Кулинарные и околокулинарные книги: — КиберПедия 

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Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...

Кулинарные и околокулинарные книги:

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Сайт http://books.google.com, 56 ссылок: список

1. Charles Carter. The Compleat City and Country Cook. London, 1732.

2. Louis Lemery. A Treatise of All Sorts of Foods. London, 1745.

3. Maria Eliza Rundell. A new system of domestic cookery. London, 1808.

4. Elizabeth Hammond. Modern domestic cookery, and useful receipt book. London, 1819.

5. Mrs. Frazer. The practice of cookery, pastry, confectionary, pickling, preserving, &c;: pastry, confectionary. Edinburgh, 1820.

6. Society for the Prevention of Pauperism in the City of New York. Plain Directions on Domestic Economy. New York, 1821.

7. John Ayrton Paris. A Treatise on Diet. London, 1826.

8. John Ayrton Paris. A Treatise on Diet. Philadelphia, 1826.

9. Antoine B. Beauvilliers. The Art of French Cookery. London, 1827.

10. Lady. Domestic economy, and cookery, for rich and poor. London, 1827.

11. Louis Eustache Ude. The French cook. London, 1829.

12. William Wadd. Comments on corpulency, Lineaments of leanness, Mems on diet and dietetics. London, 1829.

13. Dick Humelbergius Secundus. Apician morsels; or, Tales of the table, kitchen and larder. London, 1829.

14. Mrs. Dalgairns. The Practice of Cookery: Adapted to the Business of Every Day Life. Edinburgh, 1830.

15. Richard Dolby. The Cook's Dictionary, and House-keeper's Directory. London, 1830.

16. Dick Humelbergius Secundus. Apician Anecdotes, Or, Tales of the Table, Kitchen, and Larder. New York, 1836.

17. John Ayrton Paris. A Treatise on Diet. London, 1837.

18. John Ayrton Paris. A Treatise on Diet. London, 1837.

19. William Andrus Alcott, W. A. Hall. Vegetable Diet: As Sanctioned by Medical Men, and by Experience in All Ages. Boston, 1838.

20. William Andrus Alcott. The Young House-keeper, Or, Thoughts on Food and Cookery. Boston, 1838.

21. William Andrus Alcott. The Young House-keeper: Or, Thoughts on Food and Cookery. Boston, New York, 1839.

22. Maria Eliza Ketelby Rundell. A New System of Domestic Cookery: With the Addition of Many New Receipts. London, 1840.

23. Jonathan Pereira. A Treatise on Food and Diet. New York, 1843.

24. Jonathan Pereira. A Treatise on Food and Diet. London, 1843.

25. Charlotte Campbell Bury. The Lady's Own Cookery Book. London, 1844.

26. William Kitchiner. The Cook's Oracle. Edinburgh, 1845.

27. Lady. The Jewish manual; or, Practical information in Jewish and modern cookery. London, 1846.

28. Lady. Murray's modern cookery book. Modern domestic cookery. London, 1851.

29. Frederick Bishop. The Illustrated London Cookery Book. London, 1852.

30. Jane Loudon. The lady's country companion. London, 1852.

31. Alexis Soyer. The Pantropheon, Or, History of Food, and Its Preparation. Boston, 1853.

32. Frances Crawford. French cookery adapted for English families. London, 1853.

33. Colin MacKenzie. Mackenzie's Five Thousand Receipts. Philadelphia, 1853.

34. Colin MacKenzie. Mackenzie's Five Thousand Receipts. Philadelphia, 1853.

35. Hartelaw Reid. Cookery, rational, practical and economical. Edinburgh, 1853.

36. Brillat-Savarin. The Physiology of Taste: Or, Transcendental Gastronomy. Philadelphia, 1854.

37. Russell Thacher Trall. The New Hydropathic Cook-book. New York, 1854.

38. Alexis Benoit Soyer. A shilling cookery for the people. London, 1854.

39. Sarah Josepha Hale. Modern household cookery. London, 1854.

40. Doran John. Table Traits: With Something on Them. London, 1854.

41. William Hughes. A practical treatise on the choice and cookery of fish. London, 1854.

42. Hartelaw Reid. Cookery, rational, practical and economical. London, 1855.

43. Mrs. Smith. Practical and economical cookery. London, 1858.

44. William Andrus Alcott. Vegetable Diet: As Sanctioned by Medical Men, and by Experience in All Ages. New York, 1859.

45. John Timbs. Hints for the table: or, The economy of good living. London, 1859.

46. Walsh J.H. The English cookery book, receipts collected by a committee of ladies. London, 1859.

47. Maria Eliza Ketelby Rundell. Mrs. Rundell's Domestic cookery. London, 1859.

48. Sarah Josepha Hale. Modern household cookery. London, 1860.

49. Alvin Wood Chase. Dr. Chase's Recipes: Or, Information for Everybody. Ann Arbor (Michigan), 1860.

50. John Smith. The principles and practice of vegetarian cookery. London, 1860.

51. Robert Kemp Philp. The family save-all, a system of secondary cookery. London, 1861.

52. Isabella Mary Beeton. The book of household management. London, 1861.

53. H.S.C, Cookery. Cookery and domestic economy for young housewives. London, Edinburgh, 1862.

54. Somerville. Cookery and domestic economy. Glasgow, 1862.

55. Charles Elme Francatelli. The Cook's Guide, and Housekeepers and Butler's Assistant. London, 1863.

56. Isabella Mary Beeton. The book of household management. London, 1863.


Сайт http://www.gutenberg.org, 40 ссылок: список

1. Isola Antonia. Simple Italian Cookery.?,?.

2. Mill. Reform Cookery Book (4th edition).?,?.

3. Greer Carlotta Cherryholmes. School and Home Cooking. [Cleveland, Ohio?],?.

4. Rorer Sarah Tyson Heston. Ice Creams, Water Ices, Frozen Puddings. [Philadelphia?],?.

5. Rorer Sarah Tyson Heston. Made-Over Dishes. [Philadelphia?],?.

6. Rorer Sarah Tyson Heston. Many Ways for Cooking Eggs. [Philadelphia?],?.

7. Royal baking powder company. The New Dr. Price Cookbook. [Chicago?],?.

8. Waters William George. The Cook's Decameron.?,?.

9. Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, vol.1.?,?.

10. Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, vol.2.?,?.

11. Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, vol.3.?,?.

12. Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, vol.4.?,?.

13. Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, vol.5.?,?.

14. Perdue Mitzi. The Perdue Chicken Cookbook.?,?.

15. Parloa Maria. Miss Parloa's New Cook Book. [Boston?],?.

16. Muskett Philip E. The Art of Living in Australia. [Sydney?],?.

17. Lansdown Lillian B. How to Prepare and Serve a Meal; and Interior Decoration.?,?.

18. Lea Elizabeth E. Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers.?,?.

19. Pegge Samuel. The Forme of Cury.?,?.

20. M.W. The Compleat Cook. [London?], 1658.

21. M.W. A Queens Delight. London, 1671.

22. Moxon Elizabeth. English Housewifery. [London?], 1764.

23. Hill Janet McKenzie. Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes. [Dorchester, Mass.?], 1780.

24. Simmons Amelia. American Cookery. Hartford, 1796.

25. Brillat-Savarin. The Physiology of Taste.?,?.

26. Leslie Eliza. Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes and Sweetmeats. [Philadelphia?], 1832.

27. Leslie Eliza. Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches.?, 1840.

28. Montefiore Judith Cohen. The Jewish Manual. London, 1846.

29. Payne A.G. Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery. London, Paris, Melbourne. 1891.

30. Kellogg E.E. Science in the Kitchen. [Michigan?], 1893.

31. Shuman Carrie V. Favorite Dishes: a Columbian Autograph Souvenir Cookery Book. Chicago, 1893.

32. Presbyterian Ladies' Aid. Recipes Tried and True. Marion, Ohio, 1894.

33. Hazlitt William Carew. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine. London, 1902.

34. 365 Foreign Dishes.?, 1908.

35. The Belgian Cookbook.?, 1915.

36. Daniel Florence. The Healthy Life Cook Book, 2d ed.?, 1915.

37. Allinson Thomas R. The Allinson Vegetarian Cookery Book.?, 1915.

38. Bullock Tom. The Ideal Bartender.?, 1917.

39. Greenbaum Florence Kreisler. The International Jewish Cook Book.?, 1919.

40. Gray Grace Viall. Every Step in Canning.?, 1920.


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