II.Ознакомление с темой, с целями урока. — КиберПедия 

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II.Ознакомление с темой, с целями урока.

2017-12-11 153
II.Ознакомление с темой, с целями урока. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Our theme in our lesson is“Hobbies”

III.Основная часть:

1. Чтение, перевод текста- Ex.3, p.14

A. Sue likes listening to music. She doesn't have a favorite subject because she likes all of them. Her mother is French, she can speak French as well as English. Her hair is dark and long. She doesn't like people who leave their chewing gum under tables. She doesn't have any brothers or sisters.

B. Terry likes reading and listening to music. He enjoys playing tennis and volleyball. He has a sister. He knows two languages, English and French. His favorite subject is English literature. He doesn't like people who smoke. He has brown hair and blue eyes.

C. Kate likes hiking in the mountains and playing chess. She has one sister and one brother. Her favourite subject is Biology! She knows a little Russian. She doesn't like people who go hunting. She has black hair and grey eyes.

D. Steve enjoys playing football. He's on the school team He also likes basketball. His favourite subject is P. E. (physic education) and games. He knows a few words of Spanish but h doesn't like learning foreign languages. He has two brothers He doesn't like doing homework.

2. Лексическийматериал:

Enjoy, dark, hiking, school team, go hunting …….

Exercise 2. Match the pictures and the names.

Picture A is____________ Picture C is.

Picture B is___________- Picture D is.

IV.Выполнение упражнений

Exercise 3 Complete the table

  Sue Terry Steve Kate
Likes Listening to music Reading, Listening to music Playing football Hiking in the mountains
Dislike People who leave their chewing gum under the table People who smoke Doesn’t like learning foreign languages People who go hunting
Favourite subject She likes all of them English literature P.E. and games Biology
Languages French English, French Spanish Russian
Hair/ eyes Dark, long Brown hair, blue eyes   Black hair, grey eyes

V. ИтогExercise Interview 2 or 3 students and complete the chart

VI. Домашнее задание: Ex.5, p.1

№2 6 класс

Тема урока:

Цель: закрепить знания учащихся о настоящем времени


Образовательная – пополнить знания учащихся новым лексическим материалом, уметь применять полученные знания по грамматике в речи

Развивающая – способствовать развитию мышления, речи, памяти

Воспитательная – воспитать интерес к предмету

Практическая- применять свои знания на практике

Тип урока: традиционный

Оборудование: учебники, тетради

Ход урока:

I Орг. момент:


Б) отметка отсутствующих

II.. Ознакомление с темой, с целями урока

Our theme in our lesson is“Hobbies”


Exercise 6 read the text

This is Mike. He's from Manchester. It's a big city in the north of England. Mike is twelve. He has one sister. His favourite school subject is maths and P. E. He's good at football. He likes computer

games and collecting stamps. He has a dog. Its name's Jack. He studies French at school. He wants to learn Russian.

Exercise 7. Role play. Interview Mike.

S1- an interviewer

S2- Mike

Example: S1: Where are you from?

S2: I'm from England.

... city...?

How old...?

... brothers or sisters...?

... favourite subject...?

... good at sports?

... hobbies?

... pets?

Exercise 8. Look at the words in the box. Put them in the correct places in the diagram.

Maths basketball history judo PE volleyball biology tennis

Photography chemistry computer games painting Russian football

stamp collecting sports hockey reading geography English




IV. Домашнее заданиеExercise8, p.15

№4 6 класс

Тема урока: Sightseeing

Цель: закрепить знания учащихся о настоящем времени


Образовательная – пополнить знания учащихся новым лексическим материалом, уметь применять полученные знания по грамматике в речи

Развивающая – способствовать развитию мышления, речи, памяти

Воспитательная – воспитать интерес к предмету

Практическая- применять свои знания на практике

Тип урока: традиционный

Оборудование: учебники, тетради

Ход урока:

I. Орг. Момент:

А) приветствие

Б) отметка учащихся

II.Ознакомление с темой и с целями урока.

Our theme in our lesson is “Sightseeing”

III.Оснавная часть:

Лексический материал -

Hillstraffic lightsfarmfactoryfieldlakemountains

tall buildingpollutionfresh airtramwoodsbridgecarpark

swimming pooltheatrestatuecottageundergroundconcert hallriver

Exercise 2 Complete the chart putting the words from exercise 1 into the correct column

Town Country Both
Tall building Farm Fridge

IV.Выполнение упражнений

Exercise 3. Put a word or phrase from exercise 1 into each gap.

  1. Colin lives in a beautiful________in the village.(cottage)

b. Stop! The _______are red.(traffic light)

c. Astana has a lot of modern__________(tall buildings)

d. There's a ______of Abai in our city.(theatre)

e------------ is a big problem in many big cities.(pollution)

f. There's a near my house where I can leave my car (garage)

Exercise 4 Study the new words. Pay attention to the pronunciation

coast - побережье

population- население

traffic- уличное движение

pollution- загрязнение

noisy- шумный

crowded– переполненный


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