Intergovernmental system of standardization — КиберПедия 

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Intergovernmental system of standardization

2018-01-07 227
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By the representatives of the states of the former USSR in 1992 was signed “Agreement about conducting of the matched policy in the region of standardization”. They were acknowledged according to this document: the acting All-Union State Stan’s as the intergovernmental standards; the standard base of the former USSR as corotation property; the need for bilateral agreements for the mutual acknowledgement of the systems of standardization, certification and metrology. Was created the intergovernmental council for standardization, metrology and certification (now Eurasian council for standardization, metrology and certification - [EASS]), members of which are the leaders of national organs for standardization, metrology and certification of the participating governments of the agreement of all 12 states of collaboration.

As a result activities [EASS] are kept the existed in the USSR funds for normative documents and standard base. At present is completely completed the process of the mutual acknowledgement of the national systems of certification of the countries of the CIS.

The standards accepted are harmonized with the international, which promote to the advance of the states of the CIS for the world market.


International and regional standardization

For the successful realization of the commercial, economic and scientific and technical collaboration of the countries great significance has international standardization. The need of developing the international standards becomes of ever of more obvious, since differences in the national standards to one and the same production, proposed on the world market, are barrier in the way of the development of international trade.

Harmonization is the basic task of international scientific and technical collaboration in the region of standardization, i.e., the agreement of the national system of standardization with the international, by the regional and progressive national systems of the standardization of the foreign countries for purposes of raising the level of the Russian standards of the quality of domestic production and its competitive ability on the world market.

International collaboration is achieved along the line of international and regional organizations for standardization.

International organizations for the standardization:

• International organization for standardization (ISO) functions since 1947 in work of which participate 151 country;

• The International Electro technical Commission (IEC) is created in 1906; the number of members - 62 countries.

Besides ISO, IEC (as the organizations, which are specialized in the standardization) in the works on the international standardization participate other organizations:

• European economic commission of United Nations (EEC] of United Nations);

• International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

In the world act seven regional organizations for the standardization: in Scandinavia, in Latin America, in the Arab region, in Africa, in the European Union (European Union). This connected with the fact that at present is observed tendency toward the creation of the united regional markets.

The greatest development integration obtained within the framework the European Union, which formed united domestic market by January 1, 1993. Largest regional organization on the standardization within the framework the European Union are:

• European committee on standardization (СЕН), whose purpose - the assistance to development of trade in goods and in services by developing the European standards;

• European committee on standardization in electrical engineering (SENELEK).

The special feature of the majority of Euro-standards is the fact that as their basis are embedded, as a rule, the best standards of the individual European countries, and also the international standards [ISO] and IEC.


Control questions

1. What such is standardization?

2. Purposes and the task of standardization.

3. Name the forms of standards.

4. Distinctive special features of technical specifications.

5. Purpose of international collaboration in the region of standardization.

The lecture 6

Bases of certification


1. Certification as the confirmation of the correspondence

2. Bases of certification


Right – право correspondence - соответствие

Oblique – косвенный confirmation – подтверждение

Exploitation – эксплуатация voluntary – добровольный

Obligatory – обязательный bidder – заявитель

Verificatory – удостоверяющий sign – знак

Designation – обозначение executor – исполнитель

Customer – заказчик achieving - достижение

Securing – обеспечение moving – перемещение

Collaboration – сотрудничество averting – предотвращение

Causation – причинение harm – вред

Attractive – привлекательный teething – наметившаяся

Reduction – сокращение promote – способствовать

Expansion - расширение

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