IV. Настоящее Простое время (Present Simple) — КиберПедия 

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IV. Настоящее Простое время (Present Simple)

2017-12-20 474
IV. Настоящее Простое время (Present Simple) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
полная форма краткая форма
I V (work) I do not V (work) I don’t V (work) Do I V (work)?
He She V-s (works) It He She does not V(work) It He Shedoesn’t V (work) It he Doesshe V (work)? it
We You V(work) They We You do not V(work) They We You don’t V(work) They we Do you V(work)? they

· Употребление:

1) для выражения повторяющихся действий в настоящем времени:

I get up at 7 o'clock.

2) для выражения постоянных действий и состояний, свойственных субъекту:

Не works in an office.

3) для выражения законов природы, общеизвестных истин:

The sun sets in the west.

· Образование З-го лица единственного числа:

1) V +-s (walks, learns);

2) V–ss/ -sh/ -ch/ -x/ -о + -es (watches, teaches);

3) V-согласная-у +-s = V-ies (try - tries, study - studies)

4) V-гласная-у +-s = V-ys (play - plays, sway - sways).

Упражнение 43

а) Заполните таблицу глаголами в 3 лице единственного числа:

speak, try, pass, begin, say, go, cry, put, push, carry, play, dance, copy, notice, buy, watch, finish, miss, mix, do, study, fry, run, sit, brush, pay, smoke, fetch, fly, paint, crash

-s -es -ies

b) раскройте скобки, употребляя необходимые формы глаголов:

1) Ann often... (go) for a walk with her dog 2) Jerry... (play) volleyball well.3) I... (want) to ski, and they... (want) to sledge. 4) I always... (bring) presents for my little sister. 5) John... (do) morning exercises every morning. 6) My grandparents... (visit) me when I am ill. 7) Mary... (like) coffee with milk. 8) Timothy... (have) a lot of toys in his room. 9) My friend never... (come) home for his holidays. 10) I sometimes …(use) your computer when you are away.

c) Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:

1) He plays chess very well. 2) Helen always invites Nick to her birthday party. 3) We live in Pushkin street. 4) My friend and I go to the stadium every Sunday. 5) John likes to read books. 6) I like playing sports. 7) Simon works for a small insurance company. 8) As a rule my parents take a bus to go to work. 9) Every day at work she deals with paperwork. 10) They go to exhibitions at weekends.

d) Заполните пропуски глаголами “do/does”, “don’t/doesn’t”

1)... you play the violin? 2)... your mother sometimes go swimming? 3)... Sam often write to his pen-friend? 4) I... speak French, I speak English. 5)... it snow in your country in winter? 6) Andy... often cook chicken for dinner. 7) My parents... eat fast food. 8) He... live in the country, he has a nice apartment in Moscow. 9) What... you do? 10) Alison... do her morning exercises regularly.

e) Предложите краткие ответы на поставленные вопросы:

1) Do you play tennis? Yes,... 2) Does your sister work at a bookstore? No,... 3) Do you and your friends often go out in the evenings? No,... 4) Do they always take a bus to get to work? Yes,... 5) Does Amy live alone? Yes,... 6) Does Jack like jazz? No,... 7) Do Pierre and Isabel speak English? No,... 8) Do you go out on Friday evenings? No,.... 9) Does your cousin play sports? Yes,... 10) Does he enjoy his job? Yes,.…

Упражнение 44. Заполните пропуски глаголами "am", "is", "are","do", "does", "have got", "has got":

1) My sister... very clever. 2) What... she do in the evening? 3)... you sleep well? Yes, I... 4) She... a teacher in primary school. 5) Where... he live? 6) Tom... a lovely house in the country. 7)... she married? 8) Mary... two children. 9) Sally... not like cooking. 10) You … three sons. … you happy? – yes, I …

Упражнение 45. Выберите из второй колонки ответ на вопросы первой колонки:

1) When do you have breakfast? 2) What does your father do? 3) What do you do at weekends? 4) How often do you go to the theatre? 5) What kind of films do you like? 6) Does Fred live in Spain or in France? 7) Where do you usually go on holiday? 8) Do you play computer games in your free time? 9) Do you like detective stories? 10) How much money do you spend a month? In France. Yes, I do. Some of them. About $ 1000. At 7 о'clock. I usually meet my friends. He is an accountant. Once a month. I like comedies. To the seaside.

Упражнение 46

Составьте вопросы с предложенными словами:


David goes to University every day (you). – Do you go to University every day?

We drink a lot of tea (Mary). – Does Mary drink much tea?

1) Janet likes romantic novels (Lily). 2) My friend watches TV at weekends (your friend). 3) My sister plays computer games a lot (Patsy). 4) Thomas visits his grandparents every month (his sisters). 5) Andrew eats out every Saturday (Edward and Thomas). 6) Susan drinks four glasses of water a day (her daughter). 7) Angela takes a bus to go to work (her husband). 8) My father knows a lot about the history of our country (your father). 9) Alice likes to play snowballs in winter (Sally and Mary). 10) Mr Green often flies to New York (his business partners).

V. Структура предложения

· При построении предложения следует помнить о том, что в отличие от русского языка, порядок слов в английском языке является фиксированным, т.е. каждый член предложения имеет свое место

Обстоятельство времени подлежащее сказуемое Косвенное дополнение без предлога Прямое дополнение Косвенное дополнение с предлогом Обстоятельство образа действия Обстоятельство места Обстоятельство времени
(Когда?) Кто? Что? Что делает? Кому? Чему? Кого? Что?   Как? Где? Когда?
(Today) I write you a long* letter about my* holidays     today
(In the evening) we sing   folk* songs     at home in the evening
  This* girl draws   pictures   well    

*Определение стоит перед определяемым словом (перед подлежащим, дополнением) и не меняет общей схемы предложения.

Упражнение 47. Составьте предложения из данных слов:

1) plays / football / my / every week-end / brother

2) children / at school / learn / every day / many things

3) a newspaper / father / us / aloud / reads / in the evenings

4) Sue / at home / on Sundays / stays

5) / in the morning / buy / I / bread / in the bakery

· C настоящим простым временем часто употребляются следующие обстоятельства времени:















Такие слова обычно стоят перед смысловым глаголом, но после формы глагола to be

I usually work on Saturday.

They don’t often go to the cinema.

Does he always go to bed at 10.00?

I never read German newspapers.

She is sometimes late for her classes.

We are rarely at home at weekends.

Упражнение 48.

a) Поставьте обстоятельства времени:

1) Mike buys vegetables at the market (always). 2) The children don’t get up at 6 о'clock in the morning (usually). 3) I write letters to my relatives and friends (very seldom). 4) My mother travels abroad on business (never). 5) We have picnics in summer (sometimes). 6) My cousin eats eggs, he is a vegetarian (rarely). 7) Do you call your girlfriend? (often) 8) Anna has a smoke with her friends in the yard. (sometimes). 9) I am late for work (never). 10) My mother doesn't go to parties (often).

b) Составьте предложения из данных слов

1) finishes / my mother / work / always / at 6 o’clock

2) train / never / late / is / this

3) rarely / television / watch / we / in the morning

4) he / interesting / writes / often / us / letters

5) my brothers / good / are / both / football players

· Для постановки вопросов в настоящем простом времени, как Вы уже знаете, используются вспомогательные глаголы do / does. Самыми распространенными являются общие и специальные вопросы.

· Общий вопрос подразумевает ответ “да” или “нет” и начинается со вспомогательного глагола, далее следуют остальные члены предложения в указанном в таблице (см. выше) порядке:

Do you often write letters to your relatives? – Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Does helive in London? – Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

Have theygot cousins in America? - Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Has Anngot a dog? – Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

· Специальный вопрос начинается с вопросительного слова, далее следует вспомогательный глагол, подлежещее, смысловой глагол и т.д.:

Why do you often write letters to your relatives?

Where does helive in London?

· Глагол “to be” не требует вспомогательного глагола:

Am I right? – Yes, you are. No, you are not.

Is she at home? – Yes, she is. No, she is not.

Are they here? – Yes, they are. No, they are not.

Where is he?

· Вопрос к подлежащему начинается с местоимения Who (кто)или What (что), которое является подлежащим, и имеет порядок слов повествовательного предложения, причем сказуемое стоит в форме третьего лица единственного числа:

Who live s in London?

· Вопрос к определению подлежащего начинается с What (в значении “какой”), Which (который), Whose (чей), далее идет подлежащее, сказуемое в форме, согласующейся с числом и лицом подлежащего, второстепенные члены предложения:

What magazinesare on that shelf?

Which monthcome s after June?

Whose sisterstud ies here?

Упражнение 49

a)Составьте вопросы из данных слов:

1) you / play / do / the guitar / well?

2) does / when / your / usually / leave / mother / home?

3) at home / in the evenings / you / are?

4) why / she / job / ask / never / does / you / about / your?

5) he / your / is / relative?

b) Продолжите вопросы:

1) Michael works on a farm. Where...? 2) I like coffee. Do...? 3) John Pierce goes to his office by underground. How...? 4) Brenda lives in Leeds. Does...? 5) Liz likes tea with lemon. What....? 6) They have got six classes on Monday. How many...? 7) Jack has got a little white kitten. Has...? 8) Kevin goes out with his friends in the evening. When...? 9) Mary works at a book shop. Where...? 10) He lives in a very nice district. Does...?

c) Поставьте вопрос к подлежащему:

1) We have got a lot of free time. 2) My granny and grandpa work in the garden every summer. 3) My little sisters are at home. 4) Tom knows a lot about London. 5) I talk on the phone too much. 6) Small children like to collect toys. 7) We spend a lot of time buying clothes. 8) The boys help their mother about the house. 9) We study foreign languages. 10) I clean my room every morning.

d) Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1) She is sixteen years old. 2) We usually study English in the evening. 3) My sister is a very beautiful girl. 4)Tony likes to read popular press. 5) Meryl Streep is ап actress. 6) A polyglot speaks a lot of languages. 7)My uncle plays football in his free time. 8) His nephew often watches documentaries on TV. 9) She plays tennis in the gym. 10) The kid has got two apples.

Упражнение 50. Составьте вопросы к предложенным ответам (вы задаете их своему другу):

1)... - 231-7834; 2)... – Yes, I am. I am from St.Louis. 3)... am a car salesman. 4)... - Yes, I have. I have got two children. 5)... - Pam is 7 and Joe is 4. 6)... - In my free time I go fishing and play basketball. 7)... - 314 North Road. 8)... Yes, I do. I really enjoy my job. 9)... - No, I don’t. I never go abroad on holiday. 10)... - I usually go to my country house for holidays.

Упражнение 51. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на порядок слов:

1) Обычно по выходным мой брат не бывает дома.

2) Ты часто ходишь в кино со своими родителями?

3) Мой брат никогда не говорит мне о своих планах.

4) Наши родственники очень редко приезжают к нам зимой.

5) Почему ты всегда дома вечером?

Relax …

Do you know?

Ages and Stages:

0-1 1-2 2-12 13-17 18+ 20-30 30-40 40+ 75+ You are a baby. You are a toddler. You are a child. You are a teenager. You are an adult. You are in your twenties. (24-26 mid twenties) You are in your thirties. (38 late thirties) You are middle-aged, in middle age. You are an erlderly man / woman

Can you guess?


Найдите среди четырнадцати людей семь семейных пар. Обратите внимание на то, что они представляют три поколения.

Geoffrey is Linda's nephew and Lewis's cousin. Elaine is Lewis's mother and Evelyn's sister-in-law. Linda is Brian's daughter and Evelyn's sister-in-law. Bart is Martin's brother-in-law and Geoffrey's uncle. Brian is Claire's grandfather and Evelyn's father-in-law. Kathryn is Linda's mother and Geoffrey's grandmother. Martin is Sheila's son-in-law and Fred's brother-in-law. Sheila is Elaine's mother-in-law and Lewis's grandmother. Claire is Martin's niece and Bart's daughter-in-law. Ray is Bart's father and Martin's father-in-law. Amy is Martin's daughter-in-law and Evelyn's daughter-in-law. Lewis is Ray's grandson and Bart's son. Evelyn is Lewis's aunt and Kathryn's daughter-in-law. Fred is Claire's father and Kathryn's son-in-law.

Ответ: семейные пары - Claire and Lewis; Brian and. Kathryn; Sheila and Ray; Geoffrey and Amy; Martin and Evelyn; Bart and Elaine; Linda and Fred.

Read and Smile.

· - Have you broken off your engagement to Jane?

- She wouldn't have me.

- Did you tell her about your rich uncle?

- Yes. She is my aunt now.

· The millionaire, examining a prospective son-in-law, asked:

- Would you love my daughter just as much if she were poor?

- Yes, of course, sir!

- You've said enough. We don't want any fools in our family.

· - Mr. Smith, - began the shy young man, - er-ah-that is can-er-I-will you-…

- why, yes, my boy, you may have her, - smiled the girl's father.

- What's that? Have whom? – he asked.

- My daughter, of course. Don't you want to marry her?

- Oh, no. I just wanted to know if you could lend me $10.

- Certainly not! – said Smith sharply. – I hardly know you.


I. Выберите слово, в котором указанная буква или буквосочетание читается не так, как в остальных словах:


g: go, girl, design, grammar, glass.

1) u: bus, up, bull, duck, luck;

2) g: game, give, glad, get, stage;

3) s: pose, slot, kiss, basket, mask;

4) ch: chess, chip, chat, merchant, mechanics;

5) ng: song, evening, angry, long, thing;

6) th: rather, thing, that, these, bathe;

7) c: cat, black, city, country, clock;

8) l: like, block, little, lake, talk;

9) k: stick, kit, knight, kettle, kill;

10) p: pencil, phrase, place, plug, prepare;

11) e: bede, pete, me, here, mete;

12) o: so, love, stone, blow, broke;

13) i: big, lit, brittle, split, kind;

14) ea: steady, steam, beam, speak, teacher;

15) a: can, plan, task, tram, bang.

II. Выберите правильный вариант:

1) Let me … Mr. Johnson to you.

a) meet b) get c) take d) introduce

2) – How do you do? - …

a) Glad to see you. b) How do you do? c) I’m fine, thanks. d) Not bad, thank you.

3) Mary, meet my friend, Mike. - …

a) Nice to meet you. b) I’m quite all right, thanks. c) See you later. d) What’s the matter?

4) Excuse me, may I ask you a question? - …

a) I’m fine, thanks. b) How do you do? c) Yes? d) Happy to meet you.

5) See you later. - …

a) Can I help you? b) Just fine, thank you. c) Bye! d) How do you do?  


A. 3аполните пропуски глаголом to be в нужной форме:

1) My friend... 20 years old.

2) The boys... at school.

3) Where... my keys?

4) Their aunt... a kind-hearted woman.

5) My hands... cold.

B. Выберите нужные местоимения из списка:

me you him her us them it myself yourself our your yours hers ours theirs themselves herself

1) Helen is my best friend. We often go out with....

2) She sometimes hurts... when she cooks.

3) Don't read this letter. It's not.....

4) I don't like tomatoes, I never eat....

5) I can't find my hat. Where is...?

C. Употребите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

bridge, name, nurse, lawyer, child, bus, radio, cemetery, cousin, tooth, taxi, shoe, student, berry, woman, peach


A. Выберите правильный вариант перевода:

1) age

a) ребенок b) возраст c) взрослый d) подросток

2) family

a) фамилия b) родитель c) возраст d) семья        

3) niece

a) невестка b) племянник c) племянница d) тетя        

4) to bring up

a) воспитывать b) развестись c) ухаживать d) уйти на пенсию        

5) wedding

a) развод b) свадьба c) родственник d) холостяк        

B. Слову из левого столбика подберите перевод из правого столбика:

1) relative 2) childhood 3) to marry 4) middle-aged 5) to take after 6) senior 7) to divorce 8) engagement 9) junior 10) elderly a) жениться b) пожилой c) пойти в кого-либо d) младший e) родственник f) развестись g) помолвка h) среднего возраста i) старший j) детство

C. Прочитайте предложение и выберите слово из списка, которое подходит под это определение:

Uncle, sister-in-law, widow, stepfather, fiancee, aunt, orphan, niece, mother-in-law, cousin, nephew, bachelor, brother-in law, second cousin, grandmother, parent, daughter

1) If a man doesn’t want to marry we call him …

2) My brother’s wife is my …

3) The girl the young man is courting is his …

4) The woman whose husband died is …

5) The child who has no parents alive is …


A. Дополните предложения словами из списка:

a lot of many much few a few a little little

1) Alan is not happy because he's got... good friends.

2) How... languages does your mother speak?

3) Sue has got.... strawberries in her garden this summer.

4) How... time do you spend on housework?

5) We've got... bread left, let's make sandwiches.

B. Раскройтe cкoбки, употребляя глаголы в настоящем простом времени:

1) She... (practice) the piano every evening.

2)... Paola... (take) her dog out every night?

3) Frank and Susan... (not, know) Mr. Black.

4)... your mother... (watch) soap operas in the afternoon?

5) My father... (go) swimming on Sundays.

C. Переведите на английский язык:

1) Каждое утро я сажусь на автобус №34 и выхожу на третьей остановке. 2) Брат Джека живет в Великобритании, у него хорошая работа. 3) Чья эта машина? - Она моя. 4) Моя сестра - работник банка. Она замужем и у нее двое детей, сын и дочь.

5) В свое свободное время Эндрю ходит в спортзал, читает книги и встречается с друзьями.

* На первом месте стоит более употребительное в данном случае слово



* Physical Education

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