Transfer your answers to your answer sheet — КиберПедия 

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Transfer your answers to your answer sheet

2017-11-27 852
Transfer your answers to your answer sheet 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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TIME: 40 minutes

Task 1

For items 1-10, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. The first example (0) is done for you.


Shakespeare's influence on modern literature


I have just finished reading a really good book called Juliet written by the American author Anne Fortier. I finished this book in under a week as the story was so compelling, each page had me gripped.

The main character in the book is called Julie Jacobs or Guilietta Tolomei as we later discover. She lives in Virginia on the east coast of America. After receiving the news that her aunt has died she rushes home and is launched into a quest (0) __ of _ family secrets, love and danger. Julie inherits a key to a safety deposit box in Siena, Italy. A letter left (1) _______ her aunt explains that the box will lead her to an old family treasure. The box unveils information about her ancestor Giulietta (2) _______ famous love for a young man named Romeo caused despair for the medieval Siena. As Julie meets with descendants of the families of Shakespeare's legendary blood feud, she learns that the curse 'A plague on both of your houses' is still present in modern-day Siena and learns that she is (3) _______ next target. Her parents died painfully trying to break the curse between the two households and (4) ______ appears that only Romeo can save her from a tragic fate, but where is he?

There have been many rumours that Shakespeare was not responsible for all of his great works and this book is fiction, but it suggests that Romeo and Juliet is set in Siena rather than the famous Verona. Julie is a great lover of Shakespeare and feels a special connection with his play Romeo and Juliet. Throughout the novel we learn that she is a direct descendant of the original Juliet. The papers that Julie discovers suggest that the tale of Romeo and Juliet dates much further (5) ______ from the Shakespeare version and it also alters many of the key facts. So maybe Shakespeare was inspired by a real-life tragic love story. This novel shows that the world in medieval times and today is not so different, that there is still the idea that our families can dictate who we (6) _______ allowed to fall in love with. When Julie travels to Italy she does not just discover her family history but she also falls in love, which could turn out to be deadly for (7) ______.

One element that I really liked about this book is that it switches between the present day and 1640 AD. The author has adopted very different styles of writing for the two periods and it means that the reader is constantly (8) _______ the edge of their seat.

I loved reading this book as it gave a new perspective to Shakespeare's famous Romeo and Juliet. It questions (9) _________ it was his own master work and suggests that he borrowed the idea from an ancient love feud in Siena but it's really (10) _______ to the reader to decide what they believe.

Task 2

For items 11-20, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given in BOLD. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. The first example(0)is done for you.


(0)The bag is not big enough for all my luggage.


The bag …………………………………………………………… for all my luggage.

The gap can be filled by the words 'is too small’ so you write:

Example: (0) is too small


Write only the missing words on the answer sheet.


11. I had no idea about Rona's engagement.


I …………………………………………………………………….. engagement.

12. I haven't seen a good film for months.


It's …………………………………………………………………..a good film.

13. Mark did as I suggested and bought a new computer.


Mark……………………………………………….. and bought a new computer.

14. No teacher will tolerate bad behaviour in class.


No teacher will ………………………………………bad behaviour in class.

15. The heavy snow meant that no trains were running.


The trains …………………………………………………….the heavy snow.

16. Can I borrow your camera for my holiday, please?


Can……………………………………… your camera for my holiday, please?

17. Jim was horrified to find his new car had been stolen.


To ………………………………………………….his new car had been stolen.

18. When are you hoping to go to university?


When………………………………………………………… to go to university?

19. If only I spoke Russian.


I ………………………………………………………………….Russian.

20. Brazilian farmers grow much of the world's coffee.


Much of the world's coffee……………………………………… farmers in Brazil.

Task 3

For items 21-30, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick ( P) by the number on the answer sheet. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word on the answer sheet.

There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).

Example: 0 – P

00 – outside

  I had a terrible rail journey home last week when I went to see my parents. They live
  in the country, outside miles from the nearest station, so they usually pick me up
  by their car. The train was late leaving London, so I rang home on my mobile to
  have let my parents know what was happening. There was just one delay after
  the another. First of all, there was a signal failure, then the train in front of ours broke
  down. After that there was a problem with the engine, so we had to wait for
  ages long at a station while a mechanic checked things. When l finally tried to ring home, my
  phone battery was flat. The guard offered to lend me his mobile but by this time my parents had
  left home, so I couldn't contact with them. When we eventually arrived almost three hours late, the
  platform was in complete darkness. I couldn't see my parents much anywhere and I was really
  worried. I made my way carefully down the steps and headed for the car park. There, so fast
  asleep inside the car were my poor parents, more exhausted with waiting for me.

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