ТЕМА 1.2. Новости, средства массовой информации — КиберПедия 

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ТЕМА 1.2. Новости, средства массовой информации

2018-01-28 467
ТЕМА 1.2. Новости, средства массовой информации 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Тема 1.1. Досуг


Вариант I

№ 1.Прочитайте, что некоторые британцы говорят о своих увлечениях.

a) Подбери к текстам заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.


1) We are very fond of having picnics. On Sundays our family goes to some nice place in the country. We like to sit in the open air and enjoy nature. It's a pleasure to have lunch in a forest or near the water. We can also play ball or swim if the weather is fine.

2) My best friend and I often go to the discos. We listen to music and dance there. It's fun! Rock is our favourite type of music. And we enjoy listening to jazz.

3) We have two dogs. Their names are Terry and Rex. We love them so much! Every day we take them for a walk in the park. They are so polite and nice when they meet other dogs there. I think they say "Hello!" to them in their dog language.

4) All my friends love sport. Our favourite sports are horse riding, football and swimming. Every school and college has its own football team. We often have sport competitions at our school. It's great when your team wins!


a We are fond of sports.

b British weekend

c How can we spend free time

d Pet lovers

e Most British are nice and polite.

b). Закончите предложения, используя информацию текста.


1). On Sundays the British like___________________________________.

2). They think it's pleasant to_____________________________________.

3). Some boys often go to the disco to_____________________________.

4). Many British families keep____________________________________.


№ 2.Прочитайте три отрывка о рабочем дне девочки.

а) Расположите отрывки в таком порядке, чтобы получился рассказ.


1). At one o'clock Ann usually has lunch. After lunch she helps mother about the house. Ann doesn't like to wash the dishes but she enjoys shopping. Sometimes she doesn't remember what her mother told her to buy but she never forgets to buy some milk for her cat.

2). Ann can play the piano very well. Her friends often come to see her in the evening. They enjoy listening to music and sometimes Ann plays or sings for them. They always praise (хвалят) her singing. Sometimes they go out for a walk if the weather is fine and enjoy fresh air and a good company.

3). Ann often goes to bed late and she hates getting up early. Her mornings are very busy. She can't always find her things. She looks for her schoolbag everywhere and at last finds it under the sofa. Sometimes she doesn't have time to eat her breakfast and she is often late for school. Iwonderwhyshenevergetsbadmarks!

b) Отметьте буквой Т (true) информацию, соответствующую тексту, и буквой F(False) – не соответствующую тексту.

1.She is never late for school.

2.She always gets good marks.

3.She goes to bed early.

4.She enjoys shopping.

5.Sometimes she goes for а walk in the evening.

№ 3.Прочитайте текст и заполните таблицу.

  School 1 — Alice
Number of students  
Start and finish time  
Favourite subjects  


I am Alice. I am in my sitting room at home, talking to my teacher on the radio. Yes, I am at school!

I live in the middle of Australia, a long way from any towns or cities, so I belong to the School of the Air. Students from all over Australia belong to such school. Every day, I start at half past eight. I have two hours of radio lessons and sometimes I watch lessons on TV. After that, I have three hours of homework, then I have free time.

I don't mind going to school in the sitting room — it's fun! I like using the radio. I like Geography because I'm interested in learning about for­eign countries and I like talking to my Geography teacher about her visits to Europe, Asia and Ameri­ca. I also like History lessons. Unfortunately, we don't have sport lessons.


Тема 1.1. Досуг

Вариант II

№1. Прочитайте, что некоторые британцы говорят о своих увлечениях.

a) Подберите к текстам заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.


1) We are very fond of having picnics. On Sundays our family goes to some nice place in the country. We like to sit in the open air and enjoy nature. It's a pleasure to have lunch in a forest or near the water. We can also play ball or swim if the weather is fine.

2) All my friends love sport. Our favourite sports are horse riding, football and swimming. Every school and college has its own football team. We often have sport competitions at our school. It's great when your team wins!

3) We have two dogs. Their names are Terry and Rex. We love them so much! Every day we take them for a walk in the park. They are so polite and nice when they meet other dogs there. I think they say "Hello!" to them in their dog language.

4) My best friend and I often go to the discos. We listen to music and dance there. It's fun! Rock is our favourite type of music. And we enjoy listening to jazz.


a We are fond of sports.

b British weekend

c Most British are polite and reserved

d Our pets.

e How can we spend free time


b). Закончите предложения, используя информацию текста.


1). They enjoy looking after them and every day they_________________.

6). The most favourite sports among the British are___________________.

7). Most British schools have____________________________________.

8) It’s great when the team____________________________________.


№ 2. Прочитайте три отрывка о рабочем дне девочки.

а) Расположите отрывки в таком порядке, чтобы получился рассказ.

1). Ann often goes to bed late and she hates getting up early. Her mornings are very busy. She can't always find her things. She looks for her schoolbag everywhere and at last finds it under the sofa. Sometimes she doesn't have time to eat her breakfast and she is often late for school. I wonder why she never gets bad marks!

2). Ann can play the piano very well. Her friends often come to see her in the evening. They enjoy listening to music and sometimes Ann plays or sings for them. They always praise (хвалят) her singing. Sometimes they go out for a walk if the weather is fine and enjoy fresh air and a good company.

3). At one o'clock Ann usually has lunch. After lunch she helps mother about the house. Ann doesn't like to wash the dishes but she enjoys shopping. Sometimes she doesn't remember what her mother told her to buy but she never forgets to buy some milk for her cat.


b) Отметьте буквой Т (true) информацию, соответствующую тексту, и буквой F(False) – не соответствующую тексту.


1.She doesn't sing well.

2.She can't find her things in the morning.

3.She always buys milk for her cat.

4.She likes to wash the dishes.

5. She goes to bed late.


№ 3.Прочитайте текст и заполните таблицу.

  School 2 — Magnus
Number of students  
Start and finish time  
Favourite subjects  


I am Magnus. I go to Green Street School in Portland, the USA. We get to school by bus.

Our school is quite big. There are about 1,500 students. I don't mind going to school. The lessons aren't very difficult for me. Our lessons start at half past eight. We usually have five or six 45-minute lessons. I am interested in science and computer studies. I usually get good grades in these subjects and I don't mind having tests in English and Literature.

I like my school. I am good at sport. I like play­ing ball games, especially baseball, football and bas­ketball. We don't have uniform in our school and we don't study foreign languages. Some schools in Portland teach Spanish and German. I would like to study German.

I usually come home after 3 p.m. and go to the local stadium to play baseball with my friends.


Romeo and Juliet

a) When Romeo heard that Juliet was dead he bought some poison and went to the tomb of the Capulets. Paris was there and Romeo kil1ed him.

b) Then Romeo kissed Juliet on the lips and drank his poison. At this moment Juliet woke up and saw that the young man was dead. Juliet took a dagger that was on the floor and killed herself.

c) Juliet did as the friar told her. Juliet's parents thought that she was dead and put her into the family tomb.

d) He gave her medicine and told her to go home and be ready to marry Paris. But when she drinks that medicine she will sleep for forty-two hours.

e) Some days passed and Juliet's father told her that she was to marry a young man whose name was Paris. Juliet didn't know what to do. But the friar helped her.

f) Romeo asked Juliet to marry him. She agreed, but nobody knew about their plan, the next day Romeo and Juliet came to friar and he married them.

g) In the town of Verona there were two rich families, the Capulets and the Montagues. There was an old quarrel between those two families.

h) One day Capulet made a great supper. At that supper Romeo saw Juliet and fell in love with her at once. Juliet had the same feel ings.


Answers: 1____, 2_____, 3_____, 4 ____, 5____, 6____, 7___, 8____


№ 2. Дайте перевод английским словам:


director - dramatic - tragedy –
dynamic- to shoot - comedy-
decoration - operetta - genres
melodrama – studio - western-

№ 3. Замени существительное прилагательным или наречием.


0. The film is so dramatic (DRAMA).

1. It is a good ________ (HISTORY) film.

2. How________ (FRIGHT) the film is!

3. It is really______ (SENSATION). I've never thought it can be so interesting.

4. The film is so________(MYSTERY). It keeps you in suspense from the beginning up to the end.

5. I can't say anything. It is___(ABSOLUTE) fantastic!



Практическое занятие по теме «Образование в России и за рубежом, среднее профессиональное образование»


Вариант 1

№ п/п задания   Содержание тестового задания Варианты ответов
1. The children can get to school ten minutes earlier if they take a short....... through the park. A. cut B. link C. pass D. path
2. When Mr. Obsequious was at school, he won first....... for good behavior. A. present B. price C. prize D. reward
3. This is an exciting book which....... new ground in educational research. A. breaks B. reaches C. scratches D. turns
4. Little Tom did not like his first....... at school at all. A. course B. period C. presence D. term
5. We all laughed at his....... of the teacher. A. copy B. image C. imitation D. mimic
6. They had lunch together in the school........ A. bar B. cafe C. canteen D. restaurant
7. You could....... all the worthwhile information in this article into one page. A. condense B. contract C. decrease D. shorten
8. Sue's teacher....... her to improve her drawing. A. encouraged B. insisted C. made D. persisted
9. We all make mistakes, no-one is........ A. fallible B. infallible C. mistaken D. unmistakable
10. It's your....... that we're late for school again. A. care B. fault C. mistake D. trouble
11. I think you should....... that matter with your teacher. A. complain B. demand C. discuss D. enquire
12. Since Oscar had no proper reason for missing school, his absence should be treated as........ A. abstention B. desertion C. neglect D. truancy
13. If pupils are to understand the notice, the instructions must be....... clearer. A. done B. got C. made D. wrote
14. 14. You are late again — please try to be....... in future. A. accurate B. efficient C. punctual D. reliable
15. An I.Q. test is supposed to measure the....... of your intelligence. A. degree B. extent C. level D. size
16. You are not very....... today, Hugh. What's the matter? I've never known you so quiet. A. chattering B. loud C. speaking D. talkative
17. Those pupils never....... any notice of what their teacher says. A. attend B. give C. make D. take
18. Annie is already twelve but she hasn't learned to....... the time yet. A. know B. read C. say D. tell
19. Patrick....... the whole morning looking for his essay, but still couldn't find it. A. brought B. had C. passed D. spent
20. Rita is not....... of doing this work — she should change her class. A. capable B. fit C. possible D. suitable
21. After he broke the window, the boy was....... from school. A. exiled B. excluded C. expelled D. extracted
22. A child's first five years are the most important as far as learning is........ A. affected B. concerned C. hit D. touched
23. It lakes a great deal of....... for the class to make a trip abroad. A. arrangement B. business C. expense D. organization
24. There is no....... in going to school if you're not willing to learn. A. aim B. point C. purpose D. reason
25. There are three of us and there is only one book so we'll have to....... it. A. distribute B. divide C. share D. split



Контрольная работа № 4 (тест)

Вариант 2

№ п/п задания   Содержание тестового задания Варианты ответов
1. New students must....... for classes before term begins. A. enrol B. enter C. join D. teach
2. Quentin must go to France for the next....... of his training. A. point B. stage C. stand D. step
3. Medical students are doctors........ A. for the most part B. in the making C. in the mind's eye D. to the life
4. I'm going to....... all I can about the subject because I need this information. A. discover B. find out C. know D. realize
5. This course....... no previous knowledge of the subject. A. assembles B. assigns C. assumes D. assures
6. Sean asked his teacher's....... about going to university. A. advice B. experience C. information D. knowledge
7. What are you going to do when you....... school? A. complete B. conclude C. end D. leave
8. Have you....... for any evening classes next term? A. engaged B. enrolled C. inscribed D. signed
9. Viola took her....... at Cambridge University. A. degree B. grade C. qualification D. standard
10. In some countries, students are selected....... to their current level of academic attainment. A. according B. due C. owing D. relating
11. Your progress will be....... in three months' time. A. counted B. enumerated C. evaluated D. priced
12. Vivian is studying to become a member of the medical........ A. employment B. position C. post D. profession
13. Our group....... of twelve students. A. composes B. comprises C. consists D. contains
14. The new experimental system of enrolment didn't....... expectations. A. climb up to B. come up to C. reach D. rise to
15. Some schools have very....... rules of behavior which must be obeyed. A. solid B. straight C. strict D. strong
16. It was very difficult for the examiner to....... what recommendations he should make. A. decide B. realize C. settle D. solve
17. Please inform the college secretary if you....... your address. A. change B. move C. remove D. vary
18. Sharon wants to make it clear that she prefers a course in Fine Arts as....... from Graphic Arts. A. different B. discrete C. distinct D. separate
19. The classes were closed because of....... of interest. A. absence B. emptiness C. lack D. missing
20. This school has the highest....... standards in our town. A. academic B. intelligence C. learning D. study
21. Please find....... a copy of the letter I received from the college. A. contained B. covered C. enclosed D. included
22. We need....... information before we can decide which courses to choose. A. farther B. further C. near D. nearer
23. Someone from the Ministry of Education is coming to....... our classes. A. control B. inspect C. look on D. overlook
24. Before joining a course of study you must fill in a long....... form. A. enrolment B. induction C. inscription D. personal
25. Please....... clearly which courses you want to take. A. ask B. indicate C. instruct D. learn



Контрольная работа № 4 (тест)


Вариант 3

№ п/п задания   Содержание тестового задания Варианты ответов
1. The Examination Board have recently changed the....... for the Diploma in History. A. brochure B. compendium C. programme D. syllabus
2. It should be....... that students are expected to attend classes regularly. A. marked B. noted C. perceived D. reminded
3. The Headmaster is preparing the....... for next term. A. brochure B. catalogue C. pamphlet D. timetable
4. During their first teacher-training year, the students often visit local schools to....... lessons. A. examine B. inspect C. investigate D. observe
5. The school....... is worn on the boys' caps. A. badge B. figure C. label D. sign
6. MrWellbred went to a school which....... good manners and self-discipline. A. blossomed B. cultivated C. harvested D. planted
7. There was a(n)....... against the College's new syllabuses. A. bang B. outcry C. scream D. whistle
8. The tutorial system at Oxford and Cambridge is the....... of many universities. A. envy B. jealousy C. regret D. sorrow
9. Miss Undecided was not sure which profession to enter, but finally....... for medicine. A. accepted B. chose C. opted D. selected
10. Comprehensive schools....... for all levels of ability. A. cater B. cope C. look D. watch
11. Secondary schools offer a wide....... of subjects. A. field B. list C. range D. type
12. If you want to attend a course, you should study the college....... for full particulars of enrolment. A. programme B. prospects C. prospectus D. syllabus
13. Are you going to attend Prof. Wise's....... on Medieval History next week? A. conference B. discussion C. lecture D. meeting
14. The lecture was so....... that almost everyone fell asleep. A. bored B. dull C. exhausted D. tired
15. According to my......., the lecture starts at eleven tomorrow morning. A. belief B. information C. knowledge D. opinion
  Prof. Rush was speaking so quickly I couldn't....... what he said. A. accept B. catch C. listen D. take
17. Use your imagination and try to....... the scene in your mind. A. draw B. model C. paint D. picture
18. Miss Not-Very-Bright said she could not....... all the information given in the lecture. A. absorb B. accumulate C. admire D. listen
19. When you listen to a lecture, it is useful to....... the important points. A. clear B. notify C. put down D. write on
20. I can agree with you to a certain......., Professor, but not entirely. A. extent B. level C. part D. way
21. The lecture was very....... and I slept for most of it A. annoying B. boring C. noisy D. sleepy
  You ought to pay....... to what the lecturer is saying, it's quite interesting. A. attention B. comment C. importance D. praise
  Dr Knowledgeable will be making a....... this evening. A. lecture B. sermon C. speech D. talk
  I absolutely....... with everything that has been said. A. accept B. admit C. agree D. approve
  You will never understand my arguments if you don't actually....... to what I say! A. appreciate B. hear C. listen D. understand



Контрольная работа № 4 (тест)


Вариант 4

№ п/п задания   Содержание тестового задания Варианты ответов
1. The students paid....... attention to their distinguished professor. A. respectable B. respected C. respectful D. respective
2. The lecture will begin at 10.00........ A. in time B. on time C. punctual D. sharp
  Would you please....... from smoking while the lecture is in progress? A. avoid B. keep yourself C. refrain D. stop
4. Prof. Orator spoke clearly and....... so we could understand every word he said. A. distinct B. distinctly C. distinguishable D. legibly
  During a lecture I always try to....... down the main points that are made. A. doodle B. jot C. noting D. sketch
6. That's precisely what I mean. You've hit the....... on the head. A. idea B. nail C. pin D. point
7. The students were interested in what the teacher was saying and listened........ A. attentively B. guardedly C. prudently D. watchful
8. A few jokes always....... up a lecture. A. inspire B. liven C. loosen D. raise
9. Miss Duffer looked as if she hadn't a....... what Prof. Sophisticated was talking about. A. clue B. guess C. point D. thought
10. You can....... your shorthand by taking notes during lectures. A. keep B. keep in C. keep on D. keep up
11. To begin the lecture, let's take an....... of the present situation. A. oversight B. overtone C. overture D. overview
12. The lecturer spoke so fast that I found it hard to take....... what he was saying. A. away B. in C. over D. up
13. Prof. Silvertonguc was a most effective speaker and his audience seemed to....... on his every word. A. catch B. cling C. hang D. hold
14. I'm relying on you, gentlemen, so please don't........ A. allow me off B. drop me off C. drop me down D. let me down
15. The teacher....... out the words he had written on the blackboard. A. cleaned B. dusted C. rubbed D. scraped
  The example you have just referred to has no....... on the matter under discussion. A. bearing B. connection C. dependence D. relation
  I'm afraid my speech may have....... you as to my true aims. A. miscalculated B. misled C. mistaken D. misunderstood
18. Please repeat what you said. I didn't quite....... the meaning. A. comprehend B. grasp C. retain D. seize
19. I take....... to that remark. It's a quite unjustified insinuation. A. affront B. displeasure C. exception D. offence
20. The professor never finished his lecture because there were so many....... from the audience. A. delays B. gaps C. interruptions D. intervals
  It should be....... that students are expected to attend classes regularly. A. marked B. noted C. perceived D. reminded
  The Headmaster is preparing the....... for next term. A. brochure B. catalogue C. pamphlet D. timetable
  During their first teacher-training year, the students often visit local schools to....... lessons. A. examine B. inspect C. investigate D. observe
  The school....... is worn on the boys' caps. A. badge B. figure C. label D. sign
  MrWellbred went to a school which....... good manners and self-discipline. A. blossomed B. cultivated C. harvested D. planted



Прочитайте текст и попытайтесь понять его содержание.


Seasons and weather.

There are four seasons in a year. They are winter, spring, summer and autumn. Every season has its weather. In winter it is cold and snowy. Everything is white with snow.

Spring is a warm season. The trees are green. The sun shines and the birds sing.

Summer is a nice season. There are many flowers in the gardens. Children have summer holidays. People go on picnics.

Autumn is cool, foggy and rainy. It rains several times a day. There are often winds. The trees are yellow.

1. Определите, верно ли высказывание (+ или -)

1) There are six seasons in a year.

2) Winter is cold and snowy.

3) The trees are yellow in winter.

4) Children have holidays in summer.

5) It rains several times a day in autumn.


2. Ответьте (по-английски) на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1) How many seasons are there in a year?


2) What is the weather in winter?


3) What are the trees in autumn?


4) What do people do in summer?



3.Выберите из предложенных вариантов верный перевод слова:


a) туманный b) ветреный c) облачный


a) дожливый b) снежный c) морозный


To shine

a) лить b) светить c) морозить



a) время года b) зима c) погода



a) дождливый b) снежный c) туманный



a) путешествие b) досуг c) наслаждение



a) кино b) музыка c) реклама



a) удовольствие b) досуг c) наслаждение


To enjoy

a) наслаждаться b) удивляться c) любоваться


To spend

a) отправлять b) отпускать с) проводить


4. Выберите верный вариант ответа.

1) Your friends ____ tennis every Sunday.

a) will play b) play c) didn’t play


2) You ___ to England next month.

a) will go b) went c) go


3) I______ to the park yesterday.

a) goed b) go c) went


4) There ___ a mirror in a bedroom.

a) are b) is c) am


5) There ____ two sofas in a living room.

a) is b) am c) are


6) She ____ to visit her grandma in three days.

a) am going b) is going c) are going


7) The school is______ than the shop.

a) big b) bigger c) biggest


8) I am ______ student in my class.

a) the best b) goodest c) better


9) The pupils read a lot of books, ______?

a) don’t they b) is she c) do you



10) He didn’t make his homework, ______?

a) can he b) did he c) won’t he




Письменно переведите текст


Russia is a unique country, which preserves the national traditions deeply rooted not only in the Orthodox religion but also in paganism. Christianity gave Russians such great holidays as Easter and Christmas, and Paganism – Maslenitsa. Old traditions are passed on from generation to generation.

New Years is the biggest celebration for Russians. It is believed that the way you celebrate the New Year indicates how your year will be. On New Year’s eve, a huge meal is prepared with an abundance of dishes.

Easter is the day of the resurrection of Christ. The main tradition at Easter time is the painting of hard-boiled eggs. Red is the predominant colour, as it signifies new life. Russians exchange eggs and kind wishes for the Easter celebration.

Christmas is the holiday of the birth of Jesus Christ, which is celebrated on the 7th of January. Before Christmas Eve, people tidy their houses. The food for Christmas is prepared some days in advance, with turkey, stuffed pork, pies, pastries and sweets for children.

Maslenitsa is one of the most cheerful holidays in Russia. It marks the end of the winter and the opening of new spring festivals and ceremonies. Maslenitsa is celebrated during the week preceding the Lent. Every day of Maslenitsa is devoted to special rituals.

There are some interesting family traditions. For example, when a new baby is born, the father should plant a tree, wishing the child to grow up strong and healthy.

Among the traditions connected with wedding is blessing. When a bride and groom are ready to go to the church, the oldest member in their family takes a religious icon from the wall. While the bride and groom kneel, the family member crosses them both with the icon, blesses their union, and wishes them a long and happy marriage. At the wedding reception, the husband and wife take a big loaf of bread and bite it at the same time, without the use of their hands. Whoever gets the larger piece, it is said that they will be the leader of their family.




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Traditions and holidays

British calendar is flashy with all kinds of holidays: national, traditional, public or bank holidays. The formation of some of them dates back hundreds of year, and it is not great surprise for such country as Great Britain loving its culture and history.

Public or bank holidays require all business and other bank institutions to close for the day and to give the employees a paid day off. They are: Christmas, New Years Day, Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, etc. Traditions respected on these days are various and interesting: for example, on the President’s Day girls are to ask boys off for a date, or invite them to a party or to the cinema, or even ask him to marry her. On the St. Patrick’s Day people use to wear something green and attend parades.

National holidays are also rich in their traditions and customs. On the Memorial Day people use to invite friends and relatives to a dinner and remember the dead together.

The Midsummer Day, on the 24th of June gives a possibility to visit the Stonehenge – the biggest stone circle, dating back to the 1st century BC, built by Druids, and is considered their calendar, used to count months and seasons.

If you visit UK on the 31st of October, you can meet witches, wizards, ghosts and different types of evil spirits appearing on Halloween. It is common for people to spend thousands of dollars on dresses, masks and other types of Halloween attributes. The celebration begins long before the 31st. People decorate their houses with pumpkins – they cut out the middle of the pumpkin, cut holes for eyes and mouth and put a candle inside. Some cities make a whole competition and parade of the best pumpkins of all. Children have a special tradition to go to their neighbors and play “Trick or Treat!”. If people give them money they will go away, otherwise they will play a trick on you by drawing something dreadful on your house or your car.


Задание №1. Вставьте слова в предложения

software computers peripherals calculator ports

monitor keyboard configuration hardware printer


So you only have a pocket (1)_____to do addition, multiplication and so on, you want to know about real (2)_____? Right. Well, the machines themselves are called the (3)_____ and the programs that you feed into them are called the (4)_____. If you want to see the results of what you are doing, you’ll need a (5)____or you’ll have to plug into a television set. You’ll operate your machine like a typewriter by pressing keys on the (6)______. If you want to record on the paper of what you are doing, you’ll need a (7)______. On the rear panel of the computer there several (8)_______into which you can plug a wide range of (9)______-- modems, fax machines and scanners. The main physical units of a computer system are generally known as the (10)______.

Задание №2. Переведите с русского на английский язык:

1. Удобно пользоваться электронной почтой, чтобы контактировать с друзьями.

2. Благодаря компьютеру я могу получать и отправлять сообщения в любое время.

3. Компьютерная терминология не очень трудная. Многие слова пришли из английского языка.

4. Он интересуется компьютерами, знает, как ими пользоваться и владеет основами компьютерного общения.

5. Когда работаешь с компьютером, возникают проблемы, которые необходимо решить.

6. Мы купили компьютер только два года назад, и он уже устарел.

7. Интересно, он пользуется компьютером сейчас или пишет книги ручкой?

8. «Майкрософт» стала крупнейшей фирмой в мире, разрабатывающей программное обеспечение для компьютеров.


Variant I

№ 1. Напишите перевод следующих слов:


1) Mother – 6) Aunt -

2) Father – 7) Uncle -

3) Brother – 8) Son -

4) Sister - 9) Grandfather -

5) Grandmother - 10) Daughter –


№ 2. Соотнесите английские слова с русским эквивалентом:


1. Clever a) общительный

2. Kind b) приветливый

3. Responsible c) спокойный

4. Communicative d) умный

5. Captious e) веселый

6. Calm f) важный

7. Affable g) добрый

8. Bossy h) придирчивый

9. Happy i) счастливый

10. Merry j) ответственный



№ 3. Найдите лишнее слово в каждой строке.


1) bacon, beef, turkey, pork, lamb

2) carrot, melon, onion, cabbage, lettuce

3) beer, lemonade, tea, sugar, coffee, mineral water, juice

4) grapes, apple, pear, plum, ice-cream

5) butter, milk, cheese, cream, oil, yoghurt.

№ 4. Заполните пропуски необходимыми формами глаголов to be, to have

1. Where ….. you from?

2. We … a dog at home.

3. I … a student of the Maritime Fishing College.

4. Ivanov … on duty today.

5. There … three departments in our college.

6. My father … a good job.

7. She … as pretty as a rose.


№ 5. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо


1. Would you open …..window, please?

2. Please, give me ….. cup of tea with ….. milk and ….. sugar.

3. She lives in ….. small ….. town in ….. country.

4. Jane plays ….. piano and Ann plays ….. guitar.

5. Have you looked through …..magazine I gave you yesterday?


№ 6. Замените личные местоимения, стоящие в скобках, на притяжательные.


1. It is …. book(I).

2. ….dress is nice (she).

3. Thisis ….. car (he).

4. Thoseare ……. Books (they).

5. It is a cat. This is ….. milk (it).


№ 7. Переведите предложения на английский язык.


1. Я хороший студент.

2. Она наша учитель.

3. Он врач.

4. Они друзья.

5. У нас есть большой дом.

6. У них есть машина.

7. У него есть кот.




Variant II

№ 1. Напишите перевод следующих слов:


1) Parents – 6) Friends -

2) Children – 7) Grandparents -

3) Teenagers – 8) Mother -

4) Grown-ups – 9) Best friend -

5) Child - 10) Cousin –


№ 2. Соотнесите английские слова с русским эквивалентом:


1. Clever – a) ответственный

2. Interesting – b) честный

3. Communicative – c) интересный

4. Happy – d) ссориться

5. Witty - e) родители

6. Responsible – f) умный

7. To quarrel – g) счастливый

8. Honest – h) остроумный

9. Stubborn - i) упрямый

10. Parents - j) общительный


№ 3. Найдите лишнее слово в каждой строке.


1) bacon, beef, turkey, pork, lamb

2)carrot, melon, onion, cabbage, lettuce

3) beer, lemonade, tea, sugar, coffee, mineral water, juice

4) grapes, apple, pear, plum, ice-cream

5) butter, milk, cheese, cream, oil, yoghurt.


№ 4. Заполните пропуски необходимыми формами глаголов to be, to have


1. What... your name?

2. We … three periods a day.

3. There … many laboratories in the college.

4. Our study… very interesting.

5. There … a gym in our college.

6. My father … a good engineer.

7. I … an interesting person.


№ 5. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо


1. Can you close …..door, please?

2. Please, give me ….. glass of mineral … water.

3. They work at... school.

4. Jane studies in … USA.

5. Have you read … book I gave you last week?


№ 6. Замените личные местоимения, стоящие в скобках, на притяжательные.


1. It is …. иook (I).

2.….dress is nice (she).

3.This is ….. car (he).

4.Those are ……. Books (they).

5.It is a cat. This is ….. milk (it).


№ 7. Переведите предложения на английский язык.


1.Я хороший студент.

2.Она наша учитель.

3.Он врач.

4.Они друзья.

5.У нас есть большой дом.

6.У них есть машина.

7.У него есть кот.




Until Surgut’s vast oil reserves began to be exploited in the late 70s, the territory bordering the river Ob saw only Khanti tribes, that camped on patches of dry land and survived on fish and berries. Now Surgut is a town of 260,000 people, most of whom work for one of the Russia’s biggest oil companies.

At the time when production is collapsing at other oil companies, during the financial crisis, they manage to have stable, low-cost production and look much better positioned than most competitors in the field of oil production. Today Surgut is the Russian oil industry’s lowest-cost profitable producer.

Most investments go toward improving existing oil fields, rather than making new ones. The company has invested much in horizontal drilling which can increase fivefold the flow of an old well. Half of the horizontal wells worked out in Russia at the end of the 20th century are drilled in Surgut. Millions have already been invested in roads, power lines and pipelines in the area. Analysts recognize Surgut’s power and say it is the best oil company in Russia today.

But the labour conditions are rather hard in Surgut. In Canada, drilling platforms are enclosed in concrete walls, which enable the workers to be protected from cold. In Surgut, which is situated near the Arctic Circle, the platforms are open, and at temperatures of minus 50 degrees, the eyes of the workers are sometimes shut with freeze.

But most people in Surgut are true Siberians who don’t want to live and work anywhere else.

II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы по тексту.

1. What is Surgut famous for?

a) coal b) its oil company c) mining

2. When did they start exploiting Surgut’s oil reserves?

a) a century ago b) recently c) in the late 70s

3. What place does Surgut oil company take among other Russia’s oil companies?

a) the first place b) the second place c) the last place


Контрольная работа № 15

«Симулирование – новых способ создания материалов»



Some gases in the atmosphere allow visible light to pass through, but they block much of the heat which is reflected from the Earth’s surface – in the same way as the glass windows in a greenhouse. Without this greenhouse effect, temperatures in the world could be lower by 35 degrees Celsius, most of the oceans would freeze, and life would cease or be totally changed. According to the theory of global warming, an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will produce too high temperature increases.

Aside from water vapour, the main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide. Of these, carbon dioxide is the most important.

The most dramatic consequence of the warming would be a rise in the sea level from the melting of polar ice and glaciers, a rise that the Environmental Protection Agency projects to be 20 feet in the year 2300. And the large parts of territories along sea and ocean coasts will be under water.

Scientists don’t think that mankind alone is responsible for the melting of glaciers and the rise of sea levels up to 25 centimetres this century. But we have created conditions that accelerate the process.

The majority of climatologists feel that a risk of global warming exists, although there is much disagreement about the extent and timing. At the 1992 United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development, more than 150 countries signed the Convention on the Climate Change for the control of emissions of greenhouse gases.

In the early 1990s, the United States produced 23 per cent of global emission, Western Europe 14 per cent, Japan 5 per cent and China 12 per cent. Although emissions have grown much for the past 40 years, they began levelling off in the late 1980s and the early 1990s.

In December 1997 about 160 nations took part in the conference in Japan which was to limit emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the future.

II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы по тексту.

1. What is the cause of the greenhouse effect?

a) high temperatures b) water vapour с) greenhouse gases

2. What will an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere result in?

a) temperature increases b) temperature decreases c) ocean freezing

3. What is the point of view of many scientists concerning the consequences of increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

a) smog b) eternal summer c) melting of polar ice


Контрольная работа № 17

«Пусть машины работают, а человек думает»

I. Прочтите и переведите текст (устно).




Gravitation is a very important force in the universe. Every object has a gravitational pull which is like magnetism. But, unlike magnetism, gravitation is not only in iron and steel. It is in every object large or small; but large objects, such as the earth, have a stronger pull than small ones.

Isaac Newton, the great scientist of the seventeenth century, first studied gravitation. When he was a boy, he often saw how apples fell to the ground. He wondered why they fell towards the earth and why they did not fly up into the sky.

According to the law which he later produced everything in the uni­verse attracts everything towards itself. The sun attracts the earth and the earth attracts the sun. The earth attracts the moon and the moon attracts the sun. Although the bigger object has the stronger attraction, all objects, in fact, have some attraction too but we do not notice the gravitational pull of a book because the pull of the earth is much greater.

Why does the earth always move round the sun, and not fly off into the cold space? The sun's gravitation gives the answer. The earth always tries to move away in a straight line, but the sun always pulls it back. So it continues on its journey round the sun.

The sun is one of the stars in the galaxy, in which there are about 100,000 million stars. It is not in the middle of the galaxy, but rather near one edge.

There are millions of galaxies in the universe and so there are thou­sands of millions of suns. Many astronomers believe that some of these suns have planets as our sun does.

Gravitation is the force which holds all the atoms of a star together. It holds the sun together and it holds the atoms of the earth together. It holds us on the earth.

Einstein produced a new law of gravitation. Its main results are the same as the results of Newton's law; but in very small and fine matters Einstein's law gives different results. One of these is that gravitation bends light a little; but according to Newton's law gravitation has very little effect on light. Einstein showed this fact by means of mathematics and not by experiment. And astronomers later proved by experiments that Einstein was right.

II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы по тексту.

1. Who studied gravitation first?

a) Isaac Newton b) Albert Einstein c) Ernest Rutherford

2. What did he observe when he was a boy?

a) stars in the sky

b) apples, falling to the ground

c) two magnets attracting each other

3. How many stars are there in the galaxy?

a)about 50,000 million b) about 100,000 million c) about 200,000 million

Контрольная работа № 19

«Великое изобретение великого учёного»


Тема 1.1. Досуг


Вариант I

№ 1.Прочитайте, что некоторые британцы говорят о своих увлечениях.

a) Подбери к текстам заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.


1) We are very fond of having picnics. On Sundays our family goes to some nice place in the country. We like to sit in the open air and enjoy nature. It's a pleasure to have lunch in a forest or near the water. We can also play ball or swim if the weather is fine.

2) My best friend and I often go to the discos. We listen to music and dance there. It's fun! Rock is our favourite type of music. And we enjoy listening to jazz.

3) We have two dogs. Their names are Terry and Rex. We love them so much! Every day we take them for a walk in the park. They are so polite and nice when they meet other dogs there. I think they say "Hello!" to them in their dog language.

4) All my friends love sport. Our favourite sports are horse riding, football and swimming. Every school and college has its own football team. We often have sport competitions at our school. It's great when your team wins!


a We are fond of sports.

b British weekend

c How can we spend free time

d Pet lovers

e Most British are nice and polite.

b). Закончите предложения, используя информацию текста.


1). On Sundays the British like___________________________________.

2). They think it's pleasant to_____________________________________.

3). Some boys often go to the disco to_____________________________.

4). Many British families keep____________________________________.


№ 2.Прочитайте три отрывка о рабочем дне девочки.

а) Расположите отрывки в таком порядке, чтобы получился рассказ.


1). At one o'clock Ann usually has lunch. After lunch she helps mother about the house. Ann doesn't like to wash the dishes but she enjoys shopping. Sometimes she doesn't remember what her mother told her to buy but she never forgets to buy some milk for her cat.

2). Ann can play the piano very well. Her friends often come to see her in the evening. They enjoy listening to music and sometimes Ann plays or sings for them. They always praise (хвалят) her singing. Sometimes they go out for a walk if the weather is fine and enjoy fresh air and a good company.

3). Ann often goes to bed late and she hates getting up early. Her mornings are very busy. She can't always find her things. She looks for her schoolbag everywhere and at last finds it under the sofa. Sometimes she doesn't have time to eat her breakfast and she is often late for school. Iwonderwhyshenevergetsbadmarks!

b) Отметьте буквой Т (true) информацию, соответствующую тексту, и буквой F(False) – не соответствующую тексту.

1.She is never late for school.

2.She always gets good marks.

3.She goes to bed early.

4.She enjoys shopping.

5.Sometimes she goes for а walk in the evening.

№ 3.Прочитайте текст и заполните таблицу.

  School 1 — Alice
Number of students  
Start and finish time  
Favourite subjects  


I am Alice. I am in my sitting room at home, talking to my teacher on the radio. Yes, I am at school!

I live in the middle of Australia, a long way from any towns or cities, so I belong to the School of the Air. Students from all over Australia belong to such school. Every day, I start at half past eight. I have two hours of radio lessons and sometimes I watch lessons on TV. After that, I have three hours of homework, then I have free time.

I don't mind going to school in the sitting room — it's fun! I like using the radio. I like Geography because I'm interested in learning about for­eign countries and I like talking to my Geography teacher about her visits to Europe, Asia and Ameri­ca. I also like History lessons. Unfortunately, we don't have sport lessons.


Тема 1.1. Досуг

Вариант II

№1. Прочитайте, что некоторые британцы говорят о своих увлечениях.

a) Подберите к текстам заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.


1) We are very fond of having picnics. On Sundays our family goes to some nice place in the country. We like to sit in the open air and enjoy nature. It's a pleasure to have lunch in a forest or near the water. We can also play ball or swim if the weather is fine.

2) All my friends love sport. Our favourite sports are horse riding, football and swimming. Every school and college has its own football team. We often have sport competitions at our school. It's great when your team wins!

3) We have two dogs. Their names are Terry and Rex. We love them so much! Every day we take them for a walk in the park. They are so polite and nice when they meet other dogs there. I think they say "Hello!" to them in their dog language.

4) My best friend and I often go to the discos. We listen to music and dance there. It's fun! Rock is our favourite type of music. And we enjoy listening to jazz.


a We are fond of sports.

b British weekend

c Most British are polite and reserved

d Our pets.

e How can we spend free time


b). Закончите предложения, используя информацию текста.


1). They enjoy looking after them and every day they_________________.

6). The most favourite sports among the British are___________________.

7). Most British schools have____________________________________.

8) It’s great when the team____________________________________.


№ 2. Прочитайте три отрывка о рабочем дне девочки.

а) Р

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