The snowball definition game. — КиберПедия 

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The snowball definition game.

2018-01-04 709
The snowball definition game. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Across Down
1. Everything a company a person owns. 2. The total sales of a company. 3. A document showing you have paid. 4. Money spent on goods and services. 5. What a bank charges for a loan. 6. A business selling goods to retail stores. 7. A reduction in price. 8. When you get your money back. 9. The money you earn at your job. 10. Money needed to start a business. 1. The people who buy products. 2. A person owning shares of a company. 3. A bill listing the products delivered. 4. Money borrowed from a bank. 5. A business selling products to the public. 6. When revenue is higher than costs. 7. When costs are higher than sales. 8. The money a country uses. 9. Money you pay to the government. 10. Money that a company owns.  


Экономика - это общественная наука, изучающая поведение в сферах производства, потребления, распределения и обмена. Экономисты анализируют происходящие в этих сферах процессы и исследуют их последствия для физических лиц, организаций, например фирм, и общества в целом. В экономической науке существует много конкурирующих между собой направлений. Однако основным делением является деление на классическую и неоклассическую школы.

В систему экономических наук входят науки, которые изучают функциональные аспекты развития экономики (финансы и кредит, ценообразование, экономика труда, материально-техническое обеспечение, планирование экономического и социального развития и др.) или ее отраслевые особенности (экономики промышленности, сельского хозяйства, транспорта и др.).



Passive Voice


The Passive Voice is formed by putting the auxiliary verb “to be” into the necessary form and adding the Past Participle of the main verb. Verbs which take an object (transitive verb) can have a passive form.

Ø They destroyed the building – The building was destroyed.

Ø The news surprised me. – I was surprised by the news.

Verbs which don`t take an object (intransitive verbs) don`t have passive forms. For example, there are no passive forms for the following sentences:

Ø I slept for nearly ten hours last night.

Ø The ship slowly disappeared from view.

A good dictionary will tell you whether verbs are transitive or intransitive.



Make these sentences passive. Use by if it is necessary to say who did the action.

1. Karl Marks wrote Das Kapital.

2. They are repairing your car now.

3. Steve Jobes founded Apple Computers.

4. The board will discuss the proposal.

5. Did anyone inform Mrs. Wilson about the agenda of the conference?

6. They make Renault cars in Slovenia.

7. They have transferred him to the New York office.

8. The Princess opened the new conference centre.

9. They had made a full investigation of the case by October.

10.I didn`t realize someone was listening to my telephone conversations.

Complete this advertisement, using either active or passiveforms.

Communicado`s presentation skills training courses _ (tailor) to each client`s individual needs, so the main focus is on the type of presentations that ___ (give) by the participants in their everyday working lives. Courses ___ (conduct) either on a one-to-one basis or in groups. They are highly participative and _ (design) to be enjoyable as well as instructive. Communicado __ (encourage) clients to __(build) on their existing social communication skills. Through a number of interesting techniques we __(show) clients how time can ____ (save) in preparation, how body language can ____ (use) to maximum effect and how visual aids can ___ (create) for maximum impact.   For more details on how Communicadocan ___ (help) your company improve its business presentations, call 09002224577 now.  

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