … - Автор отмечает …

  6. The author emphasizes (marks out, pints out) … - Автор выделяет …

  7. First of all it is necessary to underline… - Прежде всего необходимо подчеркнуть ….

  8. The author begins with the describing … - Автор начинает с описания …

  9. According to the text … - Согласно тексту….

  10 . Further the author reports (says) that … - Дальше автор сообщает, что… 

  11. In conclusion … - В заключении …

  12. The author comes to the conclusion that … - В заключении автор приходит к выводу, что…

  13. The author concludes by emphasizing the fact that … - Автор заканчивает выделением такого факта, как …

V. 1. I find the article interesting. - Я нахожу, что статья интересна.

  2. I consider the article important. - Я считаю, что статья важна.

  3. I found the article of no valuе. - Я нахожу, что статья не имеет большой ценности.

  4. The article holds some new information/facts for (to) me. - Статья содержит новую информацию для меня.




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