What is Electrical Energy Systems Engineering? — КиберПедия 

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What is Electrical Energy Systems Engineering?

2017-12-10 319
What is Electrical Energy Systems Engineering? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Electrical Energy Systems Engineering (EESE) is a branch of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, which deals with all aspects of the supply, control and use of electrical energy.

Energy is vital to modern life: for powering industry and transport; providing heating and lighting; and operating the domestic, recreational, healthcare, business and personal items of equipment on which we have come to rely.

Electrical energy is one of the most important forms of energy because it can be:

o Derived (converted) from other energy forms such as heat, light, chemical energy, mechanical work, nuclear energy

o Converted into heat, light, sound, mechanical work, chemical energy

o Easily delivered in large or small amounts

o Controlled

o Clean, quiet and safe when used correctly.

The need for electrical energy continues to increase as it replaces other energy forms for space heating, industrial processes and road/rail/sea transport. It is vital that this energy is made available at the minimum cost to our planet's resources and the environment. The challenge for engineers is to supply the energy and save the planet.


In Year 1, a class in Energy Studies introduces the context and scope of this technology and reinforces the importance of studying fundamental Mathematics, Science and IT.

In Year 3, following the completion of foundation studies, there is more emphasis on the energy technologies and students carry out a major design project in association with relevant industrial partners.

In Years 4 and 5, a range of energy systems options is available. Individual and group projects have a clear energy systems theme. Projects may also be associated with industrial companies, offering students access to real-life engineering problems.

Задание 30. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его содержание.

HRH Prince of Wales speaks about education

Education has long been something of great personal interest to me. For example, for many years I supported the United World Colleges movement, which does so much to develop opportunities for deserving students around the world, and to promote the sort of cross-cultural exchange that is the currency of modern life. For the past 20 years, as Chairman of the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, I have been enormously encouraged by the growth in the number of scholars from over­seas who have been enabled to study at Cambridge University. And, more recently, as Vice Patron of the British Council, I have been delighted to see the expansion of its work in encouraging international students to study in the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom already enjoys strong ties with international communities, and continues to value its overseas visitors who contribute so much to the rich racial and cultural diversity of this nation. Universities, in particular, form an integral part of our cultural heritage. Having myself studied at Cambridge and The University of Wales, Aberystwyth, and as a regular visitor to universities across the country, I am fortunate to have experienced at first hand the extensive wealth of knowledge, the variety of cultures and religions and the lively open debate that make the United Kingdom's academic institutions such extraordinary places.

The United Kingdom offers a unique environment for learning and development, which is why so many international students come here and why international companies choose to invest here. In choosing to study in the United Kingdom, I hope that your experience will provide you with the vital foundation for success on whatever path you decide to follow.

HRH The Prince of Wales, Vice Patron of the British Council




Тема: Жизнь в большом городе
и экологические проблемы
больших городов

Environmental Pollution

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст 1 и текст 2.

Сделайте сравнительный анализ состояния окружающей среды в далеком прошлом и в наше время. Найдите ответ на вопросы: кто виноват? и как спасти нашу планету от экологической катастрофы? Напишите эссе (краткое сочинение) на тему: «Экологические проблемы больших городов и возможности их решения».



Текст 1

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