Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the text or submit the examples of your own. — КиберПедия 

Механическое удерживание земляных масс: Механическое удерживание земляных масс на склоне обеспечивают контрфорсными сооружениями различных конструкций...

Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...

Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the text or submit the examples of your own.

2017-11-17 568
Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the text or submit the examples of your own. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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3.1 Lead-in SectionOverview
3.2 Language input Developing vocabulary
3.3 Background information Political Power and Governance Systems
3.4 Comprehension Understanding the reading Scanning
3.5 Practice Skills focus Fill-in exercises Writing skills Presenting the information
3.6 Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 What is social order? State and Society
  Supporting materials Government Creates Social Order?
3.7 Reading for Cross-cultural Associations The British Class System
3.8 Role play Political System, State and Government
3.9 Grammar Back Up Practice withVerbs (II) Practice withAdjectives



Inthissection you will learn about the essentials of Power and State. Power is a complex social interaction between those who command and those who obey.For power to be effective there must be consent, cooperation, and obedience.


ö Why do you think the political system and power relations are so important in every society?

(authority; hold power; be formed; significantly;a social institution;deciding who gets what, when and how; social order)

ö How can you comment on the difference between power and state?

(the ability to control people or events; administration of public resources; power in international relations; an organized political community; live under a government)




apply v applicable adj application n assassinate v     assassination n assassin n   coerce v coercion n Force is the actual or threatened use of coercion to impose one's will on others.     coercive adj democracy n representative democracy   destiny n   Through such methods totalitarian governments have complete control over people's destinies.   dictatorship n differentiate v editorial n enforce v One person has nearly total power to make and enforce laws.     enforcement n   essentials n (pl)   execute v   executive adj   executive n   intimate n   institutionalized pp large-scale adj mode n monarchy n oligarchy n overlap v overwhelming adj persuade v persuasion n power n     powerful adj power relations   power politics   seize v seizure n   social order   sovereignty n   state n   statehood n   status quo (Lat.)   testimony n threat n threaten v totalitarianism n применять, подавать заявку применимый, подходящий сфера применения, заявка убивать политических или общественных деятелей, совершать террористический акт политическое убийство убийца по найму или политическим мотивам принуждать, подавлять принуждение Сила – это реальная или потенциальная угроза принуждения, для того чтобы проявлять свою волю по отношению к другим. принудительный, силовой демократия, народовластие представительная демократия судьба, участь, неизбежный ход событий Через такие методы у тоталитарных правительств есть полный контроль над судьбами людей. диктатура различать, устанавливать различия передовая или редакционная статья принуждать, добиваться силой; осуществлять, приводить в исполнение У одного человека есть почти абсолютная власть устанавливать и проводить в жизнь законы. правоприменение, приведение в исполнение основы, прописные истины, базовые знания исполнять, доводить до конца, казнить административный, организационный исполнительная власть, сотрудник, должностное лицо близкий друг; лицо, пользующееся доверием носящий официальный характер большой, крупный, масштабный метод, способ, образ действий монархия, самодержавие олигархия частично совпадать, дублировать подавляющий, безграничный убеждать, уговаривать увещевание, воздействие власть, могущество, полномочие, мощь, держава; возможность, способность, преимущество полномочный, авторитетный соотношение сил, взаимосвязь между органами власти силовая политика, политика с позиции силы захватить, конфисковать захват, наложение ареста, конфискация общественный строй, социальное устройство суверенитет, независимость, полноправность страна, государство, государственная власть государственность, статус государства существующее положение вещей, статус-кво доказательство, клятвенное заверение угроза угрожать тоталитаризм




Understanding the reading



Skills focus

3.5.1Read the extract and fill in prepositions wherever necessary.Give the text the appropriate heading. Discuss the text.




Members …… Congress represent the views …… people …… vastly different parts …… the country …… vastly different perspectives, priorities, and interests, which makes the task …… producing legislation a difficult one. Disputes are an expected part …… the process. Congressional committees play a key role …… sorting …… all the bills that are introduced …… Congress, …… less than 10% ever making it out of committee. The legislative process is long and complicated, …… numerous steps and obstacles …… the way, all to ensure that multiple voices are heard and bad ideas do not pass quickly …… the heat of the moment. The leadership …… Congress has considerable influence …… what legislation gets considered. It also has ways to short-cut the process …… order to get something done, but that is often upsetting …… those …… the minority.

Given the country’s incredible diversity, compromise plays a key role …… the system …… government—listening …… the other side, trying to find accommodations …… various viewpoints, searching …… common ground.



Sources of Power

There are three basic sources of power within any political system — force, influence and _(1)_. Force is the actual or threatened use of _(2)_ to impose one's will on others. authorize   coerce
When leaders _(3)_ or even execute political dissidents, they are _(4)_ force; so are terrorists when they seize an embassy or assassinate a political leader. prison application
Influence, on the other hand, refers to the exercise of power through a process of _(5)_. A citizen may change his or her political position because of the newspaper _(6)_, an expert testimony, or a stirring speech at a rally by a political activist.   persuade edit
The term authority refers to power that has been institutionalized and is _(7)_ by the people over whom it is exercised.   recognition
Sociologists commonly use this term in _(8)_ with those who hold _(9)_ power through elected or publicly acknowledged positions. connect legitimize


Dialogue 1

What is social order?

A. Hi, Brian. I haven’t seen you lately. I hope you are all right. We have started social sciences and I need your help to clear up some concepts and terms.
B. Hi, Alex. Let me think a little. What issues are you currently discussing in class?
A. To begin with, the concept of ‘social order’ is beyond my understanding. I am not sure if it can be defined by Sociology or History.
B. I see. The point is that it can be described by both. However, it is historically central to Sociology. As far as I could remember from my research on Sociology it refers to a set of linked social structures, social institutions and social practices which conserve, maintain and enforce "normal" ways of relating and behaving.
A. Oh, it sounds much too fundamental and academic.Could you put it in simpler words for me?
B. Sure, I’ll try to. The concept refers to all those facts of society which remain relatively constant over time. These include institutions, patterns of interactions and customs.
A. Yes, of course. I remember from my lectures on Sociology that social order helps reproduce the conditions essential for its existence. They are property and power relations, cultural forms, communication relations and ideological systems of values.
B. That's right.It should be mentioned that Social theorists have proposed different explanations for what a social order consists of, and what its real basis is. Have you remembered any of them?
A. Unfortunately, the name of the theorist has just escaped my mind! Still, I remember that he referred to the social order as a set of shared social norms. Could you explain the term of ‘social norm’ to me?
B. Of course, I can. Social norms are laws that govern society’s behaviors. It’s only natural that they work to promote a great deal of social control.
A. Yes, it's absolutely true. Can I butt in? It has just dawned upon me, that if people do not follow these norms they will become the outcast of society.
B. That’s it! I think, you’ve grasped the idea!
A. Thank you for clarifying the matter for me.



Task 1. Report the dialogue. Use the following reporting verbs:

Ø to refer to Ø to explain that
Ø to conclude that Ø to focus one’s attention on
Ø to agree Ø to guess if/whether
Ø to sum up Ø to point out
Ø to emphasize Ø to expand on
Ø to state Ø to account for



Task 3. Match the Russian word combinations in the left-hand column with the English equivalents in the right-hand column. There is one extra you don’t need. Make up five sentences making use of the word combinations from the list.

1. общественныенауки A. central to Sociology
2. понятияитермины B. issues under discussion
3. общественноеустройство C. system of values
4. недоступно моему пониманию D. fundamental and academic
5. основной для социологии E. socialsciences
6. сохранять, поддерживать и проводить в жизнь F. lectures on Sociology
7. фундаментально и научно G. promotesocialcontrol
8. институты, модели общения и обычаи H. social order
9. лекции по социологии I. reproduce the conditions
10. необходимый для существования J. the outcast of society
11. имущественные отношения, соотношения сил, коммуникационные связи K. essentialforexistence
12. система ценностей L. concepts and terms
13. коллективно используемые социальные нормы M. conserve, maintainandenforce
14. управлять нормами общественного поведения N. institutions, patterns of interactions and customs
15. способствовать общественному контролю O. sharedsocialnorms
16. воспроизводитьусловия P. beyondmyunderstanding
17. изгойобщества Q. property and power relations, communication relations
    R. togovernsociety’sbehaviors



Dialogue 2

State and Society

A. Good morning, Brandon. Haven’t seen you for ages! You take part in the conference, don’t you?
B. Good morning, Alice. I’m very glad to meet you again. Yes, I am one of the speakers. The issues under discussion seem to be of vital importance for our society.
A. If you don’t object I’d like to clarify some points. It’s common knowledge the society consists of a large number of individuals, families, groups and institutions. The early political thinkers considered both state and society as one. State is a part of society but is not a form of society. Am I right?
B. Yes, that’s true. There are a number of differences between state and society. To begin with, state came into existence after the origin of the society. Society is prior to the state. In addition, state has a fixed territory, whereas the territory of society has no limit.
A. I guess I can expand on the idea. It’s worth mentioning the scope of state is limited, while that of society is much wider. Moreover, the organization of state is political, but society is a social organization. And at last, in legislative terms, state possesses power to enforce laws, and lacks such power.
B. Can I butt in? Prof. Earnest Barker in his book entitled "Principles of Social and Political Theory" clearly brings out the difference between state and society under three headings.They are purpose, organisation and method.
A. Could you be more specific, please? If I’m not mistaken, the state is a legal association, which acts for the single purpose of making and enforcing a permanent system of law and order. However, society comprising of a plurality of associations, acts for a variety of purposes other than legal.
B. Right you are! These purposes embrace intellectual, moral, religious and economic aspects. The state exists for one great but single, purpose; society exists for a number of purposes some great and some small.
A. So, from the point of view of organization the state has a single structure - legal, whereas society comprises within itself many organizations. As regards method, I can point out that the state employs the method of coercion or compulsion, and society adopts the voluntary action approach.
B. I think we’ve touched a lot of major points today. Let’s have a rest, shall we?
A. Well, Brian, thank you very much for putting me into the picture.
B. Don’t mention it. I’m at your service.

Task 1. Report the dialogue. Use the following reporting verbs:

Ø to acknowledge that Ø to explain that
Ø to surmise that Ø to find out if/whether
Ø to admit Ø to guess if/whether
Ø to conclude Ø to indicate that



Task 3.

A) Give the English equivalents.

1) иметь очень важное значение;

2) ранние политические мыслители;

3) начать свое существование;

4) происхождение общества;

5) предшествовать чему-то;

6) развитьмысль;

7) применять законы;

8) не иметь такой власти;

9) четко выявлять, определять;

10) состоятьизмножествасвязей;

11) применятьметодпринуждения;

12) использоватьподход;

13) добровольное действие.


B) Comment on the quotations

o The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves. ( Goethe )

o You can't run a government solely on a business basis... Government should be human. It should have a heart. (Lehman)

o No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. (Lincoln)

o Wise kings generally have wise counsellors; and he must be a wise man himself who is capable of distinguishing one. (Diogenes)

The British Class System

Britain was once a class-ridden society. Today, multiculturalism and a changing economy are gradually eroding the British class system. But some features of the system still remain.

What is class? Sociologists define social class as the grouping of people by occupations. Doctors and lawyers and university teachers are given more status than unskilled workers. The different positions represent different levels of power, influence and money. In days gone by your class would affect your chances of getting an education, a job, etc. And it would also affect the people who you could socialise with and marry. Today this type of getting of the thing is all-but-gone with the high- profile exception of the Royal family.

The British Social Class System The British society has often been considered to be divided into three main groups:

- Upper Class (Often people with inherited wealth. It includes some of the oldest families, with many of them being titles aristocrats.)

- Middle Class (The majority of the population of Britain. They include industrialists, professionals, business people and shop owners.)

- Lower or Working class (People who are agricultural, mine and factory


The British Class System Today Although some people in the UK refer to themselves as ‘working- class’, ‘lower-middle’ or ‘upper-middle’ (and of course there are those who think of themselves as the ‘elite’ class), to the majority of the British the meanings don’t seem to matter much these days.




Social science refers to the academic disciplines concerned with society and human behavior. "Social science" is commonly used as an umbrella term to refer to anthropology, archaeology,economics, communication studies, political science, sociology, and includes elements of other fields of knowledge. The terms ‘political system’, ‘state’ and ‘government’ are the key elements of social science categorizations. They are closely interrelated and very often students have difficulty differentiating between them, which distorts the understanding of the basic questions of social sciences.

What you must discuss:

Brainstorm the issue of the overlapping terms and draw a distinction between them.

Work in groups (students A, B, C).

Student A

You are in your first year at the University of Finance. You are doing a course on Political Science. You are seeking advice on differentiating between the basic terms of ‘political system’, ‘state’ and ‘government’. They are uncharted territory for you. You ask your fellow students to clarify these things to you.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø Let me explain the situation to you ….

Ø As far as I know ….

Ø As things stand, ….

Ø It’s beyond me ….

Ø I must admit ….

Ø My own view is ….

Student B

You see what your interlocutor means, but you want to know which of the terms is the most confusing. You explain that a state is a formal group that is sovereign over its members and occupies a well defined territory. You add that it is the formal apparatus of authoritative roles and law norms through which that sovereignty is exercised.You also emphasize that ‘state’, however, should not be confused with a specific balance of powers a particular status quo, a government. Governments may make massive changes in laws and roles while the state remains the same.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø At first... seemed completely out of the question....

Ø One of the things is ….

Ø You will realize of course ….

Ø Well, that’s another matter.

Ø In my opinion ….


Student A

You thank your friend for the explanation but you are mostly concerned about the difference between the terms ‘political system’ and ‘state’. You suggest mentioning so called political structures and ask your friends to clarify it to you.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø In my opinion ….

Ø It makes sense for us to ….

Ø As things stand, ….

Ø I totally agree ….

Student C

You think it might be a good idea to give the extended definition of the terms. You remember that a political system consists of the formal and informal structures which manifest the state's sovereignty over a territory and people. It is the civil aspect of statehood. But a state through its lifetime may have many different political systems, as have China, Russia, and France. As the political elite exercise more or less coercive power, we can call a state more or less powerful.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø What do you think of …?

Ø Well, that’s another matter.

Ø I am inclined to think ….

Ø As an alternative ….

Ø Let me doubt....

Student B

You continue the discussion and suggest that you should focus on the types of political systems. Although there is a tendency in modern American political science to treat the political system as an abstract one of inputs and outputs, or of functions and institutions (Easton, 1965), you should not forget that a political system constitutes a balance among competing interests, capabilities, and wills, a specific status quo.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø If you ask me ….

Ø I mean to say ….

Ø I dare say ….

Ø I want to make it clear that ….

Student C

Politely, you interrupt student B to say that this is a balance among individuals. A specific political system is a particular definition of authoritative roles and law norms and an allocation of rights and duties historically determined through conflict and balancing of powers. Those who fill these roles, who have the right to command others, are the political elite.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø It’s beyond doubt that

Ø And we can hardly ignore it.

Ø This is the way I look at it.

Ø In conclusion I'd like to say that ….

Student A

You thank your fellow students for the discussion. You appreciate their knowledge of the essentials which are so important to understand because they lay the basis for professionalism.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø One of the things is ….

Ø You will realize of course ….

Ø In my opinion …

Ø In conclusion I would like to say …..




Exercise 3

Do it in English:


1. Известно, что политическая власть это способность одного человека или группы лиц контролировать поведение граждан и общества, исходя из общенациональных или общегосударственных задач.

2. Общеизвестно, что основным направлением политики государства является экономическая политика.

3. Не секрет, что воздействие экономической власти на политику через социальную сферу определяет материальное положение разных социальных групп.

4. Политическая власть сама по себе есть феномен неравенства, асимметрии, если исходить из положения и возможностей субъекта и объекта этой власти: у одних право властвовать, у других обязанность подчиняться. Это неравенство поддерживается целой системой разнообразных средств (ресурсов), с помощью которых реализуется политическая власть. Она пользуется этими ресурсами в целях убеждения, поощрения и наказания подвластных. Среди них экономические, социальные, силовые, информационные и другие ресурсы.

5. Все понимают, что законодательный процесс является долгим и сложным, так как включает в себя многочисленные этапы и преодолевает возникающие препятствия.

Exercise 2

Choose the correct form.

1. – Can I have a look at his report for the month? – Certainly. You can keep it if you like. I have been reading / have read it.

2. They have been paying / have paid through a London branch this month, but we haven’t received the payment yet.

3. You know this candidate has failed / has been failing to arrive in London.

4. Mr. Cross has been paying / has paid nearly two thousand pounds so far this year.

5. What’s the matter? Has something been going / has something gone wrong with our legislative act?

6. I have always been writing / have always written my reports by myself.

7. Prime Minister has been ringing / has rung you up for 2 hours. He is on the line.

8. Something has happened / has been happening to our agent in the USA. I can’t locate him.

9. The secretary has tried / has been trying to find the file concerning the results of the 5 May 2005 general elections for 2 hours.

10. Miss Trand has telephoned / has been telephoning to say that she is ill and cannot come to the office.

Choose the correct tense.

1. Suddenly I realized that dictatorships … such overwhelming control over people's lives that they were called totalitarian.

(A) became

(B) had became

(C) has become

(D) had become


2. This year Mr. Black... yet the time to be qualified for the full pension.

(A) has not completed

(B) does not completed

(C) has completed

(D) had not completed


3. No sooner... the commission the case to Prime Minister than he understood that he had to change his decision.

(A) explained

(B) had explained

(C) has explained

(D) have explained


4. Everybody noticed how upset the secretary was. She... the documents of great importance.

(A) looses

(B) has lost

(C) lost

(D) had lost


5. A consumer, who... already enough items of a commodity, was not interested in getting more of it.

(A) bought

(B) has bought

(C) have bought

(D) had bought


6. They... the date of the conference in advance that’s why when planning our business trip we must accept this fixed date.

(A) fixed

(B) have fixed

(C) ‘d fix

(D) had fixed


7. Hardly Elizabeth... with the emergency, when she saw a pile of work on Mr. Bell’s desk.

(A) coped

(B) has coped

(C) had cope

(D) had coped


8. Sally... the letters and memos but the monthly bulletins were still untouched.

(A) already had typed

(B) had already typed

(C) typed already

(D) already typed


9. When the exporter... that the goods … the country the money is then paid to the exporter.

(A) proved … had already left

(B) had prove … had already leaved

(C) had proved … already left

(D) had to prove … have already leaved


10. Simon wasn’t at home when I phoned. He... out.

(A) had went

(B) had gone

(C) has gone

(D) gone


11. Mr. Brown was at the meeting when we arrived, but he... out soon afterwards to discuss the relationship between economic power and political power with us.

(A) had come

(B) came

(C) has come

(D) had came

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Do it in English:

1. Долгое время я ценил мнение моего коллеги очень высоко, до того как я стал политологом и начал изучать связь между экономической и политической властью.

2. Мы обсуждали то, что механизм свободного рынка отражает и суммирует экономический выбор и все решения, принятые его участниками, в течение двух часов, когда нас неожиданно прервали.

3. Агенты не могли повлиять на принятие решения, потому что комитеты Конгресса играют ключевую роль при рассмотрении документов, представленных в Конгресс с давних времен.

4. Мистер Браун настаивал на своем в течение не­сколь­ких недель, когда, наконец, он понял, что никто не имеет власти решать за других или подменять их решение своим, никто не может назначать себя «голосом общественности».

5.Участники встречи обсуждали проблему диктатуры в течение двух часов, прежде чем они пришли к выводу, что обычно диктаторы захватывают власть силой, а население, которым они управляют «железной рукой», ненавидит их.


Ask yourself these questions when checking adjectives.

Exercise 1

Put the words in the right order:

e.g. is / a / generous / Kate / woman / very. – Kate is a very generous woman.

1. There was an excess of (spiral / thin / writing / imported) blocks, but we needed the thick ones.

2. We tried to place the members of the committee at two (round / expensive / wooden / large) tables.

3. For him the purchase of a pair of (leather / costly / black) shoes is a financial sacrifice.

4. blue / seen / have / my / you / shirt?

5. I’m afraid customers will soon stop buying (red / those / plastic / cheap) raincoats.

6. People with lower incomes rate the utility of (Japanese / tiny) TV sets very highly.

7. I cannot approve of buying too much (French / fancy / white) rolls.

8. My son is inclined to think that (black / high / English / leather / new) boots are a must for a teenage boy.

Exercise 2

Exercise 1


4.1 Lead-in Section overview
4.2 Language input Developing vocabulary
4.3 Background information Social System and Social Structure
4.4 Comprehension Understanding the reading Scanning
4.5 Practice Skills focus Fill-in exercises Writing skills Presenting the information
4.6 Dialogue The Process of Social Stratification
  Supporting materials Questions on Social Stratification
4.7 Reading for Cross-cultural Associations Social Stratification in India
4.8 Role play What Are Socio-economic Issues?
4.9 Grammar Back Up Practice withFuture



This section studies the basics of Socioeconomics which is an area that governs the understandings and the activities of individuals that shape them as economically active. Social economics may broadly refer to the use of economics in the study of society.


ö What does it mean to be poor? How can poverty be measured from your point of view?

(socio-economic issues, problems, factors; to have influence on; negative, individuals; economic activity, lack of education, cultural discrimination, religious discrimination, overpopulation, unemployment)


ö What does successful social and economic development imply?

(an improvement in living standards; access to all basic needs;stable political, social and economic environment; free and informed choices; part of a democratic environment)


accord n accumulate v acquire v basics n commerce n contemporary adj deprive v division of labor elites n embed v It is the parent system of those various structures that are embedded in it.   emerge v emergence n emphasis n It may be created by economic systems that place emphasis upon competition or cooperation.     emphasize v endure v entity n   legal entity erosion n expand v expansion n expertise n generation n hierarchical arrangement improve v improvement n indifference n inflict v interdependence n interdependent adj issue n issue v life expectancy literate adj living standard manual laborers material wealth masses n It may be caused by competition between elites and masses.   metrics n   pattern n placement n poverty n retain v refer v reference n separation of classes shelter n stratification n stratum n pl strata subordinate v subordinate n survive v survival n sympathy n ant. antipathy treatment n согласие, единодушие накапливать, аккумулировать приобретать, овладевать основы, азы торговля, коммерция современный, сегодняшний лишать, отбирать, обездолить разделение труда знать, высшие слои общества вставлять, внедрять Это вышестоящая система, состоящая из тех различных структур, которые внедрены в неё. возникать, появляться возникновение, появление подчеркивание, акцент Это может быть создано с помощью экономических систем, которые делают акцент на конкуренции и сотрудничестве. подчеркивать, обратить внимание выносить, выдерживать   подразделение, единица; объект, организм; суть, сущность юридическое лицо разрушение, размывание, подрыв расширять, расширяться распространение, увеличение знания и опыт, компетентность поколение, порождение иерархическое устройство улучшать, улучшаться улучшение, совершенствование неприязнь, отвращение наносить, причинять взаимозависимость взаимозависимый вопрос, проблема, предмет спора пускать в обращение, издавать средняя продолжительность жизни грамотный, образованный уровень жизни работники ручного труда материальные блага низы, народные массы Это может быть вызвано конкуренцией между высшими и низшими слоями общества. количественные показатели, измерения образец, модель размещение, распределение бедность удерживать, сохранять ссылаться, соотносить, называть ссылка, упоминание, сноска разобщение классов прибежище, кров расслоение, стратификация слой слои подчинять, ставить в зависимость подчиненный, нижестоящий выжить, перенести выживание, спасение жизни сочувствие, сострадание равнодушие обращение, обхождение


4.2.1 Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the text or submit the examples of your own:










emphasize ___________________________________________________



impact n_____________________________________________________


issue ________________________­______________________________­­­­_


macrostructure _______________________________________________

microstructure ________________________________________________

primogeniture ________________________________________________

subordinate v_________________________________________________

subordinate n_________________________________________________

sympathy ___________________________________________________

4.2.2 Match the English word combinations in the left-hand column with the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column:


  to be concerned about social inequality A различать (выделять) структуру взаимоотношений
  to make free and informed choices B повышение уровня жизни
  to have a full potential for C формировать поведение участников
  diverse sets of relationships D трудоспособность, потенциальный доход
  environment associated with political, social and economic freedom E иметь свою позицию по поводу своего будущего
  to shape the behaviour of actors F внедрять (встраивать) в социальные системы
  to place emphasis upon competition or cooperation G быть обеспокоенным проблемой социального неравенства
  to seek to retain one’s power H социальное расслоение
  to differentiate a relation structure I общественное отношение к отдельным людям
  to have a say in one’s own future J бороться за выживание
  social mobility K иметь все возможности для чего-либо
  in accord with the needs and interests L сосредоточиться на политических ценностях
  an improvement in living standards M делать акцент на конкуренции или сотрудничестве
  stable patterns of relationship N разнообразные системы взаимоотношений
  earning capacity O делать свободный и обдуманный выбор
  to embed into social systems P в соответствии с потребностями и интересами
  to struggle for survival Q изменение социального положения и статуса в обществе
  lack of material wealth R бытьобездоленным, неимущим
  social treatment of persons S недостаток материального благополучия
  social stratification T среда, связанная с политической, социальной и экономической свободой
  to focus on political values U стабильный характер отношений
  to be deprived V стремиться сохранить свою власть



Understanding the reading

4.4.1 Give extensive answers to the questions. Use the following expressions to present your answers:

Ø It is clear from the above that …

Ø I am absolutely sure that...

Ø As for...

Ø Speaking about …

Ø As far as I could understand...

  1. How can you clarify the concept of social systems?
  2. What is the difference between social structure and social stratification?
  3. What are the views on the development of the social structure?
  4. What is the difference between the microstructure and macrostructure?
  5. How do modern sociologists differentiate special social structures?
  6. What is the difference between the social structure and the social system?



Skills focus



Read and translate the following dialogue:

Task 3.

A) Give the English equivalents.

  1. современное общество
  2. быть в равном положении
  3. придавать большое значение
  4. общественное устройство
  5. недоступно моему пониманию
  6. связанный с чем-либо, соответствующий
  7. распределение материальных благ
  8. иерархическое распределение
  9. обладать властью и богатством
  10. работники ручного труда
  11. общество охотников-собирателей
  12. аграрное общество
  13. захватывать земли и накапливать имущество
  14. разделение труда и рабочая специализация
  15. торговля или ремесла
  16. промышленный переворот
  17. слой общества
  18. потребительские товары
  19. карьерный рост
  20. оказать сильное влияние
  21. грамотные рабочие со знаниями и опытом


B) Comment on the quotations

o The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius. (Oscar Wilde)

o Complete equality means universal irresponsibility. (Eliot)

o Some will always be above others. Destroy the inequality today, and it will appear again tomorrow. (Emerson)

o When society requires to be rebuilt, there is no use in attempting to rebuild it on the old plan. (Mill)




Socioeconomics is an area that governs the understanding and the activities of individuals that shape them as economically active. The socio-economic issues are the problems that socioeconomics tackles and the factors that have negative influence on the individuals' economic activity. Such issues are lack of education, cultural and religious discrimination, overpopulation, unemployment and corruption.

What you must discuss:

Exchange opinions of what you have been taught at the lectures on Social Science and comment on the information you have obtained from different sources to identify the subject and object of socio-economic studies.

Work in groups (students A, B, C).

Student A

You are in your first year at the University of Finance. You are doing a course on Social Science. You are seeking advice on the interdependence between economic and social structures of society. You don’t think you are at subject to formulate the cause and effect relationship between the two types of structures. You ask your fellow students to give you some helpful hints.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø Let me explain the situation to you …

Ø As far as I know …

Ø As things stand, …

Ø It’s beyond me …

Ø I must admit …

Ø My own view is …

Student B

You see what your fellow-student means, but you want to ensure that he differentiates such confusing things as the object and subject of studies. You explain that the subject of socio-economics is the economic activity of individuals while the object of these studies is the factors that have both negative and positive influence on the individuals' economic activity. Education is one such factor. You make it clear that it is essential for the economic development of countries, since the industry of different states requires skilled professionals. Another point is that when there is lack of education, businesses cannot grow because of lack of expertise among labor. You ask your friend to think of an example if it is clear to him.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø At first... seemed completely out of the question....

Ø One of the things is …

Ø You will realize of course ….

Ø Well, that’s another matter.

Ø In my opinion …


Student A

You thank your friend for the explanation and give an example of the Indian University Grant Commission, which indicates that access and quality of education in the country continue to experience such problems as bad infrastructure and lack of professional academics. This results in decline of the economic activity in particular areas such as South Indian provinces.

You develop the idea, saying that there are most probably other factors which affect economic activities and suggest that your friends continue the explanation.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø In my opinion …

Ø It makes sense for us to …

Ø As things stand, …

Ø I totally agree …

Student C

You join the conversation as you think it might be a good idea to give an extended definition of such factors as cultural and religious issues. You remember that the integration of different cultures and religion results in a stable social structure that is favorable for the economic development. However, a persistent problem in many countries is the cultural and religious disagreements between social classes. You also mention that leading academics indicate that this can lead to increased terrorism activity, which is negative for the development of the economy.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø What do you think of …?

Ø Well, that’s another matter.

Ø I am inclined to think …

Ø As an alternative …

Ø Let me doubt...

Ø Sorry to butt in...

Ø Let me introduce another issue...

Student B

You completely agree with student C and thank him for the useful information. Actually, he is reading your mind! Continue the discussion and suggest that you should focus on the factor of overpopulation which is a serious socio-economic issue in the Third World countries, namely Asian states such as China and India. You can’t but agree with the academics that overpopulation results in reduced opportunities for members of a family, large expenses for the states and hardship in the access to education. Furthermore, overpopulated territories suffer from extreme poverty and lack of resources available to people.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø If you ask me …

Ø I mean to say …

Ø I dare say …

Ø I want to make it clear that …

Student A

Politely, you interrupt Student B to say that this could be described by a publication from the Population Reference Bureau, which focuses on the problems that India tackles in relation to overpopulation. You also volunteer your own conclusions about the unemployment factor. You have recently read an article in the Times newspaper. In his report on South Africa, economist Gary S. Fields from the U.S. University of Cornell indicates that unemployment is a major economic and social issue. It cases serious economic decline as the standard of living in countries goes down. Unemployment causes social inequality since members of the public suffer from a decreased earning capacity and minimal economic activity.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø It’s beyond doubt that...

Ø And we can hardly ignore it.

Ø This is the way I look at it.

Ø In conclusion I'd like to say that …

Ø I dare say,...

Student C

You would like to complete the list of factors and suggest discussing corruption which is one of the most topical issues nowadays. Corruption is among the most serious issues that bar countries from proper economic development. In countries with high rates of corruption, the decision-making processes are subordinated to the needs of powerful business organizations and do not serve the public wellbeing. This results in strong separation of classes, inflicts poverty and favors erosion of political values.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø I feel certain that...

Ø My personal opinion is that...

Ø Frankly speaking …

Ø It’s only natural that...

Ø And we can hardly ignore it.

Ø This is the way I look at it.

Ø In conclusion I'd like to say that …

Student A

You thank your fellow students for the discussion. You appreciate their knowledge of the essentials which are so important to understand because they lay the basis for professionalism.

Make use of the helpful phrases:

Ø One of the things is …

Ø You will realize of course …

Ø In my opinion …

Ø In conclusion I would like to say ….






Look up an English grammar reference book and find the answers to the following questions when checking ways of expressing the future.

1. When do we use will to talk about the future in English?

a. We use shall / will + infinitive when we are simply giving information about the future, or predicting future events which are not already decided.

As society grows and becomes more complex, its social structure will become more developed.

When we predict the future, we often use will with the following verbs and expressions: think, expect, believe, be sure, be afraid.

I think it will help you to understand what social stratification is.

b. We also use will when we decide to do something at the moment of speaking.

I’m tired, I think I ll go to bed early tonight.

c. You can use won’t to say that somebody refuses to do something:

Peter tried to give John advice, but he won’t listen.


2. What is the difference between will and to be going to when used in predictions about the future?

a. We use to be going to to emphasise the idea of intention, of a decision that has already been made.

I am going to explain how different forms of social stratification work in modern society.

b. We use to be going to to make predictions based on present evidence.

Oh, no! Look at those cars! They are going to crash!

c. We use to be going to when we have already decided to do something.

- I’ve heard you are rescheduling the production line.

- That’s right, I am going to meet an urgent order.

3. When

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