Fill in the banks using the words from the text. — КиберПедия 

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Fill in the banks using the words from the text.

2018-01-28 237
Fill in the banks using the words from the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Both psychologists and psychiatrists can provide... and... services.

2. Both professionals are granted the right to... by law while other doctors cannot.

3. There are some important differences in... and....

4...., as medical doctors, can prescribe medications for psychological distress.

5. Psychologists do not prescribe..., instead focusing their treatment on psychotherapy.

6.... are the only mental health professionals who are fully trained and qualified to use psychological tests.

7. Psychologists also specialize in....

Insert proper words or phrases.

1. Psychological tests are _______ in situations where there are questions about what a person's particular problem is.

a) used; b) done; c) applied.

2. A psychologist may use psychological tests to _________ whether a child has a learning disorder.

a) find out; b) determine; c) discover.

3. Psychologists also use psychological tests in legal cases or any time there is uncertainty about what is troubling an _______ Psychological tests can include assessments of personality styles, tests of emotional well-being, intellectual (or "IQ") tests, tests of academic achievement and tests for possible brain damage.

a) person; b) individual; c) patient.

4. The use of psychological tests _______ years of training that involves not only learning how to give the tests, but also how to integrate all the information from a variety of tests, background information, interviews, and knowledge of theories, research, psychological problems, personalities, and human development.

a) requires; b) takes; c) needs.

5. Psychologists are the only mental health ________ who are fully trained and qualified to use psychological tests.

a) specialists; b) professionals; с) masters.

6. It is important to be aware that there can be broad differences in training a psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and therapists which can _______ lead to widely differing treatment approaches and understandings of psychological and emotional problems.

a) often; b) always; c) from time to time.

7. The education of psychologists provides __________ of psychological and emotional problems, personality, and human development, integrated with specialized training in how to apply this knowledge to helping people with emotional distress and other problems in living.

a) knowledge; b) experience; c) skill.


Choose the right variants.


1.Unfortunately, I`m working so I can`t come.

A.I would have come if I weren`t working.

B.If I weren`t working I could come.

C.If I would be working I couldn`t come.

D.I could come if I hadn`t worked

E.If I wasn`t working I could have come.



2.I can`t say anything about the performance. If I … to the theatre, I could … the show myself.

A.I would have come if I weren`t working.

B.If I weren`t working I could come.

C.If I would be working I couldn`t come.

D.I could come if I hadn`t worked

E.If I wasn`t working I could have come.



3.We had very little time. If we … more time, we … to see grandmother.

A.have had/shall go

B.had had/should have gone

C.hadhad/shall go

D.have/should have gone

E.has had/have gone



4.I didn`t take pills yesterday therefore I am ill today.

A.If I had taken pills yesterday I would be well today.

B.I would be well today if I took pills yesterday.

C.If I would take pills yesterday I would be well today.

D.If I take pills today I will be well tomorrow.

E.If I would have taken pills yesterday I would have been well today.



5.We saved some money. We could buy a house and we did it.

A.If we didn`t save any money, we couldn`t buy a house.

B.We could buy a house, if we saved any money.

C.We could buy a house, if we will save any money.

D.We could have bought a house, if we had saved any money

E.If we hadn`t saved any money, we couldn`t have bought a house.



6.If I … a painter, I … my mother`s portrait. draw

B.were/will draw

C.was/will draw

D.were/would draw

E.shall be/shall draw



7.If he … so cruel, he … the child so badly. The poor thing was so helpless.

A.hadn`t been/would have treated

B.were/wouldn`t treat

C.was/would treat

D.wasn`t/wouldn`t treat

E.weren`t/wouldn`t have treated



8.They say, if the trade … illegal, hunters without licences… greater suffering to animals. made/will he caused

B.were made/would cause

C.was made/is caused

D.made/will cause

E.will be made/caused



9.I think if she … to the country, she … there till early September.

A.will go/would stay

B.went/would stay

C.were going/were staying

D.would go/stays

E.shall go/will stay



10.If the man … on at once he … dead.

A.were operated/won`t have been

B.has been operated/wouldn`t have been

C.had been operated/will be

D.were being operated/is

E. had been operated/wouldn`t have been

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