Глава 1. Китай: экспансия «по вертикали»; Индия: экспансия «по горизонтали» — КиберПедия 

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Глава 1. Китай: экспансия «по вертикали»; Индия: экспансия «по горизонтали»

2019-08-03 126
Глава 1. Китай: экспансия «по вертикали»; Индия: экспансия «по горизонтали» 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Sugata Bose. A Hundred Horizons: The Indian Ocean in the Age of Global Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006. P. 10, 34.

2. Ibid. P. 12, 13.

3. Michael Pearson. The Indian Ocean. N. Y.: Routledge, 2003. P. 12.

4. Fareed Zakaria. The Post‑American World. N. Y.: Norton, 2008.

5. Felipe Fernа́ndez‑Armesto. Pathfinders: A Global History of Exploration. N. Y.: Norton, 2006. P. 31.

6. Janet L. Abu‑Lughod. Before European Hegemony: The World System A. D. 1250–1350. N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 291, цитируется Tomé Pires.

7. John Keay. The Honourable Company: A History of the English East India Company. L.: HarperCollins, 1991. P. 104.

8. Heather Timmons and Somini Sengupta. Building a Modern Arsenal in India // New York Times. 2007. August 31. (Цитируется высказывание Ситаншу Кара, пресс‑секретаря Минобороны Индии.)

9. International Energy Agency. World Energy Outlook 2007. P., 2007.

10. Bethany Danyluk, Juli A. MacDonald, and Ryan Tuggle. Energy Futures in Asia: Perspectives on India’s Energy Security Strategy and Policies. Booz Allen Hamilton, 2007.

11. Andrew Erickson and Gabe Collins. Beijing’s Energy Security Strategy: The Significance of a Chinese State‑Owned Tanker Fleet // Orbis. 2007. Fall.

12. Martin Walker. CHIMEA: The Emerging Hub of the Global Economy // A. T. Kearney report, Washington, D.C., 2008. (Десять судов ежедневно и ежечасно минуют Малаккский пролив.)

13. Thomas P. M. Barnett. India’s 12 Steps to a World‑Class Navy // Proceedings. Annapolis. 2001. MD, July.

14. James R. Holmes and Toshi Yoshihara. China and the United States in the Indian Ocean: An Emerging Strategic Triangle? // Naval War College Review. 2008. Summer.

15. Juli A. MacDonald, Amy Donahue, and Bethany Danyluk. Energy Futures in Asia: Final Report // Booz Allen Hamilton. 2004. November. (Цитата изначально использована Россом Мунро, экспертом по китайским вопросам.)

16. Holmes and Yoshihara. China and the United States in the Indian Ocean.

17. Китай строит подобные сооружения в Камбодже, в Сиамском заливе и Южно‑Китайском море. MacDonald, Donahue, and Danyluk. Energy Futures in Asia; Malik. Energy Flows and Maritime Rivalries in the Indian Ocean Region.

18. Andrew Erickson and Lyle Goldstein. Gunboats for China’s New ‘Grand Canals’? // Naval War College Review. 2009. Spring.

19. Louise Levathes. When China Ruled the Seas: The Treasury Fleet of the Dragon Throne. N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1994; Thant Myint‑U. The River of Lost Footsteps: A Personal History of Burma. N. Y.: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. P. 66; Richard Hall. Empires of the Monsoon: A History of the Indian Ocean and Its Invaders. L.: HarperCollins, 1996. P. 79.

20. M. Shamsur Rabb Khan. Time to Revive India – Iran Relations // India Post.com. 2008. Jan. 27.

21. Kemp, East Moves West.

22. Ramtanu Maitra. India‑US Security: All at Sea in the Indian Ocean // Asia Times. 2007. Dec. 6.

23. MacDonald, Donahue, and Danyluk. Energy Futures in Asia.

24. Greg Sheridan. East Meets West // National Interest. 2006. November/December.

25. Ibid.

26. Walker. CHIMEA.



Глава 2. Оман – повсюду


1. Felipe Fernа́ndez‑Armesto. Pathfinders: A Global History of Exploration. N. Y.: Norton, 2006. P. 36.

2. Alan Villiers. Monsoon Seas: The Story of the Indian Ocean. N. Y.: McGraw Hill, 1952. P. 55.

3. Juliet Highet. Frankincense: Oman’s Gift to the World. N. Y.: Prestel, 2006.

4. Ministry of National Heritage and Culture, Oman: A Seafaring Nation. Muscat: Sultanate of Oman, 2005.

5. The Travels of Marco Polo, ch. 37.

6. Janet L. Abu‑Lughod. Before European Hegemony: The World System A. D. 1250–1350. N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 203; Richard Hall. Empires of the Monsoon: A History of the Indian Ocean and Its Invaders. L.: HarperCollins, 1996. P. 8.

7. Keay, Honourable Company. P. 16, 17.

8. André Wink. Al‑Hind: The Making of the Indo‑Islamic World, vol. 1. Early Medieval India and the Expansion of Islam, 7th–11th Centuries. Boston and Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill, 1990, 2002. P. 4.

9. Halford Mackinder. The Geographical Pivot of History // Geographical Journal. L., 1904. April.

10. Fernа́ndez‑Armesto. Pathfinders. P. 33.

11. Abu‑Lughod. Before European Hegemony. P. 198, 199. См. также: Hourani. P. 47, 62; Wink. Al‑Hind. P. 50.

12. Abu‑Lughod. Before European Hegemony. P. 200, 208, 261.

13. Fernа́ndez‑Armesto. Pathfinders. P. 64.

14. Patricia Risso. Merchants & Faith: Muslim Commerce and Culture in the Indian Ocean. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1995. P. 46; Philip D. Curtin. Cross‑Cultural Trade in World History. N. Y.: Cambridge University Press, 1984. P. 121.

15. George F. Hourani. Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1951. P. 4, 23.

16. Abu‑Lughod. Before European Hegemony. P. 242.

17. Marshall G. S. Hodgson. The Venture of Islam, vol. 2. The Expansion of Islam in the Middle Periods. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961. P. 542, 543.

18. Risso. Merchants & Faith. P. 53.

19. Ibid. P. 5, 6, 54, 71, 72.

20. Ibid. P. 23, 24.

21. Peter Boxhall. Portuguese Seafarers in the Indian Ocean // Asian Affairs. 1992. Vol. 23. № 3.

22. Nayan Chandra. When Asia Was One // GlobalAsia: A Journal of the East Asia Foundation. 2006. September.

23. Hall. Empires of the Monsoon. P. 24, 25, 63.

24. Chanda. When Asia Was One.

25. Abu‑Lughod. Before European Hegemony. P. 253.


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