Alternative analysis hypothesis opportunities problem programs similar standards — КиберПедия 

Биохимия спиртового брожения: Основу технологии получения пива составляет спиртовое брожение, - при котором сахар превращается...

Археология об основании Рима: Новые раскопки проясняют и такой острый дискуссионный вопрос, как дата самого возникновения Рима...

Alternative analysis hypothesis opportunities problem programs similar standards

2018-01-04 961
Alternative analysis hypothesis opportunities problem programs similar standards 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The stomach contents of the red eft, red-backed salamander, and dusky salamander living in the same area were identified. An 1____ of the food eaten shows that the feeding habits of the red eft and the red-backed salamander were different. These two salamanders showed 'niche segregation'. These two salamanders ate 2_____ food when living in different areas but fed on different food when the two species lived in the same area. Our 3____was valid.


The 4_____ of teen gang violence can be eliminated. It will, however, take time, money, and a combined effort on the part of many people. Organized, free, after-school programs
such as: sports teams and games; art, music, and drama activities; internships in local area
businesses and professional organizations; and interesting volunteer activities in the community
would help engage teens in worthwhile pursuits outside of school hours. More job 5___for teens, especially those funded by state and local programs, would offer income for teens as well as productive work for the community. Outreach to families through schools, community organizations, and places of worship would help promote inter-generational activities that could improve family closeness, helping teens to work on their problems at the family level, instead of taking them to the streets. If these 6 ___ can be implemented, we will surely see a decrease in teen gang activity and safer streets and neighborhoods for us all.


Two 7_____designs for an emission-free fuel cell powered car have been presented: Car A, a luxury sedan which runs on hydrogen, and Car B, a medium-sized family hatch which uses hydrogen and oxygen. Each car features recyclable materials and conforms to Australian design 8____ in terms of performance and safety features. However, Car В is recommended as it was found to be more economical in terms of both manufacturing and running costs.

Task 11. Work in pairs. Read conclusions A-C again and answer the questions.

1. What fields of research do these reports refer to?

2. Think of titles for these reports.



Task 1. Work in pairs and discuss these questions.

What rules of etiquette do you know?

Why is it important to follow these rules?

What is email etiquette, in your opinion?

Task 2. Complete the following formal email etiquette rules. Use the words in the list. You can use some verbs more than once. Add do not where necessary.

Write attach address be start answer give

1._____the receiver by name or title.

2._____a meaningful topic in the subject line.

3.____in capitals.

4.____your email with a greeting.

5.____understandable names to attachments.

6.____clear, short paragraphs.

7.____friendly and cordial, but____ familiar.

8.____files which are too large.

9._____within a reasonable time.

Task 3. Which rules are relevant to your professional life? What rules can you add from your own experience?


Formal style

Task 4. Work in pairs. Mark expressions a-1 with ‘’T’’ if they are part of an informal letter to a friend and ‘’F’’ if they are from a formal academic letter.

a) By the way, are you going to the Statistics Conference, too? If so, I will take the opportunity to bring you the book you asked for in your previous letter. It is magnificent._____

b) My name is Professor Copeland, and I am writing to you in order to request information on the Statistics Conference to be held at your University in November 2018._____

с) Yours faithfully,

Rebecca Copeland _____

d) Dear Jane,_____

e) Firstly, could you provide details of the accommodation options? Secondly, I would be
grateful if you could provide information on the plenary speakers._____

f) I wonder if you could share the worksheets you designed for teaching Probability, too.

It would be wonderful to use them as well. ______

g) Finally, could you please clarify the deadline for registration? _____

h) Hope to hear from you soon._____

i) Thank you for in advance for your help with this. I look forward to receiving your reply._____

j) Best wishes,


k) Hi, there. I hope you are well, and your kids, too. Thanks very much for the teaching materials you sent. I used them with my students and they thought they were great.____

1) Dear Sir or Madam _____

Task 5. Put the expressions in order to make two letters. What language features helped you complete the task?

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