The Greatest Inventions of the Past — КиберПедия 

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The Greatest Inventions of the Past

2017-12-22 479
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Since the early days people have been inventing new things to make the life easier. Inventions have changed the world immensely. A lot of people travel by planes. But it would be impossible without the Wright brothers who made the first flight in 1903.

The Englishman Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention of the telephone in 1876. Very soon in the 20th century the telephone was already in every office and almost every house. Nowadays the car is probably the most widely used and most useful of all the inventions. The German engineer Karl Benz produced the first petrol driven car in 1885.

Some Famous Inventors

At the beginning of every invention there is its author with his desire to change, create and improve. I would like to say a few words about some of the famous inventors. Alexander Popov was a Russian physicist who first demonstrated the practical application of radio waves. In 1894 he built his first radio. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was the founder of cosmonautics. Initially, he was a Mathematics and Physics teacher. But he never gave up the idea about space travel. His drawings and calculations became the basis of practical space flights.

Modern Inventions

The progress never stops even for a minute. Modern inventors introduce more complex and more amazing ideas. Nowadays we widely use computers and cell phones which were invented not so long ago. Another wonderful example is laser with different technologies in medicine, industry and electronics.

2 часть. Грамматические задания:

Перефразируйте предложения, сохраняя его смысл. Используйте страдательный залог.

Пример: Somebody stole my bag in the shop. - My bag was stolen in the shop.

1.They cancelled all flights because of fog. - All flights ….

2.Somebody accused me of stealing the money. - I …..

3.They are building a new ring-road round the city. - A new ring road ….

Соедините части предложения из правой и левой колонок.

This question was be bought in any bookshop.
This book can that castle built?
I was are caused by dangerous driving.
When was being discussed when I entered the room.
Many accidents given two hours to make my decision.

Запишите правильный ответ.

1. The business letter ___ just ___.

A) is / written
B) has / been written
C) was / written
D) were / written
E) is / going to write

2. All the business letters ___ yesterday. They ___ to the post office immediately.

A) answered / take
B) were answered / took
C) are answered / were taken
D) answered / took
E) were answered / were taken

3. I ___ that I ___ at the station at 5.

A) was told / should be met
B) told / is being met
C) tells / am met
D) am told / was met
E) will be told / would be met

4. Anna... a good job.

A) finds
B) has found
C) founded
D) have found

5. I... a new flat a few months ago.

A) bought
B) have been buying
C) have bought
D) buy

Paul Simon’s latest record?

A) Have you heard
B) Have you been hearing
C) Did you hear
D) Are you heard

Употребление предлогов in/at/on/ to, into. Заполните пропуски грамматически правильным предлогом.

1.Don’t sit … that armchair. It’s broken.

2.Jack’s house is the white one … the end of the street.

3.In Britain we drive … the left.

4.Have you ever been … Japan?

5.I opened the door and went … the room.

5. Употребление предлогов в конструкциях Adjective + Preposition (Прилагательное + Предлог).

  1. He didn’t trust me. He was suspicious … my intentions.
  2. Why are you so rude … Ann?
  3. Were you disappointed … your examination results?
  4. Linda is married … an American.

11. V. учебно-методическое обеспечение

Основная литература:

1. Буренкова, О.М. Коррективный курс по английскому языку для студентов неязыковых вузов – Growing though English: ч. 1 / О.М. Буренкова. – Казань

2. Голицынский, Ю. Грамматика: сборник упражнений. – СПб.: КАРО, 2010. – 544с.

3. Иванова Н.П., Батдалова Л.М. Improve your English in IT: практикум по дисциплине английский / Н.П. Иванова, Л.М. Батдалова. – Казань: Изд-во «Познание» ИЭУП (г. Казань), 2009. – 57 с.



Дополнительная литература:

1. Кушникова Г. К.

Краткий справочник по грамматике английского языка: Методические указания / Г.К. Кушникова – 5-e изд. – М.: Флинта: Наука, 2009. – 72 с.: 60x88 1/16. (обложка) ISBN 978-5-89349-380-1

2. Press, 2007. – 80 c. ISBN 978-0-19-457936-0

3. Taylor, L. International Express: Student’s Book with Pocket Book: pre-intermediate / L. Taylor. – Oxford University Press, 2008. – 144 c. ISBN 0-19-457475-X.

4. Taylor, L. International Express: Workbook: pre-intermediate / L. Taylor. – Oxford University Press, 2008. – 144 c. ISBN 0-19-457478-4


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