Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous. Переведите предложения на русский язык. — КиберПедия 

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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

2018-01-04 656
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The letter (look for) everywhere.

2. She (wash) the floor in our flat the whole morning.

3. He (not/play) football from 6 till 7 last week.

4. Tom (take) a photograph of me wnen I (not/look).

5. When I (go) out into the garden, the sun (shine) and the birds (sing).

6. You (see) my friends yesterday, when they (cross) the street?

7. We (cook) the whole morning, so we weren’t ready for the party.

8. Please, don’t make some much noise. Father (work) in the study.

9. We (ski) the whole day yesterday.

10. What you (do) at 7 o’cock tomorrow?

11. I (read) a text the whole day yesterday.

12. We couldn’t sleep last night because our neighbours (have) a party.

13. I tried to explain everything to the teacher, but he just (not/understand) what I (talk) about.

14. You (take) a bath, when I (phone) you?

15. The text (translate) by the students the whole lesson yesterday.

16. Just as I (get) to a creepy part of the detective, somebody (ring).

17. I (not/drive) very fast when the accident (happen).

18. When they (walk) in the park the day before yesterday, they (meet) Pete.

19. At school I (dislike) chemistry because the teacher always (pick) me on.

20. I (wonder) wheather you could lend some money.

21. The children (look after) by a granny the whole holidays last summer.

22. Fleming (study) influenza when he (discover) peniciline.

23. As I (drive) to London I (listen) to music.

24. The problem (discuss) at the meeting at 6 oclock yesterday.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. When I (to come) home, my little sister (to sleep). 2. When Nick (to come) home, his brother (to play) with his toys. 3. When mother (to come) home, I (to do) my homework. 4. When father (to come) home, Pete (to sleep). 5. When mother (to come) home, the children (to play) on the carpet. 6. When I (to get) up, my mother and father (to drink) tea. 7. When I (to come) to my friend's place, he (to watch) TV. 8. When I (to see) my friends, they (to play) football. 9. When I (to open) the door, the cat (to sit) on the table. 10. When Kate (to open) the door, the children (to dance) round the fir-tree. 11. When Tom (to cross) the street, he (to fall). 12. When I (to go) to school, I (to meet) my friend. 43. When we (to go) to the cinema, we (to meet) grandmother. 14. When grandmother (to go) home, she (to see) many children in the yard. 15. When Henry (to walk) about in the forest, he (to find) a bear cub. 16. When we (to walk) about in the for­est, we (to see) a hare. 17. When I (to wash) the floor, I (to find) my old toy under the sofa. 18. When granny (to read) a book on the sofa, she (to fall) asleep. 19. When I (to play) in the yard, I suddenly (to see) my old friend. 20. When Nick (to run) about in the yard, he (to fall).

The Future Continuous Tense

Будущее продолженное время обозначает будущее действие в процессе его совершения, т.е. незаконченное длительное действие.

Future Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в будущем времени (shall be / will be) и причастия настоящего времени смыслового глагола- Present Participle (IV-я форма или ing-форма).

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
... + shall/will be + IV Shall/Will... be + IV? ... shall/will not be + IV
I We shall/will be playing. =(I'll be playing) Я буду (Мы будем) играть. (в то время, когда) Shall/ Will I we be playing? Буду ли я (Будем ли мы) играть? I We shall/will not be playing =(shan't be playing) Я не буду (Мы не будем) играть.
He She It You They will be playing =(...'ll be playing) Will he she it you they be playing? He She It You They will not be playing =(won't be playing)


Для выражения будущего действия, которое начнется до определенного момента в будущем и все еще будет продолжаться в этот момент, который может быть обозначен обстоятельством времени, например:

at noon в полдень

at midnight в полночь

at that moment в этот момент

at five o’clock в пять часов

at 3 o’clock tomorrow завтра в 3 часа

In an hour I’ll be flying over the sea.

Для выражения длительного действия, которое будет протекать в определенный период времени в будущем, не обязательно непрерывно в течение всего этого периода. Время действия обычно поясняется обстоятельственными словами:

all day (long) весь день

all day tomorrow завтра весь день

all summer все лето

the whole evening весь вечер

from five till eight с пяти до восьми

in June в июне

I’ll be studying all day tomorrow.

Если говорящий лишь констатирует факт – Future Indefinite. Если он хочет отобразить действие как процесс – Future Continuous:

He will read the whole evening.

He will be reading the whole evening.

Он будет читать весь вечер.

Он будет читать весь вечер.


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