Complete the sentences using the correct form of the tense in brackets. — КиберПедия 

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Эмиссия газов от очистных сооружений канализации: В последние годы внимание мирового сообщества сосредоточено на экологических проблемах...

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the tense in brackets.

2017-11-17 503
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the tense in brackets. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Our train _____ (leave) Moscow at 3.00 on Saturday and _____ (arrive) in Minsk at 9.00 on Sunday.

2. The most important bidding _____ (start) at 11.00 and _____ (finish) at 16.00 on Friday.

3. We’ve got plenty of time. Our plane _____ (not/take off) until 7 a.m.

4. I _____ (lend) you the money provided you _____ (pay) me back tomorrow.

5. I’d like to have some clarifications. As long as we _________(live) in a global society, humanity's problems _________(be) increasingly global in scope.

6. If we mainly ________ (rely) on information and technology in a couple of decades, cyberspace ________ (be) the source of new social problems, especially problems of social control and misinformation.

7. In the future, as society _______ (adjusts) to the increased role of women in the workforce and to changes in family life, many of today's problems with work and family _______ (diminish).

8. I’m sure that next generation sociologists_______ (learn) how to understand and control the creation of fantasy, if they _______ (believe) that understanding public issues is better than not understanding them.

9. What time the delegation _____ (arrive)?

10. The new idea of a stratification system (emerge) in the coming few years if the changes in society (occur).

11. I believe that society always (have) room for improvement after it (undergo) a number of global changes.

12. His father _____ (not give) him any more money until he learns not to waste it.

Exercise 2

Correct the expressions marked in bold type.

In class, you may notice that many professors tell anecdotes and give examples to illustrate the points they are making in their lectures. Here is what one teacher writes about her experience: “As an introduction to social norms, I will often have used an example or actual image of some social reality when they won’texpect to see it, such as a group of bikers with their motorcycles - who happens to be women over 70. This example prompts that social stereotypes will operate in our lives even if we won’t notice them. While speaking about various social systems I will to describe capitalism like an airplane in which the pilot announces to his passengers that he will tell them two pieces of news. The good news is that if they will be traveling at the pre-established speed of 600 miles an hour all the systems on the plane are functioning perfectly. The bad news is that they are lost. This example proves that an anecdote, or story and examples serve the main purpose of bringing a concept or theory alive with relevance”.



Exercise 3


1. Социальная структура российского общества претерпит дальнейшие изменения в ближайшем будущем.

2. В результате экономических реформ, роста финансовой сферы и частного сектора появится еще большее социальное расслоение.

3. Численность среднего класса значительно увеличится за счет большого социального слоя (примерно 25-30%), представители которого обладают многими основными признаками среднего класса.

4.Однако в Россиив силу различных причин эта категория граждан имеет весьма низкие материальные доходы, относительно невысокий уровень жизни и не сможет самореализоваться как средний класс.

5. По прогнозам аналитиков в ближайшее десятилетие стратификация общества по имущественному благосостоянию примет еще более серьезный характер.

6. Расслоение произойдет также внутри класса буржуазии, наемных работников и, более того, расколет общество на правопослушную часть и быстро разрастающийся криминалитет; на относительно благополучных, имеющих жилье и работу, и на интенсивно умножающихся социально обездоленных.

7. Если государство не предпримет решительных мер по решению социальных проблем в ближайшее время, существующая антагонизация российского общества может принять радикальный характер.



Practice withthe Future Continuous


In what cases do we use future continuous?

a. We use will be +... –ing to talk about something which will be in progress at a time in the future.

I ’ll be having dinner at 7.00. Don’t phone me at 8.00. I ’ll be having talks concerning a loan with the bank manager.

b.We often use will be +... –ing as a polite way of asking about someone’s plans, especially when we want someone to do something for us.

Will you be discussing this issue in class? I wondered if

I could invite a colleague of mine to join the session.

Practice withthe Future Perfect

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