Text B. WHEN THE HAIR IS WET — КиберПедия 

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2018-01-14 791
Text B. WHEN THE HAIR IS WET 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Read and translate the text.

It is essential that hair should be thoroughly shampooed and conditioned before cutting and you should approach your cut when the hair is wet. There are a number of reasons for this:

You have better control over the hair in its wet state, because it will not slip through your fingers or away from the scissors.

You will be able to see the shape of the head quite plainly and, as you cut, the shape will emerge more clearly.

The curl you may have thought natural when the hair was dry might have been achieved with rollers.

A smooth blow-dry may have been hiding a profusion of natural curls or waves. With wet hair you will be able to see the natural movements and capitalize on them.

A simple point, but an important one—IT IS MUCH MORE HYGIENIC TO DEAL WITH CLEAN HAIR! When the hair is wet, you will be able to observe the natural growth pattern of the hairline, particularly in the nape. For example, if the nape hair grows upward and stands out, a flat-naped cut will not work. NEVER FORCE THE HAIR AGAINST ITS GROWTH. Whatever peculiarities the hairline may have and whatever difficulties this may present, it will be a major factor in the design of your cut and could well form the positive basis for it.

Hair always moves from a natural point on the crown. Your very first move should be to find this point. When working from the crown, a parting should always start from or end at this point. You can place the parting anywhere as long as the natural growth pattern of the hair is observed and followed. This pattern should be followed throughout the whole cut, so that the finished result will complement the shape of the head.

Hair is the only substance on the human body which can be moulded and shaped into different forms. So use the skull as your basic foundation and the hair as your 'material' when shaping these forms.


2. Note the words:

thoroughly тщательно

to deal иметь дело

to approach подходить

growth рост

to slip скользить

crown макушка

to emerge выявляться

to place расположить

to achieve достигать

to mould трансформировать

to capitalize зд.правильно использовать

to complement выигрышно подчеркнуть


3. Try to find Russian equivalents to the following expressions:

Will not slip through your fingers; a smooth blow-dry; a profusion of natural curls or waves; the natural growth pattern of the hairline; hair grows upward; a flat-naped cut; a major factor in the design of your cut; a parting; the finished result; will complement the shape of the head; the only substance on the human body; basic foundation.


4. Answer the following questions:

1. What is it necessary to do before hair cutting?

2. Why do you have better control over the hair in its wet state?

3. When will the shape of the head emerge more clearly?

4. How can you find out that the curls have been achieved with rollers?

5. How can the natural curls or waves be straightened?

6. When will not a flat-naped cut work?

7. What should be a major factor in the design of your cut?

8. What point of the head should a parting always start from or end at?

9. What should we use as the basic foundation when shaping hair into different forms?




Read and translate the text.

When you look at a face, you see its individual features—those which make every person different. What is not obvious at first is that all human faces have a certain common symmetry. Try these simple tests and see for yourself.

1. If you measure from the top of the head to the chin, the eyes will always be at the middle point.

2. A measurement from pupil to pupil of each eye will be equal to measurement from the bridge of the nose to its tip.

3. The mouth will always be a quarter of the way up the total measurement of the face to the chin.

4. The length of the ears is equal to the length of the nose, and both are on the same level.

These proportions are used by artists when painting or drawing the human face. Use them as a guideline for your cut.

If you are aware of all the factors mentioned in this section, you will achieve greater precision and accuracy in your cutting technique.


The study of bone structure should be an important part of any haircutter's training. When you look at a face and see its features, you should also look beyond these to the basic bone structure, which is the foundation of the shape. There are no rules for cutting to bone structure because a haircut must, above all, be individual, but there are important factors of which every haircutter must be aware. In general, the female skull is usually smaller than the male and the external occipital protuberance and the curved lines are less defined. Although in most cases the differences in bone formation between the male and female can easily be seen, there are female skulls which do have male characteristics and here very severe haircuts should be avoided.

2. Note the words: features черты лица

precision точность

measurement размеры

accuracy правильность

pupil зрачок

be aware знать

length длина

female женский

level уровень

male мужской

mention упоминать

skull череп

3. Try to find Russian equivalents to the following English expressions:

Be at the middle point; from the bridge of the nose to its tip; be a quarter of the way up; on the same level; a guideline for your cut; the study of bone structure; the external occipital protuberance; curved lines; in most cases; very severe haircuts should be avoided.

Translate into English.

1. Человеческие лица имеют некоторые общие правила симметрии. 2. Глаза будут всегда на середине расстояния от наивысшей точки головы до подбородка. 3. Расстояние между зрачками глаз равно расстоянию от переносицы до кончика носа. 4. Длина носа равна длине ушей. 5. Нос и уши находятся на одном уровне. 5. Эти пропорции используются художниками, когда они рисуют лица людей. 6. Ты можешь их использовать в качестве направляющих линий при стрижке, чтобы достичь большей точности. 7. Каждому парикмахеру следует знать строение черепа. 8. Однако никаких чётких правил стрижки согласно форме черепа не существует. 9. Есть множество различных факторов, определяющих форму стрижки. 10. Женский череп обычно меньше, чем мужской. 11. Если женский череп имеет характеристики мужского, следует избегать строгих коротких стрижек. 12. Изучение строения костей черепа является частью программы любой школы парикмахеров.


Topical vocabulary




hair dress причёска

classic style классическая причёска

modern, fashionable style современная, модная

suitable style подходящая

becoming style причёска к лицу

avant-garde style авангардная

natural style естественная

smooth or sleek style гладкая

soft style мягкая

curly, wavy style причёска с волнистыми волосами

short, long cut короткая, длинная стрижка

mid-length cut стрижка средней длины

short bob короткое каре

square bob каре до линии подбородка

one-length cut (U.S. blunt cut) каре

layered bob градуированное каре

layered cut градуированная стрижка

section by section cut стрижка по прядям

asymmetric cut ассиметричная стрижка

page boy cut стрижка “паж”

knot or chignon причёска из длинных волос

neat chignon строгая причёска

fantasy chignon фантазийная причёска

pleat chignon причёска “банан”

chignon with a crown of curls причёска с буклями

foundation основа для причёски

roll кок

coil причёска с венком из кос

pony tail “лошадиный хвост”

pig tails хвостики

up-swept style узел

plait (U.S. braid) коса

plait with 3, 4 pieces коса из 3,4 прядей

ringlets колечки, локоны

Bridal hairstyle свадебная причёска


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