III. Correct the mistake in each sentence. — КиберПедия 

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

Состав сооружений: решетки и песколовки: Решетки – это первое устройство в схеме очистных сооружений. Они представляют...

III. Correct the mistake in each sentence.

2017-11-22 389
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1. The patient is still highly catching.

2. He undergo major surgery last year.

3. Michael’s superiority air had begun to annoy her.

4. We cannot allow such behavior to continue checked.

5. All donated blood is tested HIV and other infections.

6. He was sent to a unit for rehabilitated drug addicts.

7. Young people need more information on sexually transmission diseases.

8. The arrest and detention of the protesters vilated their civil liberties.

UNIT 18.


· A syringe [si'rindζ] – an instrument for taking blood from someone’s body or putting liquid, medicine etc into it, consisting of a hollow plastic tube and a needle.

· Disposable – intended to be used once or for a short time and then thrown away.

· Contaminated – water, food etc that is contaminatedhas dangerous or harmful things in it, such as chemicals or poison.

· Diagnosis [ ֽ daiəg'nəusis] – the discovery of exactly what is wrong with someone or something, by examining them closely.

· Blood transfusion – the process of putting blood form one person into another person’s body.

· To raise money (funds) – to collect money so that you can use it to help people.

· To launch (AIDS prevention campaigns) (especially business or journalism) to start a public activity that has been carefully planned. People in business typically launch an appeal, a bid, a campaign, an enquiry, an initiative, an investigation, an operation, a plan, a project or a programme.

· To safeguard against (to safeguard against AIDS) to protect something from harm or damage.

· To advocate (tough measures) (formal) – to support or recommend sth. publicly.

· Prophylactic [ֽprofi'læktik] – something used to prevent disease. Adj.prophylactic.

· Hygiene ['haidζi:n] – the study and practice of preventing illness or stopping it from spreading by keeping things clean. Adj. hygienic.

I. Replace the underlined words with words that have similar meanings.

1. The leaflet explains how to protect yourself against dangers in the home.

2. An exact discovery of what is wrong can only be made by obtaining a blood sample.

3. Several outbreaks of infection have been traced to infected water.

4. The group does not recommend the use of violence.

5. Food must be prepared in clean conditions.

II. Fill in the gaps using the words from the glossary.

1. A blood t… saved his life.

2. We are r… money to pay for a new hospital ward.

3. Stronger p… measures are needed to combat AIDS.

4. The Duchess of Cornwall, president of the charity, will l… the appeal in London.

5. His company supplies hospitals with d… syringes.



Сборник заданий для изучения тематического словаря

Учебно-методические материалы для студентов IV курса

филологического факультета



Составитель Кристина Григорьевна Голубева



Редакторы: Л.П. Шахрова

Н.И. Морозова

Лицензия ПД № 18-0062 от 21.12.2000

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Типография НГЛУ им. Н.А. Добролюбова

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I. negligent, permissive, lead to, reason for, indispensable.

II. All are correct, all are correct (wrong), cause for (wrong), uninteresting (wrong), generation and age-group (wrong).

III. Lenient, indispensable, negligent, indifferent, essential.


I. coax, laughed it off, hit it off, reason with, mould.

II. He had her interests at heart. He did his best to reason with her. She didn’t know how to make a stand. She tried to talk him into joining the company. She laughed the situation off.

III. Moulding, put up with, coaxed, made a stand, hit it off.

Note: vigilante [ֽvidζi'lænti] – a member of an official group of people who join together to catch or punish criminals usually because they think the police are ineffective.


I. flexible, impartial, responsible, responsive, patient.

II. Correct: responsible, inconsiderate, patient, impartiality, resourceful.

III. Benevolent, is considerate, amiable, unbiased, be consistent.


I. adjusting, assertion, capture/captured, notified, detained.

II. An incentive, told off, reprimanded him, were summoned to, passed over.

III. Correct: for teaching, a further, put off camping, told the boys off, adjusting to.


I. maintain, took action, keep, forbidden, were taken in hand.

II. Not possible: outlawed, a firm action, forbid, discipline, take.



I. hinder, an official rap over the knuckles, aggravate, give her too much rope, gave in to the pressure, be too hard on Sam, lavished attention on the children, made a fuss, extract obedience through fear, take your irritation out on me.

II. Spoils, lavishes, fault, alienated, hampered.

III. Ove r indulged, spank ed, to smack, to temptation, are pampered, em bittered, on their students.


I. Her behaviour was inconsistent with her beliefs. Her parents were narrow-minded and intolerant. he’s unresponsive. She was resentful at having been left out of the team. I found him arrogant.

II. Resentful, irresponsible, callous, inefficient, intolerant.

III. Hostile, incompetent, peremptory, uninspiring, inconsistency.


I. wrongdoing, offence, gets out of hand, ruthlessly, run absolutely wild, delinquency, rebellious.

II. Immature, disrupted, bullying, mischievous, delinquents.

III. In breach, complacent, truant, tardy, delinquencies, talk back, disrespectful.


I. an adolescent, looks down on, persevering, stand up for, industrious, spoke up for, looked up to.

II. In self-defence, strive, stood, comply, inherent, withdraw, perseverance.

UNIT 10.

I. compulsory, getting his ideas across, elective, all-round, vocational.

II. Extramural, curriculum, syllabus, curriculum, get it across.

UNIT 11.

I. didn’t come up to, affection, split up, affect, blow, fidelity, are totally incompatible

II. convenience, come up, weighed, tensions, affect, blow, infatuation, commitment, inevitable, affinity.

UNIT 12.

I. obsessional, gullible, infatuated, alienated, trifled.

II. Squabbles, declaration, turn him round her little finger, fancy, prelude, romance, dancing attendance, liaisons.

III. A short courtship, row, dating, at first sight, worships, took a real fancy to, played fast and loose with his emotions, love affair.

UNIT 13.

I. spouse, proposed to her, walk out on, consent, beloved, to break off, deserted.

II. Off, out, to, for, to.

UNIT 14.

I. withstood, concessions, pull, homely, supportive.

II. In to, on, out, up, to, to, to.

UNIT 15.

I. crude, unscrupulous, was brought to his wife’s heel, peevish, aversion, submissive, has been cheating on him.

II. Treacherous, self-assured, quarrelsome, tyrant, unforgiving.

III. Fretting, alimony, withdraw, custody, sulking, ill-bred.

UNIT 16.

I. addictive, belligerent, discontented, drinking, nihilism.

II. Frustration, annihilate, hushed, addiction, smuggle.

III. Take to drink, abuse, combat, blunted, to excess.

UNIT 17.

I. impairment, catching, contracted, transmission, anxiety.

II. At, to,-, for, for.

III. Contagious, underwent, superior, unchecked, tested for, rehabilitating, transmitted, violated.

UNIT 18.

I. safeguard, diagnosis, contaminated, advocate, hygienic.

II. Transfusion, raising, prophylactic, launch, disposable.




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