Другие способы выражения будущего времени — КиберПедия 

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Другие способы выражения будущего времени

2018-01-13 447
Другие способы выражения будущего времени 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Способ Случаи употребления Примеры
Present Simple в придаточном предложении времени или условия после союзов when, as soon as, till, until, before, after, if, in case I will let you know if my plans change. – Я сообщу вам, если мои планы изменятся. When I see Leo, I will ask him to phone you. – Когда я увижу Лео, я попрошу его позвонить вам.
Present Indefinite событие, являющееся частью расписания или программы The train leaves at 6 o’clock tomorrow. – Поезд отправится завтра в 6 часов.
Present Continuous действие запланированное, по договоренности I am meeting Mr. Wood next week. – Я встречаюсь с Мистером Вудом на следующей неделе.
to be going to + инфинитив действие, решение о выполнении которого принято заранее I am going to tell him the truth. – Я собираюсь сказать ему правду.


I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. Don’t worry about the presentation. I (will back / will have backed) you up.

2. I (will collect / will be collecting) you from work on my way home.

3. Tomorrow he (will have been interviewing / will be interviewing) candidates all morning.

4. I (will be calling / will call) you on Tuesday to arrange a face-to-face meeting.

5. We (will have been gaining / will have gained)?50,000 by the end of the fiscal year.

6. I’m not sure that replacing the CEO (will have solved / will solve) our problems.

7. They (will have moved / will have been moving) to their new office by January.

8. I believe we (will persuade / will have persuaded) Mr. Dee to change his mind.

9. From now on, we (will be conducting / will have been conducting) all public affairs in a different way.

10. By 2017 the standard of living in Belarus (will have approximated / will approximate) to the European one.

11. By the time the train arrives, we (will be staying / will have been staying) in the departure lounge for more than half an hour.

12. I hope I (will have started / will start) my own business by the time I am thirty-five.

13. I’d like to call round and see you. What (will you have been doing / will you be doing) in the morning?

14. Come back about 4.30. I (will finish / will have finished) the report by then, and you can take a copy.

15. Mrs. Merly (will be running / will have been running) the factory for more than ten years by the time she retires in January.

16. The price of dairy products (will be rising / will have risen) sharply by next week because of a supply problem.

17. Mr. Brown (won’t pass / won’t have passed) his certification exam; he hasn’t worked hard for it.

18. By the time I arrive, my secretary (will have arranged / will arrange) my hotel accommodation.

19. My plane has been delayed. The company representatives (will be waiting / will have been waiting) for me at the airport for hours.

20. Do you think that they (will have completed / will be completing) the construction of the tunnel by the end of this year?


II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. The exhibition (continues / is continuing) until 31 August. Don’t miss it!

2. That’s the phone ringing. ~ I (am going to get / will get) it.

3. I don’t know if he (will be appointed / is appointed) to the post or not.

4. Won’t you get a fine if you (will leave / leave) your car here?

5. I (am seeing / will see) Mr. Robson on Tuesday. It was arranged last week.

6. The next train for St. Petersburg (departs / will depart) from Platform 4 at 11.25.

7. I wonder if he (will pay / pays) his bills in due time.

8. We will have to dock his pay if he (is / will be) late for work again.

9. I’ve made up my mind. I (am going to aspire / am aspiring) to the position of the executive director.

10. The opening ceremony of the 4th International Forum on Statistics (will take / is taking) place on 27 July.

11. Don’t send that fax until Mr. Hornsby (doesn’t accept / accepts) the budget proposal.

12. I haven’t seen the minutes of the last meeting yet. ~ Sorry, I (am going to email / will email) them to you right now.

13. If I am not promoted within the next two years I (am going to change / am changing) jobs.

14. When the draft contract (is / will be) ready, we (will contact / contact) you.

15. I can’t meet you tomorrow afternoon. I (am having / will have) business lunch with our prospective clients.

16. This new software (will help / is helping) you to save time on paperwork and deliver better customer service.

17. If you (give / will give) us a discount we (will place / place) a bulk order.

18. Remember to give her the documents when she (comes / will come) back. ~ OK. I (am not going to forget / won’t forget).

19. What (will the police do / is the police doing), supposing the crowd (gets / will get) out of hand?

20. I’ve just checked your flight details. Your plane for Tokyo (leaves / is leaving) at 9 p.m. I don’t think you (are having / will have) any problems at the airport.


III. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. When … this agreement … into effect?

a. do; come c. will; be coming

b. will; come d. is; coming

2. If you … more information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

a. will need c. are going to need

b. will be needing d. need

3. They say that his election campaign probably ….

a. will succeed c. will have succeeded

b. will be succeeding d. is succeeding

4. Sponsors … billions of dollars on Olympics-related advertising.

a. are going to spending c. will have spent

b. will be spending d. will spent

5. Unless they … more reasonable, we’ll have to break off the negotiations.

a. aren’t c. are

b. will be d. won’t be

6. The biggest industry trade show of the year … place in New York on November 15.

a. take c. will be taking

b. will take d. is taking

7. By the time all the papers are ready, the deadline ….

a. will pass c. has passed

b. passes d. will have passed

8. If we … more in agriculture, then we’ll be able to combat the global food crisis.

a. will be investing c. will invest

b. invest d. are going to invest

9. The company is in serious financial difficulty. It … insolvent.

a. will become c. is going to become

b. is becoming d. becomes

10. As soon as you … Mrs. Minks tomorrow, could you ask her to ring me up?

a. will see c. saw

b. see d. would see

11. At 9 a.m. on Tuesday the PR Manager … the delegation in his office.

a. will receive c. will be receiving

b. is receiving d. would receive

12. The staff don’t know if the time-table for the following week … changed.

a. has been c. will be

b. will have been d. was being

13. This seminar … you how to vary your sales and marketing campaigns.

a. will show c. shows

b. is showing d. will be showing

14. This month we … a new version of our most popular product.

a. launch c. will launch

b. are launching d. will have launched

15. Can I have the detailed account about the company’s activities this afternoon? ~ I don’t think I … it by then.

a. will be finishing c. will have been finishing

b. will finish d. will have finished

16. Most people expect that there … inner-city riots when the G8 meeting … next week.

a. will have been; will occur c. will be; occurs

b. is going to be; will occur d. is; occurs

17. I’ve just been to the council meeting. It looks like they … a new shopping centre in our town.

a. will be building c. will built

b. are going to build d. will have built

18. Have the management made plans to review salaries? – They … salaries as usual in the end-of-year review.

a. will be looking at c. is going to look at

b. will look at d. will have looked at

19. We’re late. The meeting … by the time we get to the office.

a. will already start c. will already have started

b. will be already started d. have started

20. Do you know what time …?

a. does the conference finish c. will the conference finish

b. the conference finishes d. the conference is finishing


IV. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в одной из форм настоящего или будущего времени:

1. She says that she (repay) the bank loan by September.

2. The board meeting (begin) at 9.30 or 10.30?

3. You (study) new negotiation strategies during the workshop.

4. We don’t think that current economic conditions (continue) to prevail.

5. You won’t be able to enter the office building if you (not have) your identity card.

6. By the end of the year Mr. Glenshaw (work) in this company for five months.

7. Developing my dissertation research is what I (do) for the next two or more years.

8. If we (not follow) these regulations, we’ll get in trouble with the local authorities.

9. Everyone thinks that the economy (worsen) before it (recover).

10. Please ask Mr. Black whether his company (take) part in the exhibition next month.

11. I (go) on a business trip next month. I (meet) with one of our clients in Singapore.

12. The international trade fair (open) on 1 May and (finish) on 1 June.

13. Sue has applied for the job but she isn’t qualified for it. I (be) surprised if she (get) it.

14. Don’t phone me between 3 and 4 p.m. I (prepare) the annual report then.

15. Mr. Stanton (not be) satisfied until he (be) promoted to the Chief Executive’s position.

16. In the future video-conferences probably (replace) many international gatherings.

17. By the time I (graduate) from the Academy, I (study) public administration for four years.

18. A bank (not give) you a loan unless you (provide) something of value as a guarantee of repayment.

19. I’m not expecting any messages, but if someone (ring) while I (be) out, could you say that I (be) back at 6 o’clock?

20. Prices (go up) as long as the exchange rate (change). What you (do) if that (happen)?


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