Give the Russian equivalents for the following word-combinations. — КиберПедия 

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Give the Russian equivalents for the following word-combinations.

2017-11-27 216
Give the Russian equivalents for the following word-combinations. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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shriekingly well-bred girls; her unusual background; the university of twenty-odd male colleges and only five female; a non-speaking part in a production of Twelfth Night; a suitable college wardrobe; worthy-sounding society meetings; the monastic gloom of a Gothic archway; enchanting cloistered gardens; the Fellows’ car park; some disparaging remarks about Rose; mindless learning; well-bred silence.


3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations.

на этом самом месте; с холодной оксфордской любезностью; предлагать место в колледже; в ожидании такой сцены; воспоминания о собственной неуверенности; заставить покраснеть; к концу первого семестра; завести друзей (подружиться с кем- либо); место тайных удовольствий; здания, от которых захватывало дух; абсолютно новый язык, который предстояло выучить; подобно всем первокурсникам; на полную мощность (о магнитофоне); восхищаться кем-то издалека; в разных зданиях; занятия по истории английского языка; скучное занятие (нудная работа); в середине урока.


Find in the text the following sentences. Translate them into Russian.

1. She could still recall the anxiety that had gripped her, at exactly this spot, twelve months ago. 2. We have no record of that name here. 3. The memory of her insecurity made her blush now. 4. One always went up to Oxford – knowing no one. 5. Fresh from a girl’s boarding-school, Annie had said yes to every man who asked her out. 6. Now she wouldn’t think twice about referring to one of the world’s greatest libraries as the Bod ’. 7. (She had) … dark hair long and loose with a fringe cut dramatically just above her extraordinary green eyes. 8. All first-years reading English were bound together with their terror of Prelims. 9. They all struggled together to grasp the significance of sound-changes and the Great Vowel Shift.



Answer the following questions.

1. How did Annie feel during her first days in Oxford? Why did she feel insecure at first? Why did she bring the telegram offering a place at the college with her? 2. Why did she call her College the 'posh' one? Why did she find the atmosphere at Oxford very unusual? 3. What did Annie write into her Oxford University diary? 4. Why did Annie think that Oxford had been a place of secret pleasures? 5. What interesting things did Annie learn about Oxford? What kind of "new language" did she have to learn? How did she come to like it there? 6. What was Rose notorious for? When did Annie and Rose make friends? 7. What happened one day in the middle of the class in the history of the English language? Why was it so funny? 8. Can you recall your feelings and impressions on your first day at the University? Did you find the atmosphere at the University very different from that of your secondary school? When did you make friends with your fellow-students? 9. In what way were you admitted to membership of the University? 10. Are there any traditions at the University where you study? What are they?


Fill in the missing preposition.

1.... the end of the first term she had begun to make friends... the college. 2. Students like Annie have always been socially … high demand. 3. Matriculation is the Latin ceremony which formally admits students... membership... the University. 4. The girl argued... her tutors, was too bossy and politically extreme. 5. Annie didn’t miss her classes... the history... the English language. 6. He was admitted … the best University … the whole county. 7. She carried a sheaf of notes and she frequently referred … them … the course … her lecture. 8. She had distinguished herself … her very first term. 9. Young people like playing music … top volume. 10. The rest … the class sat … stunned silence.

(at; by; in; in; in; in; in; in; of; of; of; of; to; to; to; with; within)

Change the following sentences according to the model.

Model: It wasn’t until their second term that they (to become friends). – It wasn’t until their second term that they had become friends.

1. It wasn’t until early spring that he (to pass his exam in the history of the English language). 2. It wasn’t until their third term that they (to start living in the same hall of residence). 3. It wasn’t until the end of August that he (to be offered a place at the college). 4. It wasn’t until November that the new teacher (to come up). 5. It wasn’t until the end of October that they (to be formally admitted to membership of the University).


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