Укажите номера предложений, в которых использована конструкция «Сложное подлежащее» — КиберПедия 

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Укажите номера предложений, в которых использована конструкция «Сложное подлежащее»

2017-11-17 242
Укажите номера предложений, в которых использована конструкция «Сложное подлежащее» 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Illnesses due to contaminated food are thought to be the most widespread health problems in the modern world.

2. The doctor said the patient to come for the next visit in two weeks.

3. B lymphocytes do not appear to play a primary role in the disease.

4. Very little is known of the chemical nature of particle in the size range below 0,1 micron.

5. The reaction is likely to be promoted by free oxygen radicals.

6. In Europe, North America and Japan diseases caused by group A streptococci are known to be among the most common diseases.

7. Microorganism was found in patients being in close contact with those suffering from the disease for not less than 5 days.

8. Hook worm is found throughout the tropical and subtropical areas.

9. The results of the experiment performed under such conditions proved to be quite different from those under obtained in natural environment.

10. Pasteur showed rabies to be caused by certain kind of bacteria.

11. Sea animals seem to store vitamin A to a large extent.

12. The industrial hygienist and the industrial physician are concerned with dust because of its constant presence in the air of plants and industries.

13. The infection is likely to persist still for some days due to the fact that it has affected many inhabitants of the country.

14. This microorganism is likely to be eliminated from the body under highly acidic conditions.

15. To summarize, it is necessary to say that to stabilize the condition additional number of test microelements are to be added to the culture medium.

16. The increase in the minute respiratory volume during physical exertion is related to the enhanced depth and rate of respiratory movements.

17. To minimize the severity of the disease and to protect patients from secondary infections patients must go to bed at the beginning of the attack.

18. Infectious period seems to be not like that usually observed in such climatic conditions.

19. The source of the trouble was not due to the higher levels of sugar blood levels.

20. The cell is the smallest unit of living matter which is able to live independently.

21. The main function of a cell is to preserve a suitable environment for itself and neighboring cells.

22. Pharynx is known to be a muscular tube lined with a mucous membrane.

23. The experiment we are going to perform is likely to confirm our preliminary data on the action of this substance.

24. Investigation of healthy contacts of the patient and healthy persons showed the virus to be widespread.

25. Poliomyelitis, often called polio, was found to result in spinal cord disorders.

26. Polio virus is resistant to all known antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents as well as to standard laboratory disinfectants.

27. During epidemics efforts should be made to reduce opportunities for direct contact infection.

28. The virus was shown to enter the body through the alimentary tract by way of mouth.

29. Under these conditions microbes are unlikely to multiply sufficiently to produce any harmful effects in the living thing.

30. Fats are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but with these elements present in different relative amounts from those in carbohydrates.

31. Bright red arterial blood is transported from the heart to other parts of the body by means of the aorta.

32. This minute microorganism proved to be the causative factor of the disease.

33. The symptoms were so mild that at first we did not even think the patient to be suffering this form of the disease.

34. The obtained results are not likely to be confirmed in the experiments performed by other investigators.

35. Cardiovascular diseases are reported to be among those most widely spread among the world population.

36. Pasteur discovered the spinal cord of infected animals to contain a substance that could cause the disease.

37. These unusual results of the experiment were suggested to be caused by significantly higher content of proteins in incubation media

38. Due to conditional reflexes the body responds to the outside world, obtains food and performs more complex acts.

39. Now doctors could operate on people without hurting them and it was easier for the surgeon to operate because the patient was quiet and did not move during the operation.

40. It is well established that a response to stimulus may be either voluntary or involuntary.

41. The patient was made by the nurse to follow doctor’s recommendations and thus soon recovered.

42. The doctor warned the patient to follow all his recommendations to recover quickly and without any complications.

43. In this case antibiotics were sure to be used to avoid complications and recurrences in future.

44. Body temperature was shown to be a manifestation of inflammatory reaction on the side of the body.

45. Dust itself is, therefore, a cause of disease and everything possible should be done to keep it from flying in the air.

46. Schoolrooms should be swept after school so that there will be time for dust to settle down before the pupils come back next morning.

47. Plasma was shown to reflect different physiological states of the body from one moment to the next.

48. Despite the artificial condition used, three types of injections have proved to be useful in studying fever mechanisms.

49. Recently investigators developed a new technique to determined blood pressure in patients with aortic stenosis.

50. Migraine is often likely to result from prolonged wakefulness and extraordinary effort or by prolonged anxiety.

51. This microorganism happened to escape from the laboratory and infect a number of people living in the vicinity.

52. The patient was told to follow all the doctor’s prescriptions.

53. The drug developed in our laboratory is supposed to be used in clinical practice for minor operations on inner organs.

54. The disease has been known to exist for many but its viral origin was established only at the second part of the last century.

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