Making up an impressive conclusion — КиберПедия 

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Making up an impressive conclusion

2019-05-27 252
Making up an impressive conclusion 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Last but certainly not least is making up a conclusion. Inasmuch as reporting the results of any interpretational activity is very important both in terms of the content and the form, the conclusion drawn must be connected logically with the opening part of the report (i. e. general information). As a result of this analytical module one should be able to speak about individual features of the author and the text under study. It is also important to dwell on the general impression the text produces.


Questions to answer:

5. 1. What is your opinion of __ (the book, novel, short story) in general?

Useful language: __ rather interesting / instructive / informative / thrilling / exciting / dull / boring / uninteresting.

5. 2 What impression did _ make / produce on you? Explain


Useful language: __made on me a great / favourable /

strange /poor / an unforgettable impression.

5. 3. What did you appreciate in __ most of all?

Useful language: I appreciate in the text __ the realistic description of life / the profound psychological analysis of human behaviour / the entertaining plot / the sense of humour / the beautiful style of writing.

5. 4. What peculiarities of the author's individual style of

writing did you come across in the book analysed? What can

you say about __diction (choice of tropes and lexical

EMs) and syntax?

5. 5. Is the author dialogue oriented and democratic in his

attitude to the implicit reader (the image of a potential reader in the text) or mentor-like? What is the general tone of the major parts and the whole text?

Useful language: The style of writing in __ is terse but lucid.

The skillful use of contrast is characteristic of (name of the author). The figures of implicit author and reader create a unique polyphony of voices guiding a careful and attentive reader on a difficult way of cognizing the intricate world of human spirit (imagination, etc.).

5. 6. Would you advise this book to your friends (group mates, acquaintances)? /Give your reasons from the viewpoint of the beautiful linguistic form of narration, interesting idea expressed, true to life situation description/.

Be careful not to forget that in a good analysis of the text you ought to combine clear theoretical linguistic knowledge and practical skills of decoding different kinds of texts with your personal creativity in choosing your way and individual technique of text interpretation, as well as in the choice of words used in the report on the work

                    List of English and American authors for text analyses

                                           English authors:

  1. Daniel Defoe.
  2. Jonathan Swift.
  3. Walter Scott.
  4. Charles Dickens.
  5. William Thackeray.
  6. Henry Fielding
  7. Charlotte Bronte.
  8. Emily Bronte.
  9. Thomas Hardy.
  10. A. Conan Doyle.
  11. Herbert Wells.
  12. Richard Aldington.
  13. Katherine Mansfield
  14. Alfred Cooper
  15.  John Cheever


                            American authors:

1. James Fennimore Cooper.

2. Washington Irving  

3. Mark Twain.

4. Theodore Dreiser.

5. E. Hemingway.

6. John Steinbeck.

7. John Updike

8. J.D. Salinger.

9. Jack London


  3. Критерии оценивания государственного экзамена


Оценка по буквенной системе Цифровой эквивалент Баллы (%-ное содержание) Оценка по традиционной системе Критерии оценки знаний, умений, навыков и компетенций  
А 4 95-100


Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required). Information in logical, interesting sequence which reader can follow. Student gives full definitions to all key notions listed in the task. Student provides relevant examples from personal experience to each of the listed notions.
A- 3,67 90-94 Student demonstrates required knowledge. Information in logical sequence which reader can follow. Student gives definitions to the larger part of the key notions listed in the task. Student provides more than two relevant examples from personal experience.
B+ 3,33 85-89


Student demonstrates required knowledge. Student presents information in logical sequence which reader can follow. Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate. Student gives definitions to some of the key notions listed in the task. Student provides more than two relevant examples from personal experience.
B 3,0 80-84 Student demonstrates required knowledge. Student presents information in logical sequence which reader can follow. Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate. Student gives definitions to some of the key notions listed in the task with some mistakes. Student provides relevant examples from personal experience.
B- 2,67 75-79 Student demonstrates required knowledge with some factual mistakes. Student presents information in logical sequence which reader can follow. Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate. Student gives definitions to some of the key notions listed in the task with some mistakes. Student provides relevant examples from personal experience.
C+ 2,33 70-74 Student demonstrates required knowledge with some factual mistakes. Reader has difficulty following work because student jumps around. Student is uncomfortable with content and is able to demonstrate basic concepts. Student gives definitions to one key notion from those listed in the task. Student finds it difficult to provide relevant examples from personal experience but still there are some examples.
C 2,0 65-69


Student demonstrates required knowledge with some factual mistakes. Reader has difficulty following work because student jumps around. Student is uncomfortable with content. Student gives definitions to one key notion from those listed in the task with some insignificant mistakes. Student finds it difficult to provide relevant examples from personal experience.
C- 1,67 60-64 Student demonstrates required knowledge with some factual mistakes. Reader has difficulty following work because student jumps around. Student is uncomfortable with content. Student gives definitions to one key notion from those listed in the task with some insignificant mistakes. Student provides irrelevant example from personal experience.
D+ 1,33 55-59 Student hardly demonstrates required knowledge with some factual mistakes Sequence of information is difficult to follow. Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject. Student provides irrelevant examples from personal experience.
D 1,0 50-54 Student demonstrates poor level of knowledge. Sequence of information is difficult to follow. Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject. Student provides irrelevant example from personal experience.
0,5 25-49


Student demonstrates poor level of knowledge. Student doesn’t give definitions to any of the listed notions. Student fails to provide examples from personal experience.
F 0 0-24 Student demonstrates very poor level of knowledge. Student doesn’t give definitions to any of the listed notions. Student fails to provide examples from personal experience.


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