What is the merit scholarship? — КиберПедия 

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What is the merit scholarship?

2019-05-27 115
What is the merit scholarship? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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If you get more than 90 points in all subjects per semester, then the whole next semester you will get merit scholarship. If you fail this semester then you will receive an ordinary scholarship.

Are you fluent in English?

My English level is intermediate. I can communicate with people without problems

What are your language abilities/skills?

I studied English at school and university. I went to different English courses.

Do you understand authentic speech?

I understand

Do you speak any languages?

I speak Russian fluently. And my native language is Kazakh. I speak English. My level is intermediate.

43. Where did you study English?
I studied English at school and university. I went to different English courses.

How long have you been studying English?

I studied English at school and university. And I've been studying hard English for the last 3 years. I went to different English courses.

What is your level of conversational English?

At the moment my English level is intermediate. But I am studying the upper-intermediate level, and I’m not finished.

Have you ever been abroad? Where? When? How long ago?

Unfortunately, I've never been abroad. It is my first trip to the United States. And I really hope that it will be interesting and amazing. But I traveled to many parts of Kazakhstan. And the most interesting for me was the trip to Borovoe. It's close to Astana. In Borovoe I was in republican educational and health center with a friend.

What is name of the program you are applying for? What is the program called?

The name of the program is “Work and Travel”

What type of placement, do you prefer?

Do you mean in which place do I work? I prefer to work in the place without ocean. Because, my parents are afraid of Oceans, and I chose…. It is very cozy, quiet city.

Why did you choose this state?

This city is similar to my hometown. There are beautiful mountains. I liked the nature. It seemed to me that this city is quiet and cozy. My parents did not want me to work in a place near to the ocean. They are afraid of the oceans. And they think that there will be windy weather. And I chose…… The city of ……. is a resort town and work in this city was recognized as a seasonal by visa sponsor Interexchange.

Tell me please about your state? Do you know interesting facts about your state?

…… is one of the smallest states in the USA.


Have you ever worked in the US under a J-1 visa?

I’ve never worked in the US under a J-1 visa. This summer I am going to work first time.

How long are you going to stay in the US? How long do you want/ plan/wish to stay in the US?

I'm going to stay in the US for 3 months

52. When do you arrive in the US?
I have not bought tickets yet. But the entrance to the US is allowed from 22 of May. I will go to the United States after 22 of May.

When do you leave/depart from the US?

I leave the US until September

Why do you want to visit/ to go to the US?

I have many reasons. At first I would like to see New York and Statue of Liberty. And I like skyscrapers. I would like to go up to the observation deck on the 102nd floor in the Empire State Building. I am fond of travelling, meeting new people and getting cross-cultural experience. This program can help me to practice my English language with native speakers and to see and learn a lot about your country, famous places

Why do you learn English?

There are many reasons. English is a world language. It's the language of progressive science and technology, business and cultural relation. I think, now a days it is very important to speak at least one foreign language. After graduation bachelor degree I want to enter a master's degree. To study in the master’s degree we need to know English.

Where do you want/plan/wish/intent to work? Which state are you going to?

I'm going to go to …... I will work in a Hotel “…….” as a …….

Will you look for a second job?

If there is an opportunity, I will try to find a second job

Do you have any experience of working abroad?

Unfortunately, I don't have any experience of working abroad. But I worked in my country, and I think that experience will help me in the US. I worked in my country as a waiter in the restaurant ……... My duties was Meeting of visitors, Table setting, Serving dishes, Cleaning of the hall.

Are you willing to work overtime?

In my work at the hotel "……." can be overtime, I'm ready to work overtime.

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